By all means, feel free - anything you have to share would be useful to me. This game seems complex as hell. I just didn't want to be a douche asking a bunch of questions that are probably answered in the tutorial; I noticed the button for it as I closed out of the game.I was about to go on explaining spree - But sure=) come back if there still questions left.
How important are the choices you make during dialogue and/or events? For example, there was an event where Fena told me we captured some important prisoner so we have leverage to negotiate, I picked the 'release some of our prisoners' option but then it's not really clear what happened... did I actually gain anything?
Then a bit later there was an event where we fought the goddess (Tyrca) and I could choose between fight or retreat - I tried to pick retreat but it said she still killed a lot of my soldiers, however again it's unclear what the hell this actually means. I'm not aware of any overall troop count and the individual units you command don't seem to have like a number of troops.