Don't make yourself a victim. The animations are really terrible quality. If you've bought yourself new cpu, why don't you make good quality scenes? Even newer animations that have better light have very strong lags. It is easier to say that this is impossible. Although at the same time there are already several games made in HS2 / Ai Shoujo with excellent animation and picture quality.
You just reformatted the PNG images. They did not lose in quality, in any case the quality was bad anyway.
Does that mean I need to be like your fans who don't see the problem in the game? I speak the absolute truth about your game. There are bad sides, there are good sides. The only good thing is that the new pictures look better than usual. But there are very few of them, since you add practically nothing in every update. If your game is very poorly done, then you shouldn't whine that "haters" have come to spoil your mood. I also rate other games, some of them good, some of them bad. From the first update to the present time, the game looks very bad. And with each update, almost nothing is improving. There are almost no files in the images folder. This is very small, since you updated the game very often. Most of the files in the images folder are locations that you downloaded somewhere, music, and so on. The animations look terrible. The characters enter the textures (the guy's penis goes through his pants, and so on). Pictures look very bad. There are about 10 well-made frames.
I do not play the compressed version of the game. Every time I check the version of the game that you provide. Don't make excuses for yourself. As I said earlier, you can leave stories about your big plans and so on to those who cannot think with their own heads. If you make your game every day and add so little content. Does that mean you spend about 10 minutes every day creating a game? You don't want to hear any criticism. All you do is start to behave aggressively and then cry so that some of your fans feel sorry for you. Since I wrote to me, no one has written a refutation to my words. Why? Because I am using facts. Anyone who knows how to think can check the files of your game and understand that you are not doing anything special.