Today weekly report got nothing for ToN.
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Nothing in report about ToN.
Look like NLT Media abandon ToN when reach penultimate chapter then! No surprise for want to move on from fagged out Treasure of Nadia to Treasure of Nadia Part 2 also known as The Genesis Order. (I say ToN Part 2 for ToN had inconclusive and incomplete ending and character from ToN continue their adventure by migrate to TGO, e.g., Diana and Henry go to deal with Duncan in new game.) Earlier report says TGO begins in sex shop where familiar faces present.
Hmm. This suggest Emily and/or Pricia visiting (maybe owning) sex shop, in North Santiva, to sell sex drug and/or massage oil maybe, or going retro maybe Brad, Val and/or Amanda from LU even.
At least new MC in TGO look unlikely to be virgin like Brad and Henry (unless incredible unlucky) at start of new game who suddenly become rampant irresistible satyr which is improve. (I think.) Hopefully redic NLT fuckfest not begin too early drowning out story and that darker supernatural undercurrent reasserts self and come to the fore, especially if sinister occult, sorcerous and demonic developments involve Madalyn
. Also cross finger for semblance of comprehensible story telling occur rather than confused salad of loose ends and incoherent randomness so new game entertain and appeal to player of average intelligence, possible even above average(!) superior intelligent player once in while perhaps.
When all said and done none need worry 'cause most hereabout enjoy zero-sum gain for not part with cash!
Thanks to this site I am become a notorious outlaw!