Yeah this game really needs some balancing. For starters, the options at level up should probably have at least one option that's guaranteed to be a weapon/accessory you've already picked up. Pretty sure surviving the first 10 minutes on hard difficulty on normal/hard maps is complete rng. Getting old having to restart half a dozen times to get a chance to succeed because I can't evolve a weapon fast enough most the time. It's like the devs didn't playtest what their game was like once you start unlocking new shit and the pool of weapons/accessories becomes much bigger. The total rng is fine with the base unlocks, but mid way through weapon/accessory unlocks it makes the game pretty shitty.
I've already mentioned my issue with the game trying to force us to use certain girls (Especially Fredrica) a shit ton over allowing us to use who we want above as well. Unlocks shouldn't be tied to using specific girls dozens of times. Once or twice, sure, that's reasonable, but most the current missions are shit. Fredrica also shouldn't farm gold better than the other girls. That type of shit should be tied to global improvements. Let people play the girls they want to play, Vamp Survivors and Holocure handled that better. I actually initially liked Frederica, but now I despise her because of how often I've felt it necessary to use her. Her unlock conditions for her talents are ludicrous and it feels like a waste to use other girls since she farms so much better.
There's also a little bug where the minimap will show items on it that don't exist. My games also freezes for about a second anytime a new wave of enemies spawns, even though the game runs fine normally. A million enemies on screen and thousands of bullets and effects going: Zero lag/fps drop. A few enemies spawn on the screen: total freeze for 1-2 seconds, lol. I wonder how common that is and if it could be improved.
This is one of those games that could easily be much better with some rather minor tweaks. Mostly just needs some slight changes to the rng and to tie more of the upgrades to global improvements instead of specific girl improvements. I hope the devs are still working on it and consider that kind of stuff.