This may be a dumb question and answered before, but I've started to notice sometimes getting a generic video for some performances and girls. I assume it happens when a pack does not have any vids for that action since it's usually group finisher or group sex things. Is it caused by incorrect pack Description.json or something else?
Not 'incorrect' but rather an option. Having a girl lacking videos in a given category can reflect a balance issue for that girl, so it's not always preferable to just have videos missing and no way to access a given tier of performance. Imagine, for example, a girl who literally has no videos that can fit into dance. If I automaticly have the game exclude her videos, she becomes automatically disqualified from the early game. This can cause potential problems in Scramble Mode.
Similarly, if a girl is missing body finishers, it makes her exceedingly weak for the switchover from Pose to Foreplay.
So, no, it's not that the JSON is 'incorrect' but rather, there's a backstop for girls who are missing core performances needed for game balance.
Kind of annoying when these vids happen and would rather just not have that action button available in the first place if the girl doesn't do it. For example, if girl X does not have a group scene, I'd rather do a regular scene than a generic one with the actress I don't even know. I wondered if the available finisher display at the bottom of the screen would help with this but I've seen a finisher highlighted there and still get the generic scene, so I don't know.. Also in that case, wouldn't it be better to just not show the action button in the first place than have that display at the bottom?
No, it actually would not be easier. The preferable option is to leave it up to the individual to sort out for themselves. But that said, if you check the utility in my signature it will let you customize the packs so that if they're missing a video it won't show. I won't dictate this for everyone (again, aforementioned balance concerns) but nothing stops you from changing your settings how you like.
I see the JSON data files have some flags like doThreesome=true or false .. Are these strictly necessary and shouldn't the game be able to figure this out from the directory contents?
Whether I can set the game up to do so, or not, it is preferable to leave the option to the individual. If you want videos to not play, set up the flags so it won't try.
I got a Breanne Benson pack from somewhere and it had all the flags set to false so she wouldn't do anything even though there was files in the pack..
Then set them to true (or delete the flags, they default to true.)