To reincarnate Daemalius needs a virgin to be impregnated, while being deflowered, and remain celibate until the child she carries matures enough for Daemalius' spirit to possess and incarnate into. Thanks to the MC's extra-curricular activities (shall we say) there aren't any virgins native to Cape Vedra left to satisfy this purpose (that we know of anyway) and so I suppose, as several others have already pointed out, poor little Sister Judy is being lined up to fill this unenviable role (assuming that she is a virgin of course) with the MC forced, persuaded, tricked or volunteering into acting as a sperm donor.
Which would make Madalyn as evil and wicked as her brother Daemalius, which is a shame because she is my favourite.
(I imagine that Daemalius is "Brother" to Madalyn in a hierarchical relationship between the two within the Church of Cambion, rather than "brother" in the sense of a relationship between siblings who physically share at least one biological parent.)
Could reincarnated Daemalius possibly be the new Big Bad in NLT's forthcoming Order of Genesis?
And who will turn out to be the real villainess of Treasure of Nadia? Madalyn or Sofia?
I hope that the concluding episodes of Treasure of Nadia contain as much story and provoke as much thought and curiosity as the last update.