I've come across several notable bugs:
1. If I click and drag a staff member towards a customer, and get interrupted, the staff member icon is stuck behind everything else, and I can't use that staff member again during that session.
2. If I retire a staff member from servicing customers, I can return them if I do it immediately, but otherwise it just has "Retire from servicing clients", even if that staff member has already retired. If I save and reload, it seems to properly update the menu so I can return them again.
3. I can sometimes end up with multiple copies of Nicole Aniston on my staff.
4. I can spend connection on a lottery, even if I have all of the possible staff members, and it just deducts the connections without noting that I have everyone.
5. I don't seem to be able to collect crown jewels. The icon is there, I click it, it does nothing, and when I go to another window and come back, the crown jewel icon is just gone.
The game in general is pretty good, but I figured I should note these issues, and see if anyone else was having them.