But wouldn't you rather see the game being made instead? I mean you're very prevalent force in this thread when it comes to the number of posts and opinions etc so one would assume you're actually interested in it. Or did you gave up on it entirely?
Mr Draverik, you really are wrong about me!
I'm a fan of sex games just like you and everyone else here, only I, like so many others, took a step forward, which was to try to learn how to do them!
Having been on this for two years now, I have been practicing, picking up games I like and through their characters and props, learning to deal with 3d programs in order to acquire knowledge!
"True Bond" was not the first case I took to do fan art!
Of course, like all of us in this thread, I liked the game, otherwise I wouldn't have picked it up to learn and besides the game, I found that "Cloudlet" would have above average 3d knowledge and that's why I was interested in following it, as an apprentice and as a fan of the game!
It was never my intention to replace any creator of games, or measure forces with them, as I already have my plan laid out for my games, and they are nothing like the games I make fan art on!
But with intentions of creating games there is one thing I cannot be indifferent to, as a general observer of the adult gaming scene and that thing is the seriousness of DEVS!
I've seen a lot of opportunistic DEVS and money milkers, but like this DEV I've never seen it!
Lack of professionalism, lack of communication, threats to patrons themselves, use every opportunity to extend delivery times in order to get more money, etc!
Despite the opinion of many who speak very highly of him, unfortunately, I can't have that opinion and I just find it strange that most fans still haven't achieved what everyone can see!
As I said before, I'm not interested in replacing anyone's work, contrary to what you think, so you can rest in peace, because if you continue like this, in a year you won't have any updates on "True Bond", and you'll be in the shit, because jessica didn't even give Danny a blowjob and then you'll slap yourselves in the mouth, for having offended one of the only people who was right and had eyes in the face, who was the only person who pushed "Cloudlet" to demonstrate work!
Don't you think it's strange that a mere apprentice of 3d art, does more in a week than Cloudlet does in 6 months?
And for free?
And he says he only makes games out of interest in 3d art...