What would you like me to add to the game in the next update?

  • The connection (police) mechanic. This would be a new "currency" and a new batch of upgrades.

  • More events and the possiblity for the packmakers to add some in their packs.

  • The possbility to train the skills of the girls

  • Progress the story and add story missions (mostly focused on Nicole)

  • Something else (tell me either by PM or in this thread).

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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
I find that game is too easy as well. Maybe taking something from DohnaDohna? Whoring is pretty challenging there, sanity stat could also change things up, unique attributes maybe? That probably takes a whole rework...maybe bigger daily salaries? Buying supplies, getting better suppliers, brands...so many possibilities with this game. I am glad it's in good hands now. Waiting on new and exciting things for you mate.
DohnaDohna's churn and degeneration exists to service a primary gameplay loop of going into the locations and fighting and combat. VC's primary gameplay loop is the booth game itself. So degeneration won't exactly make this gameplay better, and it punishes people more for having small girlpack folders than they already are.


In testing, when I'm running with Brats, I generally didn't consider advancing them to be a major priority.

So, it only takes 4ish negotiations for them to raise a tier. If you set up your roster such that a brat is the only one you're raising, without any buffs, you're looking at a little over 20 influence to get them boosted to the next tier (assuming it's only the one). The result gives youa permanent +16 to ALL skills, and the influence cost is negligible. This also ignores that their influence costs are a quarter normal, so 3.75 per use. It takes a lot of brat-use before influence goes negative.

Getting them up with other girls who need negotiators is rough, admittedly, but that's a booth-selection choice the player can avoid.

Edit: Of course, that assumes you don't build your club around it


New Member
Aug 14, 2021
Can someone help me, I have an issue that my girl doesn't work on stage they froze there and the time keep moving, and the video does not even show up Screenshot (257).png


Oct 26, 2020
Same problem here, drag and drop often didn't work, QWE and ASD didn't work, too.
I experienced the same problem and I might found a workaround:
Use once the Tab-key, so that a red arrow next to the (first?) portrait on the left list of working girls will appear. Then it should be safe, to use Drag&Drop or use the keybindings QWEASD.

Might have something to do, that without the red arrow, the object behind the girl's portrait has no focus.
And without focus you just move around the image, but not the "intelligence" behind the image.
But don't sue me - I am just guessing here.


Sep 25, 2020
I experienced the same problem and I might found a workaround:
Use once the Tab-key, so that a red arrow next to the (first?) portrait on the left list of working girls will appear. Then it should be safe, to use Drag&Drop or use the keybindings QWEASD.

Might have something to do, that without the red arrow, the object behind the girl's portrait has no focus.
And without focus you just move around the image, but not the "intelligence" behind the image.
But don't sue me - I am just guessing here.
Worked for me. Thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Can someone help me, I have an issue that my girl doesn't work on stage they froze there and the time keep moving, and the video does not even show up View attachment 1889394
Jesus, that's a first.

Can you do me a solid? can you test out the videos for those packs, and run them through a normal video player app? Let it run, and tell me if it has a second or two delay before video starts--rewind to start, check if the video literally does not play for a second or two. Check the videos for dance for those girls and get back to me.

The work arounds that are mentioned SHOULD work.

I've not really started on 10.0 (I'm still in planning stage for :lokifacegoeshere:, so I might have to push my current build today with the attempted fix.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
And without focus you just move around the image, but not the "intelligence" behind the image.
The way a scene works in Unity, every object occupies a layer, and there's always a primacy of order... things are on top or below other things. Now, if you drag-and-drop something, when you drop it, it checks the top object at that location. Girl portraits are below the booths, so it sees the booth at that location. Boom, recognizes it, puts girl there. If girls are ON TOP, however, it sees the girl there, no booth.

So, the girls HAVE to be under the booths in the stack order.

However, if a girl's starting position gets relearned to where the booth is, then that girl is under the booth. So when you try to click it, you're clicking on the booth, which is over the girl object.


I've been able to recreate the bug, and reproduce it repeatedly. This... this is some new shit.


I'll have to go deeper.


I might have found the cause. It's dumb.


Really really dumb.


I've fixed it. It's so dumb.

Now I cannot answer as to why it was only happening after ending early.

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This bug is fixed in my new build.

I do apologize for being late to deal with it--frankly, had IRL shit. Happens. Still testing somethings to be sure before uploading.


I've also added a visualization to the club game, to give you a rough idea on how the timer's working internally, and make it a little more transparent when you're not attracting a customer.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
is live on Mega

  • Removed 'caught under portrait' bug when stutter-starting video is played, as well for any frameskipping error.
  • Removed 'caught under portrait' bug when starting a booth the day after ending early
  • Added visual element to show client flow
    • You can now see the timer for the club's client intake, and you can see when a check for a client is successful. Two seperate gauges is intentional as it accurately reflects how the internal logic works.


Oct 26, 2020
The way a scene works in Unity, every object occupies a layer, and there's always a primacy of order...
Thx again for the explanation - now I get a better understanding of unity.

For that, you inspired me to take a closer look at unity in some near future.



Dec 9, 2020
Many thanks for the hotfix update and I hope your IRL stuff works itself out ok! We know you are doing this on your own free time so, by all means, take your time because the community understands! And like I mentioned kinda earlier, you spend 2 hours of writing in the program and 14 hours looking for the missing comma afterward, lol.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Many thanks for the hotfix update and I hope your IRL stuff works itself out ok! We know you are doing this on your own free time so, by all means, take your time because the community understands! And like I mentioned kinda earlier, you spend 2 hours of writing in the program and 14 hours looking for the missing comma afterward, lol.

In other news, guys, let me know how the 9.5 club costs feel when you get a feel for it. Also, I hope the new visualization makes it feel a little better when you can see why the club isn't seeing customers for stretches.


Mar 29, 2021
Good work on the game(y)

After testing a little bit, here is my opinion on recruit costs:

at the beginning its good balanced for me: costs rise gradually, but not to quick. After recruiting the 12th girl i noticed the system changes: Costs seem to go random somehow and rise quick. When influence and connection comes to the costs it goes mad. There are cost with more then 30.000 money or 50-90(!) Rep. That makes it a bit grindy, because at that point I made only some 5000 a day and maybe some 10-15 points in rep. It got a bit better with the fist cj (so normal mode is harder), but still grindish. I know, I can always try the lottery, but not if i'm looking for certain skills.

-connection gain

in late game, I had problems to get enough conn. to buy the last upgrades and the last cj. There were days, I had no Conn-clients at all (with the gespote service subscript), while i have tons of money and drown in influence. Maybe a slight rise in chance to get conn-clients would be good or I just had bad luck.

These are only my experiences and opinions. Other players may think different ;)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Good work on the game(y)

After testing a little bit, here is my opinion on recruit costs:

at the beginning its good balanced for me: costs rise gradually, but not to quick. After recruiting the 12th girl i noticed the system changes: Costs seem to go random somehow and rise quick.
They definately rise quick with alternative costs being the only way to keep them down. This is intentional as you transition from using the recruitment to get whatever girl you can, to using the lottery and brokers to pad your roster.

Then, you're generally just recruiting to get a specific trait you want, if it comes up, rejecting girls.

As for grinding con for the final push to the 5th cj, I'm going to say that forcing you to alter your strategy (assuming you're not making con-gain a priority in Investments) and think outside the box to get all that con is also intended. There's a number of con-specific strategies that are available, but to give a few examples of mechanics at play here:

1) Con does not scale with happiness/time in booth/the green bar.

2) Con is gained when you either start a finisher, or when you finish work that does not have a finisher.

3) Quantity, not quality, of customer matters.

4) Brokers give you con

5) There are traits and costumes that are relevant to all the above.
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Jul 30, 2018
For me it mostly feels like before (shuffle with crown jewels is the only mode I play). Good balance and pace at the start, need to prioritize and so on. As BlueLine says, at some point (12th girl or so sounds about right) you start to snowball. And it's mainly recruitment by lottery anyway at that point and can pretty much get as many girls as I want (besides, I really like the random element for variety anyway).

I think the overall gameplay "issue" is that by the time you finally get openness up to Sex/Group on the girls and get to watch the fun stuff, you'll have bought every upgrade that matters, and there's no real reason to keep playing other than to watch videos while you make money you can't spend. So the "game" basically just abruptly ends at that point. By comparison you spend a lot of time per game just watching a small handful of girls dance and pose (and not even the full selection of dances at the start, it takes some time to get up to closer/topless, and later fingering and so on). Would be nice if there was still some upgrade-game left once you finally get the girls to the real performances.

And once I reach 20 girls or more than 40 (which some investors want), I barely even register who I'm using anymore, and it all becomes a bit "impersonal" at that point, whereas earlier in the game I'm having fun actively trying to level up my favorites etc.

Just some thoughts, don't really have any good suggestions on how to address, or if it's even an issue to most players.
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May 28, 2017
Just had a sudden thought, not sure if it has been brought up before, but would it be difficult to add an option to cycle through at random the available videos for an act 1 after the other during their time slot, instead of just looping the same video?

Also, fun fact as idk how many people have as many girlpacks as I managed to collect, but I'm at 1007 and running smooth still.


Jul 30, 2018
Regarding perks and skills, I find I don't even really pay much/any attention to them, and 3-4 "completed" games in, I barely know how they work :) The game is lenient enough with money that you can't really overspend or end up in the red anyway, so while I'm sure I'm not playing as efficiently as possible it hasn't really mattered. Right now, the only trait I pay any attention to is Bratty, which means secretary or backstage manager job for the afflicted girl, since by the time I feel I have enough momentum to get and use the negotiator, I'm mostly ready to start a new game anyway :)

One more thing: I feel the upgrade that gives you finishers for dance/pose is such a great gameplay enhancer that it's a bit sad when that investor doesn't come up. It becomes a mandatory pick for me whenever available. Maybe it should be a guaranteed option, or perhaps changed to a (expensive) upgrade?


May 28, 2017
Regarding perks and skills, I find I don't even really pay much/any attention to them, and 3-4 "completed" games in, I barely know how they work :) The game is lenient enough with money that you can't really overspend or end up in the red anyway, so while I'm sure I'm not playing as efficiently as possible it hasn't really mattered. Right now, the only trait I pay any attention to is Bratty, which means secretary or backstage manager job for the afflicted girl, since by the time I feel I have enough momentum to get and use the negotiator, I'm mostly ready to start a new game anyway :)

One more thing: I feel the upgrade that gives you finishers for dance/pose is such a great gameplay enhancer that it's a bit sad when that investor doesn't come up. It becomes a mandatory pick for me whenever available. Maybe it should be a guaranteed option, or perhaps changed to a (expensive) upgrade?
The really good investor perks could actually be ripped out and turned into really expensive end game money sinks as an option.

Also on the gameplay side, I havent touched brokers at all, not sure what the point of that system is supposed to be. On the influence/mob side of things, for my part, I have decided to put every girl that does "everything" exclusively in the lottery, to make it a worthwhile sink for that portion of gameplay. I realize its part of girlpacks so outside of what can be done on the game end, just wanted to share.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Would be nice if there was still some upgrade-game left once you finally get the girls to the real performances.
Without getting too far into it, this is definately on my radar.

Also on the gameplay side, I havent touched brokers at all, not sure what the point of that system is supposed to be.
A resource dump/launderer for reputation.


Sep 25, 2020
If you take suggestions:

I would like to have a counter for the days I play so I can compare how long I need to reach all the targets.

In a second step the dev or the player can set a certain time (100 days, 150 days etc.) for reaching all the goals (all Crown jewelz, all enhancements, max out investors) in certain time.

Another way to make things a bit more interesting could be to set a limit for the numbers of girl you can hire. Let say 25 or 30 maybe? So the player has to make some more tough decisions in the later game.

btw: interesting game, somewhat addictive
4.40 star(s) 49 Votes