You know, you might want to consider the option of cutting down the gameplay and turn this into a purely visual novel style game. Considering the purity path isn't changed at all which making the corruption path the only path, this mod is more linage than the original game, which would also fit the VN style quite well as well.
The very original idea was to streamline the game so the amount of grinding was lessened, but that changed to just Corruption, and finally dismissed the Purity aspect altogether, as it didn't lend itself to the changes I was making to the overall story. While that does make the game more linear in how you progress, ultimately I just found the Purity route boring and trite.
And yes, I was considering remaking the game as a more typical VN, but then I'd have to figure out yet
another program and I was already fairly adept at tinkering with RMVXA, so the idea was tossed.
or use a more...recent version of rpgm
Blame Nergal for this, if you want - the base game, made by him, was on this version of RPG Maker, and Chilly's mod (which I
stole "borrowed") didn't transition away, as RMMV wasn't out yet. VXAce was the best at the time.
I am not familiar with how rpgm work. How different are they from the current one? Is it more convenient? Easy to learn? Does it require massive porting of assets? Do you think Xalenda, who barely have a time to work on this, have the extra time to learn the rope of a new engine? ...but as it stand the current version of the game is not functioning that well and they have no time to work on it... What I am saying is, concise this down.
There's a lot to go over here.
Every version of RPG Maker runs a different engine and scripting style, so they all feel and act differently in creation, debugging, running, etc. It's like the difference between Final Fantasy and Zelda - two very different games, utilizing wildly different mechanisms, ultimately different beasts.
The newest version of RPG Maker is a lot more streamlined and could be considered "easier", but it really all depends on how much time you spend learning it. For instance, I have 328 hours of MV usage, but over 6,000 hrs in VXA
(mostly due to this mod). I just know more with it because I used it more.
Porting is... tricky. This game utilizes a different scaling than other games (1260x900 vs. 800x600), so maps, items, characters, scenes, and everything else had to be scaled appropriately, and moving it from VXA to MV was proving too tricky for me to figure out. MZ (
newest version) can now port things over, but it also A) wasn't available at the time, and B) costs more than I'm willing to pay.
It's not just the time investment, but also the fact that this was, again, supposed to be a quick-and-dirty mod that blossomed into its own thing and got crazier as time went on. Eventually, it became a second job, only without a paycheck, with just me doing the coding, debugging, writing, scripting, etc. I had help for a variety of things too, especially with things like additional music and bug-finding, but it was just too much for me to handle by myself, and I burnt out. I just can't do it anymore.
And if you were to shave this down, you'd ultimately lose that which makes it a game - it just becomes a series of still images and looping gifs with words on the screen, interspersed with random bits of "playable" sections that lead to more naughty images. In my attempt to remake the game, I tried to cut down a lot of grindier aspects, but there needed to be a reason to come back time and time again to experience what had changed.
In any case, hope that answered a few questions and cleared a few things up. And feel free to drop me a line, personal message, whatever.