
Nov 7, 2016
The game, by default settings, sells ore which you need to buy the best items; so you're hemorrhaging rare items by default
Yean :) Very naughty move from devs. Also there is a special unit ability (Treasure Hunter? unsure) that would increase ores output from battles.
There's something to do with ore other than sell them? because you get materials for rare items by selling ore in addition to the gold. Selling 1 ore gives 1 material of whatever rarity the ore is, to craft an item that requires materials you need 10 materials of that rarity. So to craft some plate mail for example you would need to sell 10 silver ore (rare 3) if you wanted mythril armor you would need to sell 10 mythril Ore (rare 6).

Treasure hunter affects gear drops, Bounty Hunter affects ore drop rates and rarity. There's a page in the tutorial about this and more specific info about bounty hunter's effects.


Sep 16, 2016
When your units Loyality reach ~75-80 their tooltips are upgraded mostly with a phrase about how they loving MC.

Man, this is a GAME OF THE YEAR ^_^ I even wish to buy second copy. :oops:
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Nov 7, 2016
so this game more like focus on their battle style and H scene is just fan service>?
It's like Sengoku Rance and similar. Hybrid of a world conquest type strategy game and a VN it has 284 VN style cut-scenes total listed in the gallery (not all sex scenes of course) and 799 total CG including varients and misc stuff. Venus Blood series have a heavy focus on sexual content with alot of tentacles and corruption.


New Member
Dec 23, 2019
I happen to be an expert on this topic. I'm going by the old jap version here so take my skill naming with a pinch of salt.

-the game is very easy and scales quite badly unless you max it to Nidhogg Berserk 4 at which point it gets hard and transforms into something quite unlike the capture-and-consolidate it's been up until that point. It's some of the best fun I had with any Venus Blood game but expect to sink some time into it, needing both a maxed-out army and a LOT (like minimum 10 million) gold, although you could just hex-edit the gold.

-For most characters the best setup is going to be helm-split and 2 extra attacks (Godslayer/Godspeed). Reducing enemy defense doesn't seem that great until you start raising the difficulty.

-The basics of a squad are either to have a tank in slot 1 with Defense Formation (this is what causes interception of melee attacks) and a source of Range Invalid so they can't shoot past the tank, OR a low-def decoy in slot 1 being covered by a tank with Foward Defense OR tank in slot 1 and decoy with Evade 100 in slot 5 OR tank in slot 1, decoy in slot 5 and an off-tank with Evade 100 and Forward Defense in slot 6. There's only 3 chracters that can do Evade 100. This is important because Dimension Slash is awful (defence-reduction like Helm-split, stacks with it, and ranged but Ranged Invalid doesn't stop it) and Evade is the best solution to it.

- Targets are chosen simply by multiplying the Defense and current HP of your six squaddies and aiming at the lowest. You can create a reliable decoy by giving them a skill that ruins their Defense, not re-hiring them so they don't get a boost from battle experience, and by giving them Exclusive Defense or failing that a ranged attack.

-Those Evaders three are the Imp, Amazon Druid, and Tiruka. Give her Forward Defense as a bonus title, all the other options are garbage.

-Tanks should have Exclusive Defense (half damage taken, no attacking). No attacking is good because they don't hit hard anyway and you don't want to provoke counters. They should also have Slayer Defense (no multipliers from racial type) and if they can fit it in, Night Battle Adaption. Mostly they can't because they also have to help provide:

-Cross invalid is the ability to prevent multiple hits across your ranks or a penetration front to back. You generally have to do it seperately because there are few sources of actual Cross Invalid. This is a priority when building because it will wreck your shit. Asura has this skill and despite being supposedly a tank is actually a single target dps, so you can have at least one proper tank who doesn't have to worry about trying to do two jobs at once. I'd recommend the Elf Swordswoman, surprisingly enough.

-If you don't have penetration-denial, avoid putting a Blade-type behind your tank. Lancers do them 50% more damage and most Lancers have the skill.

-Activity stacking (bonus to stats of X type in same squad)is important. It's less so if the squad is focused on spell damage output because they're not really using Attack or Speed.

-Don't be afraid to put characters in roles they don't seem to be designed to do. If it works, it works.

-Every squad should have status protection, preferably the single one-size fits-all skill for efficiency.

-Magic defense is nice, but unlike later games you can't really get it that high, so just make sure you have one squad with the demon chick (Astarte?) who has lots of it, and make sure that's the squad you toss at the rare magic-heavy opponent.

-Don't stick nocturnals in with non-nocturnals. Their Defense stat will fluctuate and ruin your decoy setups.

-You can combine self-destruct with Recovery and low defense to make a suicide bomb squad that explodes twice. It's very effective but it will also cost a lot of gold.

-Despite not having Exclusive Defense, winter loli is still one of the best tanks, partly because her corrupted tactical skills include a massive defense booster and heal. She needs a ranged attack and probably an Evade decoy, though.

-If you do intend to win on the hardest settings, you're going to find most Lancers fall off hard due to not having access to S-rank skills.

-that gaggle of free officers you get at the start of the game are actually surprisingly good even if they don't seem like it straight away. The dulluhan kind of sucks apart from the fact that you lack tanks early on and the kobold is a solution to a problem you don't really have in Frontier (auxiliary tactics, morale formation), but the rest of them are very useful, so keep them around. The wolf in particular is about the only S-ranked lancer who doesn't suck. The kobold is at least useful as a generic healer.

-Stack treasure hunting, use that to get treasure hunting items, remake into a better treaure hunting squad, and you can have Rank 7 items before you leave the first chapter.

-You don't actually need Rank 8 or 9 items, but they may help to patch holes in setups when you've done 9 squads and are kind of binraking for the tenth. They look awesome until you get far enough in the game to access them and realize they're not actually as useful as they look in most cases.

-Woodland types are pretty useful since they tend to have very few other type-tags and the terrain they do badly in isn't that common. The only good tanks they have are the Elf Swordswoman (if you get cross attack invalidity from elsewhere) and the Barbarian (who isn't that great), though.

-The demon knight palette-swap upgrade has a very rare full-area attack invalid skill. You might want to put her in with Astarte. Just saying.
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Nov 19, 2019
Does playing on Easy Mode lock the player out of any story content (e.g. recruiting specific characters, getting certain endings)?


Jan 10, 2018
Great game, really love it.
But i wonder if i fucked up my route by accident, i checked the Japanese wiki and apparently there are more corruption events after "Desired Transfiguration" event. Yet i couldn't get them to display, is it because i didn't have Chaos/Conquest at level 8 before having training at 90? Is there even any way to get those events at this point when i have Tyrca training at 99? 1.png 2.png
Jul 1, 2017
Ok so I'm not sure if something is wrong with my game or not. I have on several mingle events not gotten the +1 affection, why? I have saved and tried both choices but to no avail. Is it a bug or?


New Member
Dec 23, 2019
Ok so I'm not sure if something is wrong with my game or not. I have on several mingle events not gotten the +1 affection, why? I have saved and tried both choices but to no avail. Is it a bug or?
Not every event results in a direct +1 affection.


Jun 7, 2017
Anybody know what the "Force" stat is? Seems to be increasing per turn for the enemy, but only goes up for you if you have a Church? What does it stand for and what does it affect?


Jun 18, 2017
Played through the game twice -- once with ng+ -- and I'm really done with it now. It was pretty fun the first play-through, but a lot of little things started annoying me during my second play-through. The overall gameplay is also somewhat lacking compared to other games in this genre that I have played(rpg element, and items especially).
Two clearly superior games (gameplay wise) that come to mind are Sengoku rance and eien no aselia. The gameplay in those games is simply superior and those games also have much more replay value. But besides those, there are quite a few that, gameplay wise, do a better job in this genre.
I'm also not a big fan of all the tentacle stuff. I can appreciate a tentacle now and then, but it's way over done in this game and doesn't really make sense nor fit in a lot of situations.
The art is also pretty mediocre.

Still worth a try for people who like these kinds of Japanese turn based strategy though. The gameplay is decent. The H-scenes quality varies quite a bit (some are bad, some are pretty good (nothing great though)) and the art is mediocre. I'd rate this game: 'decent'.


Feb 14, 2019
Anyone got a 100% save for the international version? using the JAP version save works but there are extra scenes in the international version that obviously didn't exist in the original JAP version. Thanks.
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