Having trouble with Diana's mission (After she stays at your place leaving you in charge of Library)
- I received her note telling me to have the East light Green and the West Light Red
- I turned the west light off and left the green light on as noted.
- After checking the soul Crystal the fairy told me to look for the stuff in the north east (which I had)
- After multiple times of testing I realized when you go to the right side of the library on the north east section it will prompt you to use an item on something which I have no clue what it could be since the damn trees are blocking the view.
(only if the lights match the note it will give you this choice)
-I have no idea what the hell I am to open in this spot and what to use, every item I tried doesn't work and now I'm stuck wondering what I need. ( I would assume a key)
-I checked the back area after going through the left side of the library outside and was able to break though a spot up top which gave me the library key, also found a spot to the right which I broke through again with a pickaxe to get to a pressure plate which releases the stones blocking a bunch of other keys in that same yard...
-Another problem in which I dont have a stone or something to keep pressure on it and don't see any nearby.
Just trying to get past this mission so I can move on,
Anyone who knows the part I'm talking about or has advice I'd appreciate it if you had any to give. I seem to be stuck on this point and it's pretty frustrating..