No ,she isn't...
Helga is pure..
Alanna Victoria is in need..
Ann is spontanious..
and Helena is a spoiled chick...
a very nice but spoiled chick....
Helga: the woman you marry, have kids with, and a house. She adores you and is proud of your job. She promises a steady loving life.
Helena: Unstable fire relationship. Torrid passion. But she's the type to tell you one day out of the blue that she wants to move to Spain to paint. You break up, get back together, break up, live with other people, get back together, etc. The highs are very high.
Anne: The least demanding. She loves you no matter what your job is. There is an unspoken electricity between you two and the sex is always phenomenal. She's nonjudgmental and though not traditionally motherly, she would certainly try, as long as she has you.
Alanna: Hot, but quite clearly not someone looking for, or willing to have, a long relationship. More experienced, she's the epitome of fun.
Thea: She will never change. At every age she will be looking for and enjoying sex in every way she can. No serious relationships. Still a swinger at 60, I believe.
Of course, all this could be completely WRONG! lol