Thread seem to be winding down pretty quick now it seem.
(Maybe post-corona people become active busy again as I am and no time for forum like f95zone more and more.)
As far as ToN goes hope there will be few puzzle, mission and task or whatever when ToN story end and bonus content begin to engage brain rather than endless parade of empty sex scene one on one after other without story for desensitize after a while and lose stimulant effect.
(I say "Bonus" is wrong word for aftergame and think "Appendix" more accurate descriptive of situation.) Look forward to TGO for MC look not so much baby face as earlier MCs and able to handle himself in tight spot maybe.
Hope so anyway for sick to death of so many brainless baby face MC with redic huge cock and irresistible to girl. Yearning for much better yarn. With fine art and excellent story maybe TGO set bar as far as adult RPG go.
But who know?
None ever lose money by underestimate intelligence of audience, they say, so I not holding breath for masterwork!