What would you like me to add to the game in the next update?

  • The connection (police) mechanic. This would be a new "currency" and a new batch of upgrades.

  • More events and the possiblity for the packmakers to add some in their packs.

  • The possbility to train the skills of the girls

  • Progress the story and add story missions (mostly focused on Nicole)

  • Something else (tell me either by PM or in this thread).

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Mar 29, 2021
I just had the same investor in 2 booths at the same night. Its nothing gamebreaking but maybe its not supposed to be that way...

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Jul 26, 2018
I have a suggestion. is it possible to set up lessons like ultimate stripper club. There is just generic lessons and they splice in videos from the girl pack.
Jul 26, 2018
Another idea is the option for gaining affection with your girls, with conversations or purchase gifts. then we can call upon services directly with a chosen girl during the daytime management period.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Also on the gameplay side, I havent touched brokers at all, not sure what the point of that system is supposed to be.
I just had the same investor in 2 booths at the same night. Its nothing gamebreaking but maybe its not supposed to be that way...
It can happen very rarely if two booths open before you assign a girl, and the rng rolls for him in both booths.


Dec 23, 2016
For some reason I cant have 2 girls assigned to work. Nothing happens when I drop them onto a customer. Using latest version and girl pack 1 and 2


Oct 1, 2017
Okay, here's my basic feedback for and 9.5. First of all thanks for the fixing the bug. It was easy enough to work around once I knew what caused it but it was just irritating enough that it made me not want to play for a while.

Anyways, on to my pedantic feedback.

I appreciate the initial 4 gifts dispensers being cheaper but maybe 350 is better? That way nobody buys it instead of buying their first girl and running out of money?

Also maybe make the initial patronage purchase 3 points (and grant 3 via quest) to ensure nobody buys the we bring gifts options instead.

Boxes on the right side of the booth screen are not aligned perfectly. This has zero impact on gameplay but makes my ocd twitch every time I notice it. Additionally the investor icon is not fully inside the box.

The customer attraction box is not intuitive. I get the letter reaches the smiley level and then either reels in a customer or doesn't but I'm not sure why they switch positions in the box. Perhaps a view of the outside of the club--stick character moves towards door then either enters with smiley face or gets frowney face and moves on? A single timer and smile or no smile might be simpler to understand even. Also, getting a bunch of customer misses in a row suuucks. Maybe a pity timer in the early game? Having two girls and pulling a grand total of 150 bucks in a day doesn't feel great.

Does Eager Student need a buff since classes no longer have cost or is the skill gain sufficient?

I'm going over 125 rep. Is this a new addition? Also, I'm not sure on this, does rep still gain even if your at total? Like if an investor needs 30 rep in a night, will it count if you're at max? My weak memory is telling me it does but I'm not 100%. If so, maybe make that clear somewhere, so new users don't get frustrated by not being able to spend it all? If not it might be impossible to get to without crown jewels to reset rep to zero.

Overall pricing feels good at the start and not particularly onerous in the later game. I will say there is still the issue (from vanilla) where the gameplay feels humpy. As in the beginning there's tons of dancing to get to the next level, and then, should you choose it's a lot easier to mainline to the next available club level and buy stages only rather than fill out the clubs accoutrements at that level. Investors only strengthen this strategy since they're so strong and are tied to club level. What this means is that eventually you push to second last club level and start making enough money to eventually buy everything more quickly. Maybe require a certain number of upgrades before the next level unlocks?

There is still the issue of girls advancing openness dramatically once foreplay (and extending) become available, meaning the mixed openness of the early game gets lost as girls accelerate to the maximum allowed by unlocks that much more quickly. Again this is a vanilla thing too and I don't even know if I consider this to be an issue rather than just how the mechanics work.

I think that's it for now. Overall a strong update. Most of the options and mechanics feel mature and good. This is a nice stable build to keep us in good stead before 10.0.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Okay, here's my basic feedback for and 9.5. First of all thanks for the fixing the bug. It was easy enough to work around once I knew what caused it but it was just irritating enough that it made me not want to play for a while.

Anyways, on to my pedantic feedback.
I love it, let's go

I appreciate the initial 4 gifts dispensers being cheaper but maybe 350 is better? That way nobody buys it instead of buying their first girl and running out of money?

Also maybe make the initial patronage purchase 3 points (and grant 3 via quest) to ensure nobody buys the we bring gifts options instead.
Good call, I'd overlooked this -- I might actually look at making the autos more expensive.

Boxes on the right side of the booth screen are not aligned perfectly. This has zero impact on gameplay but makes my ocd twitch every time I notice it. Additionally the investor icon is not fully inside the box.
Easier said than done but I'll do my best.

The customer attraction box is not intuitive. I get the letter reaches the smiley level and then either reels in a customer or doesn't but I'm not sure why they switch positions in the box. Perhaps a view of the outside of the club--stick character moves towards door then either enters with smiley face or gets frowney face and moves on? A single timer and smile or no smile might be simpler to understand even.
I understand this. And originally this was my plan here (and easier to implement.)

There's something else going on here I'm not saying and it'll be clear in 10.0. Then you'll see the timer can't actually be any other way.

Also, getting a bunch of customer misses in a row suuucks. Maybe a pity timer in the early game? Having two girls and pulling a grand total of 150 bucks in a day doesn't feel great.
I can consider streak protection here.

Does Eager Student need a buff since classes no longer have cost or is the skill gain sufficient?

I'm going over 125 rep. Is this a new addition? Also, I'm not sure on this, does rep still gain even if your at total? Like if an investor needs 30 rep in a night, will it count if you're at max? My weak memory is telling me it does but I'm not 100%. If so, maybe make that clear somewhere, so new users don't get frustrated by not being able to spend it all? If not it might be impossible to get to without crown jewels to reset rep to zero.
Rep gain still counts for investors even if you're capped. CJs increase your rep cap for each CJ recruited now.

Overall pricing feels good at the start and not particularly onerous in the later game. I will say there is still the issue (from vanilla) where the gameplay feels humpy. As in the beginning there's tons of dancing to get to the next level, and then, should you choose it's a lot easier to mainline to the next available club level and buy stages only rather than fill out the clubs accoutrements at that level. Investors only strengthen this strategy since they're so strong and are tied to club level. What this means is that eventually you push to second last club level and start making enough money to eventually buy everything more quickly. Maybe require a certain number of upgrades before the next level unlocks?
Im not sure I want to force buying every upgrade but I am going to think about this.

There is still the issue of girls advancing openness dramatically once foreplay (and extending) become available, meaning the mixed openness of the early game gets lost as girls accelerate to the maximum allowed by unlocks that much more quickly. Again this is a vanilla thing too and I don't even know if I consider this to be an issue rather than just how the mechanics work.
The issue with slow openness gains (for dance/pose) is that it makes them grindy.

I think that's it for now. Overall a strong update. Most of the options and mechanics feel mature and good. This is a nice stable build to keep us in good stead before 10.0.
Last edited:


May 31, 2017
Hello folks, i have one girl that openess still stays by 0 i try to give lessons or let her dance, but the counter still stays by 0. Any Idea what i could do?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Hello folks, i have one girl that openess still stays by 0 i try to give lessons or let her dance, but the counter still stays by 0. Any Idea what i could do?
Read her trait description in the Staff list. It tells you how her trait works.


Sep 18, 2018
Small thing but when sorting by openness brats seem to be all over the place. It could say they have 16 but get sorted higher than girls in the 30s.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Small thing but when sorting by openness brats seem to be all over the place. It could say they have 16 but get sorted higher than girls in the 30s.
Makes sense, brats are using a completely different variable to represent openness. I'll get the sort algorithm fixed up to see it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
The issue with slow openness gains (for dance/pose) is that it makes them grindy.
I think Openness is done pretty well in this game. Maybe not perfect in its presentation, but it's paced fairly well: it's a big time gate early on, when the player still has only 1-6 girls. But with some obviously useful benefits and traits, it doesn't become a grind later on, for most girls, openness will start to grow every turn, even while they're resting.
So, I'm hoping the Brat trait won't result in just that: having to focus too much on progressing seperate girls when the player also has 60-300 other girls to consider.

For the future, I do hope we'll get multiple locations, all with their own set of upgrades and their own clientele, maybe with a manager position or a weekly rotation planner to set up who's on stage each night.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
I think Openness is done pretty well in this game. Maybe not perfect in its presentation, but it's paced fairly well: it's a big time gate early on, when the player still has only 1-6 girls. But with some obviously useful benefits and traits, it doesn't become a grind later on, for most girls, openness will start to grow every turn, even while they're resting.
So, I'm hoping the Brat trait won't result in just that: having to focus too much on progressing seperate girls when the player also has 60-300 other girls to consider.
Only requires 4ish uses of Negotiator to get her to the next tier. Because she's cheap to negotiate, there's actually no reason to rush her up.

For the future, I do hope we'll get multiple locations, all with their own set of upgrades and their own clientele, maybe with a manager position or a weekly rotation planner to set up who's on stage each night.
The problem with multiple locations is, at the end of the day, there's only one booth game. I've actually toyed with the idea but came to the conclusion that having to run the booth game multiple times per night doesn't really make for a good loop.
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Jul 30, 2018
The problem with multiple locations is, at the end of the day, there's only one booth game. I've actually toyed with the idea but came to the conclusion that having to run the booth game multiple times per night doesn't really make for a good loop.
Still, some way to stagger girl progress could be good for gameplay I think. Finding my ideas around it hard to actually put into writing though, and I assume it's even harder to actually put into the game itself.

Anyway, my prefered gameplay loop revolves around leveling a team of girls/shifts. The game is by far the best in the early stages while you're gradually ramping up operations, need to rotate 2-3 shifts, manage girl energy, level up openness & gradually unlock and get to watch their performances, while buying club upgrades. I've written enough about it in previous posts that I won't go into further, lest it get on peoples' nerves ;)

So the idea of staggered girl progress would be that you - instead of basically reaching 80-100 openness and max upgrades for all 200 girls (depending on personal pack library count - on a side note I think the passive training bonuses are a bit too good right now in that it seems you can basically maxlevel girls fairly quickly without ever actively utilizing them) simultaneously the way you more or less do now, you could instead be restricted to let's say 20 girls for a location. Once you max a location you could buy another at an increasingly expensive rate. And then, same upgrades but scaled prices so you'd need the income from the previous location(s). Also the ability to peek at the old locations for some nostalgia scenes if you wanted, but within the same game. Maybe a CCTV feature like what TUSC recently introduced (aware there's a gallery for each girl, but CCTV feels better to me in terms of being a game vs just a convoluted video player). To be clear, I wouldn't want to run the booth game five times per night. Would have to be something like pick an active location and the other ones would just run themselves and generate some kind of passive baseline income but not give you skill gains etc.

An additional idea would be that upon buying a new loc you could bring 1 favorite (and fully/mostly unlocked) girl from the previous location so that you could watch the occasional sexytimes alongside the dancing and posing at the new & non-upgraded location and not start completely from scratch performance wise. It's kind of an NG+ like mechanic without fully starting over, really. I realize you said you already had ideas in other directions, but just more water for the idea-mill I guess.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Disgruntler Would you be able to create a Mac version for the game as well? Thanks
I have no means to test it and not enough space to host it. If anyone wants the source code I can upload it and provide it and they can use Unity on their platform to compile a version for their platform.

Finding my ideas around it hard to actually put into writing though, and I assume it's even harder to actually put into the game itself.
Figuring out costs and stuff for subequent clubs is a logistical nightmare, especially given the way the scaling already works. It's taken this long to get the costs and cashflow to the place I'm content with for ONE club. I can't even begin to think of how scaling would work with additional clubs. Not to mention, there is a hard 'I literally cannot exceed this exact value' limit on money in the game. I cannot exceed $2,147,483,648 in the club coffers without either rewriting everything or underflow errors.

I want to say this though with acknowledgement that I am fully aware that endgame needs more. Right now the goal is 'get to end game' without any real sense of what to do when you get there. And I am fully aware of how that may feel unsatisfying to a lot of people.

I can tell you what I don't think is problematic about endgame. Balancing girl traits, trying to get the right mix of girls to get good use out of negotiator... occasionally tossing a snob out to punt losers, this to me is a sweet spot, and I think there is a solid, fully realized gameplay loop here. The problem isn't that this stage doesn't have good gameplay, it's that there doesn't feel like there's a reason to engage with it outside of completionism.

I don't think the answer is to start all over again.

I think the answer is to give a reason to engage with this layer, and give everything you've built in to customize the club meaning and purpose.

I want to say that giving the game an idea of being a part of a larger world is very much in the spirit of what I have planned. The club currently exists in a vacuum, and I don't think that it should remain in that vacuum. Or more accurately, I think there should be an option to engage with the greater world.

And that greater world may not appreciate your engagement.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Well, something you could maybe look into, is the girl skills, their effect on the girls' popularity gain, and the effect on the visitors we attract.
End game right now is swimming in money and having all the girls you have installed, even though you only have 6 girls on stage each night. There's a point where more girls just doesn't make a difference anymore, and where it doesn't even matter how well trained they are. Visitors will pay, with nowhere to spend the money.

So, I'd suggest that a girl who's actually low skilled at dancing, might put off a rich client who's asking for dancing (or sex, or whatever), resulting in less money, less tips, and more noticable degradation of the clubs' popularity. Maybe even introduce a chance to loose a broker level due to bad performances. Poor visitors would obviously set the bar to satisfaction much lower.

It won't really give an end game, but may extend the pre-endgame.
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