Phillweed content is one short for the moment. count them and there are 11 spaces to fill.
Money is pretty much a random occurrence, but there are enough items to collect to generate sufficient funds to buy just about everything you need. There was an easter-egg in version 46 when you visited the squallmart and clicked around the bottom left corner wall you activated a secret - if you selected 75057 you could get $9,000,000 credits - essentially enough to buy everything in the store.
Not sure if it was patched in latest copy of v46 download, ask the Cat on wheels for a copy of that download, save it to a new computer, start the game in v46 goto squallmart and get the goodies. But you will have to play the game in its entirety in order to get back to the point where you are at now.
Just as an after thought, don't bother.