
New Member
Jun 7, 2020
To whom it may concern. My name is Grey, AKA “The Voldemort” of TwistedWorld, and I’m here to share my story.

Before we begin, I want to make sure to immediately say, that the Spanish Mod “Juan” and the translator team (wich are associated with Snats) are not part of the issue I wanna talk about.

The people I will primarily talk about here are: Snats, Apex(AKA Sky), and Samuraisnake.

This is a long read…
So a TL;DR first… I was scammed (By Snats), Mentally abused (By Apex), and Samuraisnake did nothing to help even after begging him as a friend (which I guess we never were).
This story happened between the Summer of 2022 and October 2023 and is still ongoing, at least on my mental health.
Why come out now? Well, honestly I had hope they would smarten up, and realise the bullshit they were doing, but I was very wrong, I underestimated the cruelty of these people.
Another important point to add, is that due to having horrible mental health, thanks to them too, I deleted my discord account because I genuinely wanted to end it all. And now Snats laughs about it btw.
Again, this will be a long read… and I'm basically burning the bridge on my side, but I guess they threw me off a long time ago.

We will go chronologically, so for those who were following this game and on discord in that time frame, this will sound very familiar to ya’ll.
Winter 2021, A DK event was held, where for 150$, you can have your character in TW… now it’s very important to note, that the commissioner had full ownership of the end model (or what Snats gave you) and that Snats does whatever he wants with it in-game… obviously those closer to him i.e. Apex and Samuraisnake would enjoy more and ALOT more… e.g. like having Sky (Apex’s commission) be on main character level similar to Jaiden.

My commission then was 2 characters, Cera and Saidah (Cera debuted in TW classic 0.6 2022-July-12, Saidah never did)
(Saidah’s reveal post -SINCE DELETED-)
So I paid 300$ and was promised that Saidah would come later…
There were no or a few minor issues between me and Samuraisnake, but it’s typical mod behaviour.
Then OUT OF NOWHERE, Apex (who was mod then) asked me to be an e-couple.
I regrettably accepted, I already know I would get ridicule for this, but looking at comments here, he is not well liked, so I hope you can excuse me for falling for his lies, then to be abused by him.
It is fair to criticise me for this. And trust me, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but we did e-date and that’s what matters.

Apex, as alluded to earlier, was nice until he wasn’t…
The man was very afraid of me doxxing him, even though he gave me his info willy nilly… I will obviously not doxx him. He can also doxx me back so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

The point of all of this is that we had a fight… In this fight, Apex accused me of doxxing him when I blatantly didn’t. Well… having Apex threaten to ban me and telling me to throw myself off a bridge hit hard honestly, because it came from a man I loved. Yet, Snats sided with him. He didn’t care to look into anything. (more on that later)
Ever since then my relationship with Apex soured hard, and has never recovered… I have to mention that he apologised to me, but his actions never backed his words… he still constantly threatened to ban me, which made me leave the server multiple times to avoid it/him.
During this time I pushed changes to be made in the server like “Mods can’t ban, only Snats can.” which was passed, but probably reverted idk.

That fight was very important because it showed me something that i realised much later. Snats is protecting Apex. Why? I don’t know. Must be more than funding… why? Well…

Following my first 2 commissions (which i will call ‘DK’ now, for simplicity) I bought 6 characters, their names are: Nazar, Amir, Patricia, Kanae(was a gift), Rexy(was a gift), Arielle(was a gift).
Kanae, Arielle, Rexy appear in game:
Patricia and Amir were revealed publicly on discord -SINCE DELETED-:
Nazar was revealed on patreon only -SINCE DELETED-: (He was also meant to be Kieran’s boyfriend -A character coauthored by me and Luster-)
Amir was also mentioned as “Channel’s” son: (apartment 201)
This was done without my consent as Amir was not anyone’s son, but guess what, i didn’t care… In fact I gave Snats full control of my characters… I would say stuff like “Just make your version of them and I will have my own.” and “You have complete freedom” (I wish I could provide screenshots, but sadly I can’t.)

I commissioned Saidah back in winter 2021 and understandably, i was getting a little upset seeing characters commissioned after her, sometimes by a YEAR, made before her. My questions to Snats were taken negatively… very much so. My style of talking can sometimes be bratty or annoying… but even when joking around I was getting serious replies of basically “SHUT UP AND WAIT.” things escalated when me and an old friend “MRheroRealm” created a character called “Ren” (also, Ren is Female in disguise sorry to burst your bubbles, but as a co-author, I will take the L just to piss that cunt off).
Ren was a DK of “MRheroRealm” and they were made THE SAME DAY, they were suggested to Snats… now I can’t control the man, and as I was his friend I shouldn’t have gotten mad, but I did, because I waited for a year+ for a character (that I ultimately recreated myself without the experience Snats has in ONE WEEK.)

Now we get to February 2023… I’m Ukrainian, and I was a refugee (not in 2022, mostly family drove me to leave not the war.)
During this time, I had no characters made yet, but I didn’t complain, and life was tough… this includes multiple attempts on it, primarily from the horrible things Apex told me.
During this period, Apex went… berserk as he does. And a discord member found me in another server, they talked to me about how Apex banned them and deleted their encounter… I immediately went to investigate, for months I kept telling Apex to calm himself and be a better mod, but he never did… it all culminated in him being removed as mod, when I presented irrefutable evidence to Samuraisnake. (idk till this day if they hate or like eachother, idk.)
I never gloated to be the reason to remove Apex from mod and I was very sad then… But NOW, FUCK HIM. he deserves it, and I welcome all your praises. (he might be reinstated now, because of this XD)

This leads to March 2023, I was in a refugee camp… and I came back to TW to chat… I forgot to mention, but I was a hotshot there (this info is important shhhhhhh)
I messaged my friend Samuraisnake… and he ghosted me… ok…
I messaged my ex Apex… and he… responded?
Apex and I had a somewhat nice convo, that’s important because of how he acts later -__-
(It’s important to mention, Apex deleted his side of the convo later on, but thankfully I have the screenshots of it all.)

LOW AND BEHOLD… I get banned… the culprit, Snats.
My mind immediately shifted to the 2 mods, or mod and ex-mod. To be honest I was devastated because I knew who banned me and I didn’t know why. And I felt betrayed.
That same night, Snats DMs me all drunk, telling me he regrets it and wants to unban me, I agree… then nothing.
I started to get scared he might completely cut me off, so I went to him to sign an actual contract we can reference, to quell my anxiety… But Snats claimed I’m a cunt and a horrible friend for even suggesting that… Even though one of the benefits for him is that I can’t sue or stop him from doing anything… If he wanted Scat with my DKs… fine. But he completely shut it down… a major red flag.
A few days go by, and I just decide to use my alt, which was already on the server for months by then.
And Samuraisnake instabanned me (using Dynobot, apparently).
Snats then shouted at me in DMs for breaking his server rules… even though I was supposedly unbanned. My fault was that I needed to wait for Snats to “discuss it” with the mods.
This is… starting to be disrespectful to me as a customer… and more importantly as a friend. Since I STILL didn’t know why I was banned.

So… I started asking… DMing Snats everytime I can for an answer. And get ignored everytime.

Fastforward to April… and more and more people got their characters before me, no big deal am I right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I guess I can’t bitch to my “Friend” about it, I’m exhibiting toxic behaviour, apparently.
I also told Snats about my relationship with Apex (tried with Samuraisnake too but he didn’t bother to reply, even a few hours ago -__-).
But Snats made fun of me for it, and no matter what told me “Oh that’s just Apex, classic Apex.”

Around end of April beginning of May, Snats reaches out to me, but he can’t… why so? Well, he banned me… and I unfriended him (Because I wouldn’t stop messaging him about my ban, so I decided unfriend him to physically stop myself -I never said I was a stable person-)
Well… Snats got mad I “blocked” him… Sigh… fine. But… to then tell me our deal is off! Now that’s crossing the line. He wanted to remove all my characters. -He reached out to show them btw-
After… (and this is no joke) BEGGING him not to… he decided to push the reveal window a couple of weeks after… to… punish me I guess… I genuinely don’t know, but OH BOY WAS IT EFFECTIVE.
I realised that I paid 1000$+ to a cunt who likes to dangle it in front of me… and edge me… and it drove my anxiety through the roof.
The biggest insult is when Amir and Patricia were being made, he wanted to refund me the money because “he is sick of me asking ‘why was I banned?’ for the millionth time.” or even just asking for simple commission updates. funnily enough, Paypal literally refused to, idk why, but ye… might be an issue on his part. Since i sent him money just fine, or was it another one of his tricks or “dangles” to keep me acting like a dog, idk.
He then accused me of holding him hostage forcing him to make the characters… bro, if you didn’t want to, you could’ve just didn’t make them…

Fastforward after the DK 2023 reveal (mentioning Amir and Patricia), I’ve had enough with him ignoring the ban issue (with it basically boiling down to me thinking Apex is behind it all) so i went on the server and protested, using many alt accounts. Those who like me greeted me warmly, and I had many accounts deleted but I came prepared, all of them named “Why was Grey banned 1,2,3, etc.” or “JusticeForGrey 1,2,3, etc.” I forgot honestly.

This made Snats decide to remove my characters, but thanks to Juan, I got an interview with Snats (Which I have fully recorded. -I wish I was this smart more often-) ultimately it’s a nothing burger, and very cringe…
The takeaway…
1.Snats told me Apex and Samuraisnake are not to blame for my ban.
2. NO ONE WILL EVER BE UNBANNED, after they got banned.
3. If I chat on the server again, or do another stunt like my protest, my characters will be deleted forever.
4. There will never be a “translator role” something I and the spanish translator team have been asking for.
Ladies and Gentlemen… Those 4 statements… were lies. (1st one might be true though, more on that later.)

Another thing promised is the normalising of relations once again, which also never happened. Because I mentioned Apex’s abuse. Snats for once took it seriously…and he asked “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” The answer is actually simpler than people wanna admit, it’s Love.
Why did I cry for months and not tell anyone? Love.
Why did I keep my promise to keep mine and Apex’s relationship a secret? Love.
Why did I turn a blind eye for all the red flags from both Snats and Apex? Love.

Next… I need to talk about… the “translator saga” as I call it.
It’s sensitive since it includes other asides apart from me, and I made peace with the spanish translators…
But it’s important to mention…
I translated TW classic fully into Russian, but I will never release it. PERIOD. I’m ashamed to have wasted my time.
During that same period, the spanish translators wanted Apex banned, a noble ask. And for some banned people to be reinstated and for the “Translator” role to be created.
But they were all refused…
Did I voice my dissatisfaction, yes.
I remember telling Snats “I will make sure, you have no translators ever again.” did I mean it, no. It was said in anger. But what was said can’t be unsaid.

After that all my characters and my name were wiped… mentioning me would result in a ban.
Hell… a Russian translator, having nothing to do with me was banned for no reason other than they thought it was me.

After my hard work translating… not to mention proofreading Snats’ game updates… all voluntarily. And for my proofread work to not even make the cut, prioritizing his beloved apex… nice. Oh and, Samuraisnake can back me up on this one, he was pissed off too.

The funny thing is.. One magical day… members, who were banned, were reinstated. I won’t name them, but yeah… so much for that promise. Then suddenly “Translator” appears as a role… curious.

I was simply… thrown out…
Oh and still… I have no characters…
I will be honest with ya’ll… life was also harsh on me… I hurt myself mentally and physically during this period… but I don’t understand this treatment…
October 2023 was a really bad case… during then I was trying my best in any way I can to mend the relationship and to get my characters in my hand… Snats criticised me for answering PRIVATELY questions from FRIENDS who care for me “Why were you banned?” What was I supposed to say? I said the truth, after months of crying to myself and holding it in. Snats then showed his complete support for Apex, never matter what evidence I showed him… and he told me the most contradicting and hypocritical line I’ve ever had the horror to hear “Why did you tell people Apex told you to jump off a bridge when he himself is a victim of that?”
People… Snats is insane. I regret with all my being not having screenshotted this message… and it’s lost to the sands of time.
Snats will flaunt though, how after such a statement I had a mental breakdown and showed him screenshots of a train trip which I wanted to use to end myself. I tried to… walked 2 hours there, and waited, but chickened out last second…
I’m used to people either ignoring this story or telling me I exaggerate it. But that’s fine. That train encounter changed my life frankly. I feel numb with bursts of panic attacks. One day I can feel fine, then the next 3 days can be filled with nothing but despair…
My life in general is to blame… but I don’t remember my family or other struggles when I get those panic attacks… no. it’s those 3… those 3 bring me panic attacks…
Hell, I will Include Rexy and Luster… fuck you 2 for lying about me and ghosting me even though I paid for one of you and offered the other money…
I’m ESPECIALLY disappointed in you Rexy… Lying about me, and not heeding my warnings about Apex, but kept flirting with him. And doing nothing, not even reaching out to me when I had tough times, but I was there to comfort you and motivate you to be better.
And another FUCK YOU to MRheroRealm… I will not forget your help or whatever you called that. It was very funny to hear you admit to wanting to suck Snats’ dick and keep riding it… even accepting his offer to refund me money through you without my consent for a pizza bought by him.
I hope that dick riding will help you in life.
Also, Ren is a woman deal with it. Womp Womp…

This is also the only secret I will reveal… because Snats was scared I leaked secrets so he changed them… bro, I never did, but I can’t get through to him. He thinks I’m the 2nd ‘Mighty’ here… (Those who know, will get it., OG status represent)

Lastly, I want to thank Juan from the bottom of my heart… even though I said horrible things to him in our DMs… it was thanks to him I got my characters… I have Cera, Nazar, Saidah, Amir, Patricia, and Kanae (A gift from Juan <3)
Yes… Ultimately I got them in my PC… but… not in the game…I don’t think I want them there anyway…

If you’ve come this far reading this… don’t be shy to reach out to me and ask me more questions… I’m happy to reply.
What’s the goal of this post? Inform the public, in a place where Snats can’t silence me. That’s all.
I can’t have revenge, retribution, or justice… I will just keep seathing and coping like I already do… nothing I can change about it…
But I hope this can serve as a warning to people.

I’m also not here to tell you guy to do anything…
Just be careful when saying “Grey” on the TW server… that’s all. Especially one by one, where it’s easy to ban you.
My god where do I even begin.... Who in their right mind spends 1000 DOLLARS on Koi cards? Especially being a refugee.
>But I'm rich
Still... Don't waste money on something as worthless as Koi cards.
>B-But They were my super special OC
Also, NEVER EVER DATE ANYONE ON THE INTERNET. OP you sound very weak-willed if this Mod on the server convinced you to be an E-girlfriend or whatever the fuck.
Sep 8, 2020
My god where do I even begin.... Who in their right mind spends 1000 DOLLARS on Koi cards? Especially being a refugee.
>But I'm rich
Still... Don't waste money on something as worthless as Koi cards.
>B-But They were my super special OC
Also, NEVER EVER DATE ANYONE ON THE INTERNET. OP you sound very weak-willed if this Mod on the server convinced you to be an E-girlfriend or whatever the fuck.
I make my own Koi stuff now... also yes. Naive, weak-willed, throw autistic in there why not...
you can blame me for being robbed, but my robbers deserve to hear more :Kappa:


New Member
Oct 1, 2021
Can someone tl dr the fuck is happening
Dude was having crazy E-sex with someone in Snats inner circle. Commissioned a stupid amount of money for some characters. The dude and his virtual fuck buddy break up, drama ensues. Snats stalls on making the characters. Drama leaks out into the discord server, the dude gets banned. Dude tried to fight back but failed. Snats and the inner circle get annoyed and try to bury the hatchet but fail also. After 2 years since commission, 2-3 characters are finally made but written out of story (possibly). Snats tried to refund for the rest of the unmade characters but the dude said no. That’s most of the key notes and now we’re here
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Jun 22, 2017
Dude was having crazy E-sex with someone in Snats inner circle. Commissioned a stupid amount of money for some characters. The dude and his virtual fuck buddy break up, drama ensues. Snats stalls on making the characters. Drama leaks out into the discord server, the dude gets banned. Dude tried to fight back but failed. Snats and the inner circle get annoyed and try to bury the hatchet but fail also. After 2 years since commission, 2-3 characters are finally made but written out of story (possibly). Snats tried to refund for the rest of the unmade characters but the dude said no. That’s most of the key notes and now we’re here
E-sex is that damn dangerous that can even slow down the progress of a game. Lesson learned, never e-sex.


Jun 17, 2020
This could have been avoided entirely if you USED YOUR SKULL FOR ONCE. Stop painting yourself as a hopeless victim in this whole debacle, idiot.
he may be not a hopeless victim
at least is a good testimony against this project management
it clarified various things that has been only speculated since page #40, being that the mods basically circle jerk Snats and brainwash the server into worship Snats for opening Visual Code Studio and dropping KK cards for months, it was obvious that dirt was happening sooner or later, this is a good example

it took 7 months for the members to find a grey zone where they can protest for the update; react emojis :KEKW:

It was obvious that dirt was happening sooner or later, this is a good example of it

Now we have more content for the novel


Aug 15, 2018
To whom it may concern. My name is Grey, AKA “The Voldemort” of TwistedWorld, and I’m here to share my story.

Before we begin, I want to make sure to immediately say, that the Spanish Mod “Juan” and the translator team (wich are associated with Snats) are not part of the issue I wanna talk about.

The people I will primarily talk about here are: Snats, Apex(AKA Sky), and Samuraisnake.

This is a long read…
So a TL;DR first… I was scammed (By Snats), Mentally abused (By Apex), and Samuraisnake did nothing to help even after begging him as a friend (which I guess we never were).
This story happened between the Summer of 2022 and October 2023 and is still ongoing, at least on my mental health.
Why come out now? Well, honestly I had hope they would smarten up, and realise the bullshit they were doing, but I was very wrong, I underestimated the cruelty of these people.
Another important point to add, is that due to having horrible mental health, thanks to them too, I deleted my discord account because I genuinely wanted to end it all. And now Snats laughs about it btw.
Again, this will be a long read… and I'm basically burning the bridge on my side, but I guess they threw me off a long time ago.

We will go chronologically, so for those who were following this game and on discord in that time frame, this will sound very familiar to ya’ll.
Winter 2021, A DK event was held, where for 150$, you can have your character in TW… now it’s very important to note, that the commissioner had full ownership of the end model (or what Snats gave you) and that Snats does whatever he wants with it in-game… obviously those closer to him i.e. Apex and Samuraisnake would enjoy more and ALOT more… e.g. like having Sky (Apex’s commission) be on main character level similar to Jaiden.

My commission then was 2 characters, Cera and Saidah (Cera debuted in TW classic 0.6 2022-July-12, Saidah never did)
(Saidah’s reveal post -SINCE DELETED-)
So I paid 300$ and was promised that Saidah would come later…
There were no or a few minor issues between me and Samuraisnake, but it’s typical mod behaviour.
Then OUT OF NOWHERE, Apex (who was mod then) asked me to be an e-couple.
I regrettably accepted, I already know I would get ridicule for this, but looking at comments here, he is not well liked, so I hope you can excuse me for falling for his lies, then to be abused by him.
It is fair to criticise me for this. And trust me, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but we did e-date and that’s what matters.

Apex, as alluded to earlier, was nice until he wasn’t…
The man was very afraid of me doxxing him, even though he gave me his info willy nilly… I will obviously not doxx him. He can also doxx me back so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

The point of all of this is that we had a fight… In this fight, Apex accused me of doxxing him when I blatantly didn’t. Well… having Apex threaten to ban me and telling me to throw myself off a bridge hit hard honestly, because it came from a man I loved. Yet, Snats sided with him. He didn’t care to look into anything. (more on that later)
Ever since then my relationship with Apex soured hard, and has never recovered… I have to mention that he apologised to me, but his actions never backed his words… he still constantly threatened to ban me, which made me leave the server multiple times to avoid it/him.
During this time I pushed changes to be made in the server like “Mods can’t ban, only Snats can.” which was passed, but probably reverted idk.

That fight was very important because it showed me something that i realised much later. Snats is protecting Apex. Why? I don’t know. Must be more than funding… why? Well…

Following my first 2 commissions (which i will call ‘DK’ now, for simplicity) I bought 6 characters, their names are: Nazar, Amir, Patricia, Kanae(was a gift), Rexy(was a gift), Arielle(was a gift).
Kanae, Arielle, Rexy appear in game:
Patricia and Amir were revealed publicly on discord -SINCE DELETED-:
Nazar was revealed on patreon only -SINCE DELETED-: (He was also meant to be Kieran’s boyfriend -A character coauthored by me and Luster-)
Amir was also mentioned as “Channel’s” son: (apartment 201)
This was done without my consent as Amir was not anyone’s son, but guess what, i didn’t care… In fact I gave Snats full control of my characters… I would say stuff like “Just make your version of them and I will have my own.” and “You have complete freedom” (I wish I could provide screenshots, but sadly I can’t.)

I commissioned Saidah back in winter 2021 and understandably, i was getting a little upset seeing characters commissioned after her, sometimes by a YEAR, made before her. My questions to Snats were taken negatively… very much so. My style of talking can sometimes be bratty or annoying… but even when joking around I was getting serious replies of basically “SHUT UP AND WAIT.” things escalated when me and an old friend “MRheroRealm” created a character called “Ren” (also, Ren is Female in disguise sorry to burst your bubbles, but as a co-author, I will take the L just to piss that cunt off).
Ren was a DK of “MRheroRealm” and they were made THE SAME DAY, they were suggested to Snats… now I can’t control the man, and as I was his friend I shouldn’t have gotten mad, but I did, because I waited for a year+ for a character (that I ultimately recreated myself without the experience Snats has in ONE WEEK.)

Now we get to February 2023… I’m Ukrainian, and I was a refugee (not in 2022, mostly family drove me to leave not the war.)
During this time, I had no characters made yet, but I didn’t complain, and life was tough… this includes multiple attempts on it, primarily from the horrible things Apex told me.
During this period, Apex went… berserk as he does. And a discord member found me in another server, they talked to me about how Apex banned them and deleted their encounter… I immediately went to investigate, for months I kept telling Apex to calm himself and be a better mod, but he never did… it all culminated in him being removed as mod, when I presented irrefutable evidence to Samuraisnake. (idk till this day if they hate or like eachother, idk.)
I never gloated to be the reason to remove Apex from mod and I was very sad then… But NOW, FUCK HIM. he deserves it, and I welcome all your praises. (he might be reinstated now, because of this XD)

This leads to March 2023, I was in a refugee camp… and I came back to TW to chat… I forgot to mention, but I was a hotshot there (this info is important shhhhhhh)
I messaged my friend Samuraisnake… and he ghosted me… ok…
I messaged my ex Apex… and he… responded?
Apex and I had a somewhat nice convo, that’s important because of how he acts later -__-
(It’s important to mention, Apex deleted his side of the convo later on, but thankfully I have the screenshots of it all.)

LOW AND BEHOLD… I get banned… the culprit, Snats.
My mind immediately shifted to the 2 mods, or mod and ex-mod. To be honest I was devastated because I knew who banned me and I didn’t know why. And I felt betrayed.
That same night, Snats DMs me all drunk, telling me he regrets it and wants to unban me, I agree… then nothing.
I started to get scared he might completely cut me off, so I went to him to sign an actual contract we can reference, to quell my anxiety… But Snats claimed I’m a cunt and a horrible friend for even suggesting that… Even though one of the benefits for him is that I can’t sue or stop him from doing anything… If he wanted Scat with my DKs… fine. But he completely shut it down… a major red flag.
A few days go by, and I just decide to use my alt, which was already on the server for months by then.
And Samuraisnake instabanned me (using Dynobot, apparently).
Snats then shouted at me in DMs for breaking his server rules… even though I was supposedly unbanned. My fault was that I needed to wait for Snats to “discuss it” with the mods.
This is… starting to be disrespectful to me as a customer… and more importantly as a friend. Since I STILL didn’t know why I was banned.

So… I started asking… DMing Snats everytime I can for an answer. And get ignored everytime.

Fastforward to April… and more and more people got their characters before me, no big deal am I right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I guess I can’t bitch to my “Friend” about it, I’m exhibiting toxic behaviour, apparently.
I also told Snats about my relationship with Apex (tried with Samuraisnake too but he didn’t bother to reply, even a few hours ago -__-).
But Snats made fun of me for it, and no matter what told me “Oh that’s just Apex, classic Apex.”

Around end of April beginning of May, Snats reaches out to me, but he can’t… why so? Well, he banned me… and I unfriended him (Because I wouldn’t stop messaging him about my ban, so I decided unfriend him to physically stop myself -I never said I was a stable person-)
Well… Snats got mad I “blocked” him… Sigh… fine. But… to then tell me our deal is off! Now that’s crossing the line. He wanted to remove all my characters. -He reached out to show them btw-
After… (and this is no joke) BEGGING him not to… he decided to push the reveal window a couple of weeks after… to… punish me I guess… I genuinely don’t know, but OH BOY WAS IT EFFECTIVE.
I realised that I paid 1000$+ to a cunt who likes to dangle it in front of me… and edge me… and it drove my anxiety through the roof.
The biggest insult is when Amir and Patricia were being made, he wanted to refund me the money because “he is sick of me asking ‘why was I banned?’ for the millionth time.” or even just asking for simple commission updates. funnily enough, Paypal literally refused to, idk why, but ye… might be an issue on his part. Since i sent him money just fine, or was it another one of his tricks or “dangles” to keep me acting like a dog, idk.
He then accused me of holding him hostage forcing him to make the characters… bro, if you didn’t want to, you could’ve just didn’t make them…

Fastforward after the DK 2023 reveal (mentioning Amir and Patricia), I’ve had enough with him ignoring the ban issue (with it basically boiling down to me thinking Apex is behind it all) so i went on the server and protested, using many alt accounts. Those who like me greeted me warmly, and I had many accounts deleted but I came prepared, all of them named “Why was Grey banned 1,2,3, etc.” or “JusticeForGrey 1,2,3, etc.” I forgot honestly.

This made Snats decide to remove my characters, but thanks to Juan, I got an interview with Snats (Which I have fully recorded. -I wish I was this smart more often-) ultimately it’s a nothing burger, and very cringe…
The takeaway…
1.Snats told me Apex and Samuraisnake are not to blame for my ban.
2. NO ONE WILL EVER BE UNBANNED, after they got banned.
3. If I chat on the server again, or do another stunt like my protest, my characters will be deleted forever.
4. There will never be a “translator role” something I and the spanish translator team have been asking for.
Ladies and Gentlemen… Those 4 statements… were lies. (1st one might be true though, more on that later.)

Another thing promised is the normalising of relations once again, which also never happened. Because I mentioned Apex’s abuse. Snats for once took it seriously…and he asked “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” The answer is actually simpler than people wanna admit, it’s Love.
Why did I cry for months and not tell anyone? Love.
Why did I keep my promise to keep mine and Apex’s relationship a secret? Love.
Why did I turn a blind eye for all the red flags from both Snats and Apex? Love.

Next… I need to talk about… the “translator saga” as I call it.
It’s sensitive since it includes other asides apart from me, and I made peace with the spanish translators…
But it’s important to mention…
I translated TW classic fully into Russian, but I will never release it. PERIOD. I’m ashamed to have wasted my time.
During that same period, the spanish translators wanted Apex banned, a noble ask. And for some banned people to be reinstated and for the “Translator” role to be created.
But they were all refused…
Did I voice my dissatisfaction, yes.
I remember telling Snats “I will make sure, you have no translators ever again.” did I mean it, no. It was said in anger. But what was said can’t be unsaid.

After that all my characters and my name were wiped… mentioning me would result in a ban.
Hell… a Russian translator, having nothing to do with me was banned for no reason other than they thought it was me.

After my hard work translating… not to mention proofreading Snats’ game updates… all voluntarily. And for my proofread work to not even make the cut, prioritizing his beloved apex… nice. Oh and, Samuraisnake can back me up on this one, he was pissed off too.

The funny thing is.. One magical day… members, who were banned, were reinstated. I won’t name them, but yeah… so much for that promise. Then suddenly “Translator” appears as a role… curious.

I was simply… thrown out…
Oh and still… I have no characters…
I will be honest with ya’ll… life was also harsh on me… I hurt myself mentally and physically during this period… but I don’t understand this treatment…
October 2023 was a really bad case… during then I was trying my best in any way I can to mend the relationship and to get my characters in my hand… Snats criticised me for answering PRIVATELY questions from FRIENDS who care for me “Why were you banned?” What was I supposed to say? I said the truth, after months of crying to myself and holding it in. Snats then showed his complete support for Apex, never matter what evidence I showed him… and he told me the most contradicting and hypocritical line I’ve ever had the horror to hear “Why did you tell people Apex told you to jump off a bridge when he himself is a victim of that?”
People… Snats is insane. I regret with all my being not having screenshotted this message… and it’s lost to the sands of time.
Snats will flaunt though, how after such a statement I had a mental breakdown and showed him screenshots of a train trip which I wanted to use to end myself. I tried to… walked 2 hours there, and waited, but chickened out last second…
I’m used to people either ignoring this story or telling me I exaggerate it. But that’s fine. That train encounter changed my life frankly. I feel numb with bursts of panic attacks. One day I can feel fine, then the next 3 days can be filled with nothing but despair…
My life in general is to blame… but I don’t remember my family or other struggles when I get those panic attacks… no. it’s those 3… those 3 bring me panic attacks…
Hell, I will Include Rexy and Luster… fuck you 2 for lying about me and ghosting me even though I paid for one of you and offered the other money…
I’m ESPECIALLY disappointed in you Rexy… Lying about me, and not heeding my warnings about Apex, but kept flirting with him. And doing nothing, not even reaching out to me when I had tough times, but I was there to comfort you and motivate you to be better.
And another FUCK YOU to MRheroRealm… I will not forget your help or whatever you called that. It was very funny to hear you admit to wanting to suck Snats’ dick and keep riding it… even accepting his offer to refund me money through you without my consent for a pizza bought by him.
I hope that dick riding will help you in life.
Also, Ren is a woman deal with it. Womp Womp…

This is also the only secret I will reveal… because Snats was scared I leaked secrets so he changed them… bro, I never did, but I can’t get through to him. He thinks I’m the 2nd ‘Mighty’ here… (Those who know, will get it., OG status represent)

Lastly, I want to thank Juan from the bottom of my heart… even though I said horrible things to him in our DMs… it was thanks to him I got my characters… I have Cera, Nazar, Saidah, Amir, Patricia, and Kanae (A gift from Juan <3)
Yes… Ultimately I got them in my PC… but… not in the game…I don’t think I want them there anyway…

If you’ve come this far reading this… don’t be shy to reach out to me and ask me more questions… I’m happy to reply.
What’s the goal of this post? Inform the public, in a place where Snats can’t silence me. That’s all.
I can’t have revenge, retribution, or justice… I will just keep seathing and coping like I already do… nothing I can change about it…
But I hope this can serve as a warning to people.

I’m also not here to tell you guy to do anything…
Just be careful when saying “Grey” on the TW server… that’s all. Especially one by one, where it’s easy to ban you.
I would've done your stupid Koi cards for 10$ (and use that money to buy boba tea). Seriously this is coming from someone who intensively uses Koikatsu, DO NOT COMMISSION KOI CARDS! I can guarantee that the people who actually put genuine effort are like 5% in the Koi community, the rest will simply use body/face presets and do some minor adjustments to somewhat fit the reference.

However lets say its clothings, hair and accessories mod (that are made in blender and ported over to Koikatsu), those are justified to be expensive. (Not more than 100$)

p.s: I'm not gonna accept your card commissions, gooning is better.

You can pirate Koikatsu here and join the Koikatsu discord server, many there will teach you on how to recreate your character in Koikatsu (aslong you have a 360 reference sheet). Just don't say that you've pirated Koikatsu.


Oct 13, 2020
I would've done your stupid Koi cards for 10$ (and use that money to buy boba tea). Seriously this is coming from someone who intensively uses Koikatsu, DO NOT COMMISSION KOI CARDS! I can guarantee that the people who actually put genuine effort are like 5% in the Koi community, the rest will simply use body/face presets and do some minor adjustments to somewhat fit the reference.

However lets say its clothings, hair and accessories mod (that are made in blender and ported over to Koikatsu), those are justified to be expensive. (Not more than 100$)

p.s: I'm not gonna accept your card commissions, gooning is better.

You can pirate Koikatsu here and join the Koikatsu discord server, many there will teach you on how to recreate your character in Koikatsu (aslong you have a 360 reference sheet). Just don't say that you've pirated Koikatsu.
Sorry to ask, but why not accept commissions? is it hard making custom KOI card? if not i'll try my luck on that trade.

Also this whole mess of abuse is more engaging than the game.
Aug 9, 2020
To whom it may concern. My name is Grey, AKA “The Voldemort” of TwistedWorld, and I’m here to share my story.

Before we begin, I want to make sure to immediately say, that the Spanish Mod “Juan” and the translator team (wich are associated with Snats) are not part of the issue I wanna talk about.

The people I will primarily talk about here are: Snats, Apex(AKA Sky), and Samuraisnake.

This is a long read…
So a TL;DR first… I was scammed (By Snats), Mentally abused (By Apex), and Samuraisnake did nothing to help even after begging him as a friend (which I guess we never were).
This story happened between the Summer of 2022 and October 2023 and is still ongoing, at least on my mental health.
Why come out now? Well, honestly I had hope they would smarten up, and realise the bullshit they were doing, but I was very wrong, I underestimated the cruelty of these people.
Another important point to add, is that due to having horrible mental health, thanks to them too, I deleted my discord account because I genuinely wanted to end it all. And now Snats laughs about it btw.
Again, this will be a long read… and I'm basically burning the bridge on my side, but I guess they threw me off a long time ago.

We will go chronologically, so for those who were following this game and on discord in that time frame, this will sound very familiar to ya’ll.
Winter 2021, A DK event was held, where for 150$, you can have your character in TW… now it’s very important to note, that the commissioner had full ownership of the end model (or what Snats gave you) and that Snats does whatever he wants with it in-game… obviously those closer to him i.e. Apex and Samuraisnake would enjoy more and ALOT more… e.g. like having Sky (Apex’s commission) be on main character level similar to Jaiden.

My commission then was 2 characters, Cera and Saidah (Cera debuted in TW classic 0.6 2022-July-12, Saidah never did)
(Saidah’s reveal post -SINCE DELETED-)
So I paid 300$ and was promised that Saidah would come later…
There were no or a few minor issues between me and Samuraisnake, but it’s typical mod behaviour.
Then OUT OF NOWHERE, Apex (who was mod then) asked me to be an e-couple.
I regrettably accepted, I already know I would get ridicule for this, but looking at comments here, he is not well liked, so I hope you can excuse me for falling for his lies, then to be abused by him.
It is fair to criticise me for this. And trust me, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but we did e-date and that’s what matters.

Apex, as alluded to earlier, was nice until he wasn’t…
The man was very afraid of me doxxing him, even though he gave me his info willy nilly… I will obviously not doxx him. He can also doxx me back so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

The point of all of this is that we had a fight… In this fight, Apex accused me of doxxing him when I blatantly didn’t. Well… having Apex threaten to ban me and telling me to throw myself off a bridge hit hard honestly, because it came from a man I loved. Yet, Snats sided with him. He didn’t care to look into anything. (more on that later)
Ever since then my relationship with Apex soured hard, and has never recovered… I have to mention that he apologised to me, but his actions never backed his words… he still constantly threatened to ban me, which made me leave the server multiple times to avoid it/him.
During this time I pushed changes to be made in the server like “Mods can’t ban, only Snats can.” which was passed, but probably reverted idk.

That fight was very important because it showed me something that i realised much later. Snats is protecting Apex. Why? I don’t know. Must be more than funding… why? Well…

Following my first 2 commissions (which i will call ‘DK’ now, for simplicity) I bought 6 characters, their names are: Nazar, Amir, Patricia, Kanae(was a gift), Rexy(was a gift), Arielle(was a gift).
Kanae, Arielle, Rexy appear in game:
Patricia and Amir were revealed publicly on discord -SINCE DELETED-:
Nazar was revealed on patreon only -SINCE DELETED-: (He was also meant to be Kieran’s boyfriend -A character coauthored by me and Luster-)
Amir was also mentioned as “Channel’s” son: (apartment 201)
This was done without my consent as Amir was not anyone’s son, but guess what, i didn’t care… In fact I gave Snats full control of my characters… I would say stuff like “Just make your version of them and I will have my own.” and “You have complete freedom” (I wish I could provide screenshots, but sadly I can’t.)

I commissioned Saidah back in winter 2021 and understandably, i was getting a little upset seeing characters commissioned after her, sometimes by a YEAR, made before her. My questions to Snats were taken negatively… very much so. My style of talking can sometimes be bratty or annoying… but even when joking around I was getting serious replies of basically “SHUT UP AND WAIT.” things escalated when me and an old friend “MRheroRealm” created a character called “Ren” (also, Ren is Female in disguise sorry to burst your bubbles, but as a co-author, I will take the L just to piss that cunt off).
Ren was a DK of “MRheroRealm” and they were made THE SAME DAY, they were suggested to Snats… now I can’t control the man, and as I was his friend I shouldn’t have gotten mad, but I did, because I waited for a year+ for a character (that I ultimately recreated myself without the experience Snats has in ONE WEEK.)

Now we get to February 2023… I’m Ukrainian, and I was a refugee (not in 2022, mostly family drove me to leave not the war.)
During this time, I had no characters made yet, but I didn’t complain, and life was tough… this includes multiple attempts on it, primarily from the horrible things Apex told me.
During this period, Apex went… berserk as he does. And a discord member found me in another server, they talked to me about how Apex banned them and deleted their encounter… I immediately went to investigate, for months I kept telling Apex to calm himself and be a better mod, but he never did… it all culminated in him being removed as mod, when I presented irrefutable evidence to Samuraisnake. (idk till this day if they hate or like eachother, idk.)
I never gloated to be the reason to remove Apex from mod and I was very sad then… But NOW, FUCK HIM. he deserves it, and I welcome all your praises. (he might be reinstated now, because of this XD)

This leads to March 2023, I was in a refugee camp… and I came back to TW to chat… I forgot to mention, but I was a hotshot there (this info is important shhhhhhh)
I messaged my friend Samuraisnake… and he ghosted me… ok…
I messaged my ex Apex… and he… responded?
Apex and I had a somewhat nice convo, that’s important because of how he acts later -__-
(It’s important to mention, Apex deleted his side of the convo later on, but thankfully I have the screenshots of it all.)

LOW AND BEHOLD… I get banned… the culprit, Snats.
My mind immediately shifted to the 2 mods, or mod and ex-mod. To be honest I was devastated because I knew who banned me and I didn’t know why. And I felt betrayed.
That same night, Snats DMs me all drunk, telling me he regrets it and wants to unban me, I agree… then nothing.
I started to get scared he might completely cut me off, so I went to him to sign an actual contract we can reference, to quell my anxiety… But Snats claimed I’m a cunt and a horrible friend for even suggesting that… Even though one of the benefits for him is that I can’t sue or stop him from doing anything… If he wanted Scat with my DKs… fine. But he completely shut it down… a major red flag.
A few days go by, and I just decide to use my alt, which was already on the server for months by then.
And Samuraisnake instabanned me (using Dynobot, apparently).
Snats then shouted at me in DMs for breaking his server rules… even though I was supposedly unbanned. My fault was that I needed to wait for Snats to “discuss it” with the mods.
This is… starting to be disrespectful to me as a customer… and more importantly as a friend. Since I STILL didn’t know why I was banned.

So… I started asking… DMing Snats everytime I can for an answer. And get ignored everytime.

Fastforward to April… and more and more people got their characters before me, no big deal am I right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I guess I can’t bitch to my “Friend” about it, I’m exhibiting toxic behaviour, apparently.
I also told Snats about my relationship with Apex (tried with Samuraisnake too but he didn’t bother to reply, even a few hours ago -__-).
But Snats made fun of me for it, and no matter what told me “Oh that’s just Apex, classic Apex.”

Around end of April beginning of May, Snats reaches out to me, but he can’t… why so? Well, he banned me… and I unfriended him (Because I wouldn’t stop messaging him about my ban, so I decided unfriend him to physically stop myself -I never said I was a stable person-)
Well… Snats got mad I “blocked” him… Sigh… fine. But… to then tell me our deal is off! Now that’s crossing the line. He wanted to remove all my characters. -He reached out to show them btw-
After… (and this is no joke) BEGGING him not to… he decided to push the reveal window a couple of weeks after… to… punish me I guess… I genuinely don’t know, but OH BOY WAS IT EFFECTIVE.
I realised that I paid 1000$+ to a cunt who likes to dangle it in front of me… and edge me… and it drove my anxiety through the roof.
The biggest insult is when Amir and Patricia were being made, he wanted to refund me the money because “he is sick of me asking ‘why was I banned?’ for the millionth time.” or even just asking for simple commission updates. funnily enough, Paypal literally refused to, idk why, but ye… might be an issue on his part. Since i sent him money just fine, or was it another one of his tricks or “dangles” to keep me acting like a dog, idk.
He then accused me of holding him hostage forcing him to make the characters… bro, if you didn’t want to, you could’ve just didn’t make them…

Fastforward after the DK 2023 reveal (mentioning Amir and Patricia), I’ve had enough with him ignoring the ban issue (with it basically boiling down to me thinking Apex is behind it all) so i went on the server and protested, using many alt accounts. Those who like me greeted me warmly, and I had many accounts deleted but I came prepared, all of them named “Why was Grey banned 1,2,3, etc.” or “JusticeForGrey 1,2,3, etc.” I forgot honestly.

This made Snats decide to remove my characters, but thanks to Juan, I got an interview with Snats (Which I have fully recorded. -I wish I was this smart more often-) ultimately it’s a nothing burger, and very cringe…
The takeaway…
1.Snats told me Apex and Samuraisnake are not to blame for my ban.
2. NO ONE WILL EVER BE UNBANNED, after they got banned.
3. If I chat on the server again, or do another stunt like my protest, my characters will be deleted forever.
4. There will never be a “translator role” something I and the spanish translator team have been asking for.
Ladies and Gentlemen… Those 4 statements… were lies. (1st one might be true though, more on that later.)

Another thing promised is the normalising of relations once again, which also never happened. Because I mentioned Apex’s abuse. Snats for once took it seriously…and he asked “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” The answer is actually simpler than people wanna admit, it’s Love.
Why did I cry for months and not tell anyone? Love.
Why did I keep my promise to keep mine and Apex’s relationship a secret? Love.
Why did I turn a blind eye for all the red flags from both Snats and Apex? Love.

Next… I need to talk about… the “translator saga” as I call it.
It’s sensitive since it includes other asides apart from me, and I made peace with the spanish translators…
But it’s important to mention…
I translated TW classic fully into Russian, but I will never release it. PERIOD. I’m ashamed to have wasted my time.
During that same period, the spanish translators wanted Apex banned, a noble ask. And for some banned people to be reinstated and for the “Translator” role to be created.
But they were all refused…
Did I voice my dissatisfaction, yes.
I remember telling Snats “I will make sure, you have no translators ever again.” did I mean it, no. It was said in anger. But what was said can’t be unsaid.

After that all my characters and my name were wiped… mentioning me would result in a ban.
Hell… a Russian translator, having nothing to do with me was banned for no reason other than they thought it was me.

After my hard work translating… not to mention proofreading Snats’ game updates… all voluntarily. And for my proofread work to not even make the cut, prioritizing his beloved apex… nice. Oh and, Samuraisnake can back me up on this one, he was pissed off too.

The funny thing is.. One magical day… members, who were banned, were reinstated. I won’t name them, but yeah… so much for that promise. Then suddenly “Translator” appears as a role… curious.

I was simply… thrown out…
Oh and still… I have no characters…
I will be honest with ya’ll… life was also harsh on me… I hurt myself mentally and physically during this period… but I don’t understand this treatment…
October 2023 was a really bad case… during then I was trying my best in any way I can to mend the relationship and to get my characters in my hand… Snats criticised me for answering PRIVATELY questions from FRIENDS who care for me “Why were you banned?” What was I supposed to say? I said the truth, after months of crying to myself and holding it in. Snats then showed his complete support for Apex, never matter what evidence I showed him… and he told me the most contradicting and hypocritical line I’ve ever had the horror to hear “Why did you tell people Apex told you to jump off a bridge when he himself is a victim of that?”
People… Snats is insane. I regret with all my being not having screenshotted this message… and it’s lost to the sands of time.
Snats will flaunt though, how after such a statement I had a mental breakdown and showed him screenshots of a train trip which I wanted to use to end myself. I tried to… walked 2 hours there, and waited, but chickened out last second…
I’m used to people either ignoring this story or telling me I exaggerate it. But that’s fine. That train encounter changed my life frankly. I feel numb with bursts of panic attacks. One day I can feel fine, then the next 3 days can be filled with nothing but despair…
My life in general is to blame… but I don’t remember my family or other struggles when I get those panic attacks… no. it’s those 3… those 3 bring me panic attacks…
Hell, I will Include Rexy and Luster… fuck you 2 for lying about me and ghosting me even though I paid for one of you and offered the other money…
I’m ESPECIALLY disappointed in you Rexy… Lying about me, and not heeding my warnings about Apex, but kept flirting with him. And doing nothing, not even reaching out to me when I had tough times, but I was there to comfort you and motivate you to be better.
And another FUCK YOU to MRheroRealm… I will not forget your help or whatever you called that. It was very funny to hear you admit to wanting to suck Snats’ dick and keep riding it… even accepting his offer to refund me money through you without my consent for a pizza bought by him.
I hope that dick riding will help you in life.
Also, Ren is a woman deal with it. Womp Womp…

This is also the only secret I will reveal… because Snats was scared I leaked secrets so he changed them… bro, I never did, but I can’t get through to him. He thinks I’m the 2nd ‘Mighty’ here… (Those who know, will get it., OG status represent)

Lastly, I want to thank Juan from the bottom of my heart… even though I said horrible things to him in our DMs… it was thanks to him I got my characters… I have Cera, Nazar, Saidah, Amir, Patricia, and Kanae (A gift from Juan <3)
Yes… Ultimately I got them in my PC… but… not in the game…I don’t think I want them there anyway…

If you’ve come this far reading this… don’t be shy to reach out to me and ask me more questions… I’m happy to reply.
What’s the goal of this post? Inform the public, in a place where Snats can’t silence me. That’s all.
I can’t have revenge, retribution, or justice… I will just keep seathing and coping like I already do… nothing I can change about it…
But I hope this can serve as a warning to people.

I’m also not here to tell you guy to do anything…
Just be careful when saying “Grey” on the TW server… that’s all. Especially one by one, where it’s easy to ban you.
Thanks for helping us expose Snats and his discord incel pedo buddies for the evil degenerates they are. It’s too bad that people will still support Snats after this story. Snats already seems like the type that would associate with incels like that.
Aug 9, 2020
Snats lives in the Dominican republic, and he makes so much money he had no issues refunding me my 1000+$ if he was truthful... point is, dude makes a good product and a very comfortable living, much more than a doctor would (his words not mine), he is just not a nice dude.
I’m so glad you’ve let me know so I can tell every Snats meat rider here that he is nothing but a milker that wants an easy life by tricking people to give him money
Sep 8, 2020
I would've done your stupid Koi cards for 10$ (and use that money to buy boba tea). Seriously this is coming from someone who intensively uses Koikatsu, DO NOT COMMISSION KOI CARDS! I can guarantee that the people who actually put genuine effort are like 5% in the Koi community, the rest will simply use body/face presets and do some minor adjustments to somewhat fit the reference.

However lets say its clothings, hair and accessories mod (that are made in blender and ported over to Koikatsu), those are justified to be expensive. (Not more than 100$)

p.s: I'm not gonna accept your card commissions, gooning is better.

You can pirate Koikatsu here and join the Koikatsu discord server, many there will teach you on how to recreate your character in Koikatsu (aslong you have a 360 reference sheet). Just don't say that you've pirated Koikatsu.

I guess I should clarify a bit... the 150$ price was always the KKcard+implementation... what i mean is the effort of putting your character in his game... that's why I say I was scammed... snats would counter (and he has told me this) that the 150$ price tag is just the card, which I know is absurd, and I know he uses presets but he pretends he doesn't (sure, maybe for his flagships he doesn't.)
So again... i lost money because he broke the deal on implementing them in his game, and threw me out, after i guess pretending to be my friend.
Sep 8, 2020
I guess I should clarify a bit... the 150$ price was always the KKcard+implementation... what i mean is the effort of putting your character in his game... that's why I say I was scammed... snats would counter (and he has told me this) that the 150$ price tag is just the card, which I know is absurd, and I know he uses presets but he pretends he doesn't (sure, maybe for his flagships he doesn't.)
So again... i lost money because he broke the deal on implementing them in his game, and threw me out, after i guess pretending to be my friend.
Remember the change in his terms of service i posted a couple of pages ago, ye... old TOS mentioned your complete ownership and that Snats will put it in his game (but it was word of mouth, and i asked him to clarify and he confirmed it multiple times)
But after he was dissatisfied by me... and a few other people... one of them being the moderator of DemonDeals/LoveNote 'Emperor of huge Boobs' he decided to just be tyrannical and do what he wants... EVEN SO... he put the characters of Emperor(of huge boobs:KappaPride:) back into the game because it waa easier than make new ones.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2019
Haha, so now being a decent human makes me a 'loyalist'?
In what way does anything you did defer you the claim of "decent human" to claim some sort of moral highground? People have genuine gripes with the game and there's nothing wrong with that. Aside the bullshit claim about NTr, most things people have criticized the game for are entirely valid.

Snats lied to supporters about doing a remake and has spent the past couple years doing it instead of finishing the first part to then make the improved quality for the "second part." Those of us who actually backed him know this if we were paying attention back then.

He promised the hospital (in full btw) three times now and its been delayed being put out for close to a year now it sure feels like one considering he's still using Koikatsu studio for it. Its not like he remade the whole thing using Unreal 5.

Dude is spending more hours a week having a good time on the beach down in Brazil (EDIT: Dominican Republic I guess? I thought he was Brazilian... even moreso, DR is nice too) or playing other games dozens of hours a week instead of working on his own game. Again, I'm inclined not to blame him if people paid me several thousands a month in USD to put out an update of 11 scenes in over half a year. :KEK:
Last edited:
Sep 8, 2020
I would've done your stupid Koi cards for 10$ (and use that money to buy boba tea). Seriously this is coming from someone who intensively uses Koikatsu, DO NOT COMMISSION KOI CARDS! I can guarantee that the people who actually put genuine effort are like 5% in the Koi community, the rest will simply use body/face presets and do some minor adjustments to somewhat fit the reference.

However lets say its clothings, hair and accessories mod (that are made in blender and ported over to Koikatsu), those are justified to be expensive. (Not more than 100$)

p.s: I'm not gonna accept your card commissions, gooning is better.

You can pirate Koikatsu here and join the Koikatsu discord server, many there will teach you on how to recreate your character in Koikatsu (aslong you have a 360 reference sheet). Just don't say that you've pirated Koikatsu.
I would commission Koi maps tho... brother, I can't for the life of me make maps i feel my braincells drain :KEK:... all this cooming came back to bite me.
  • Like
Reactions: WaywardVoidGod
Sep 8, 2020
In what way does anything you did defer you the claim of "decent human" to claim some sort of moral highground? People have genuine gripes with the game and there's nothing wrong with that. Aside the bullshit claim about NTr, most things people have criticized the game for are entirely valid.

Snats lied to supporters about doing a remake and has spent the past couple years doing it instead of finishing the first part to then make the improved quality for the "second part." Those of us who actually backed him know this if we were paying attention back then.

He promised the hospital (in full btw) three times now and its been delayed being put out for close to a year now it sure feels like one considering he's still using Koikatsu studio for it. Its not like he remade the whole thing using Unreal 5.

Dude is spending more hours a week having a good time on the beach down in Brazil or playing other games dozens of hours a week instead of working on his own game. Again, I'm inclined not to blame him if people paid me several thousands a month in USD to put out an update of 11 scenes in over half a year. :KEK:
I haven't played the remake, and never will... was the hospital still not shown?
He showed it to me, and it was finished... what's up with that?

(Edit: he showed it to me like may 2023)
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: getko2100 and Gojii
Aug 9, 2020
In what way does anything you did defer you the claim of "decent human" to claim some sort of moral highground? People have genuine gripes with the game and there's nothing wrong with that. Aside the bullshit claim about NTr, most things people have criticized the game for are entirely valid.

Snats lied to supporters about doing a remake and has spent the past couple years doing it instead of finishing the first part to then make the improved quality for the "second part." Those of us who actually backed him know this if we were paying attention back then.

He promised the hospital (in full btw) three times now and its been delayed being put out for close to a year now it sure feels like one considering he's still using Koikatsu studio for it. Its not like he remade the whole thing using Unreal 5.

Dude is spending more hours a week having a good time on the beach down in Brazil or playing other games dozens of hours a week instead of working on his own game. Again, I'm inclined not to blame him if people paid me several thousands a month in USD to put out an update of 11 scenes in over half a year. :KEK:
He is so delusional he thinks that not criticising makes him a good person I guess all those people in 1989 Tiananmen Square were bad people
4.10 star(s) 214 Votes