What would you like me to add to the game in the next update?

  • The connection (police) mechanic. This would be a new "currency" and a new batch of upgrades.

  • More events and the possiblity for the packmakers to add some in their packs.

  • The possbility to train the skills of the girls

  • Progress the story and add story missions (mostly focused on Nicole)

  • Something else (tell me either by PM or in this thread).

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Dec 9, 2020
Not sure if that's the link you meant to post but it is very helpful either way
Well, Kane2607 does have a point on that link you posted.....it was very....interesting I guess....some GILF fetish you would like to confess to there Disgruntler? Lol. Not judging....not judging...


Active Member
Nov 20, 2019
This may be a dumb question and answered before, but I've started to notice sometimes getting a generic video for some performances and girls. I assume it happens when a pack does not have any vids for that action since it's usually group finisher or group sex things. Is it caused by incorrect pack Description.json or something else?

Kind of annoying when these vids happen and would rather just not have that action button available in the first place if the girl doesn't do it. For example, if girl X does not have a group scene, I'd rather do a regular scene than a generic one with the actress I don't even know. I wondered if the available finisher display at the bottom of the screen would help with this but I've seen a finisher highlighted there and still get the generic scene, so I don't know.. Also in that case, wouldn't it be better to just not show the action button in the first place than have that display at the bottom?

I see the JSON data files have some flags like doThreesome=true or false .. Are these strictly necessary and shouldn't the game be able to figure this out from the directory contents? I got a Breanne Benson pack from somewhere and it had all the flags set to false so she wouldn't do anything even though there was files in the pack..
Might want to check out the link for Breanne at . I updated that pack fairly recently.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Well, Kane2607 does have a point on that link you posted.....it was very....interesting I guess....some GILF fetish you would like to confess to there Disgruntler? Lol. Not judging....not judging...
Oh my god I swear.

FantasyGrandma is still great though.
  • Haha
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Active Member
May 26, 2018
I'm still running VC v9.5

Was there something wrong with the portrait25, portrait50, and portrait75 function? My newest work wont display any image. portrait_small works.


Jul 30, 2018
Thanks for the pointer to the util in the other thread, very handy. This made me want to take a stab at my own girlpack (a LOT more work than I expected, but fun), which leads me to a new question. For some reason my pack makes the game hang on the recruitment screen. Sometimes also immediately after buying the first policy (for a new game of shuffle w/ crown jewels).

After two dozen restarts it seems it works just fine if I simply change the girl's name to something else. She's "Zoey Monroe". Is there some kind of special significance to that name in the code, like Nicole Aniston? I thought it was a corrupt video or profile pic or something, but nope.. Just change the name and it works. Or is it possibly some left over save data from a previous crash? I tried to nuke the folder under %APPDATA% but that doesn't seem to have helped.

I'm also trying to use firstgirl: true if that matters. Didn't seem to make a difference setting it to false but I tested/crashed so many times I'm no longer sure exactly what tests and changes I went through. Only that I'm playing the pack just fine right now under a new name :confused:


Active Member
Nov 20, 2019
just a wild guess... any chance you have two directories with a girl named Zoey Monroe in the .json file?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
I'm still running VC v9.5

Was there something wrong with the portrait25, portrait50, and portrait75 function? My newest work wont display any image. portrait_small works.
Is it showing a generic background icon similar to the application icon in the folder or is it showing a white box? The former means the game isn't seeing a portrait and is substituting a blank, and the latter means something else is going wrong. Or is it showing the default portrait?

As far as I know I've gotten rid of the last portrait-progression related bug but there might be something I am not aware of happening, so more details would be great.

Is there some kind of special significance to that name in the code?
Nope. The only two names that are reserved in the resources are Nicole Aniston and Generic Girl (which a girl object is never made for) Nicolette Shea is named in the code for the mafia, but not in anything in the Girlpacks registration method.

The pack making it hang, is this in both Scramble and Normal mode?


Active Member
May 26, 2018
It's showing the default silhouette. All three pictures are named portrait25, portrait50, and portrait75 with a png extension. This happens when recruiting girls. I just changed Avery Black to the images provided by sailer and the same happens to her during recruitment.... all I see is the default silhouette. I hire her and when viewed in staff I still see the silhouette. Can anybody else confirm? I'm running VCHH v9.5.0.1


Jun 8, 2020
Not sure if it's a bug, but I've had a Crown Jewel get stuck with the same customer for the entirety of a night. She was making money the entire time, but the prompt for a finisher never came up.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
It's showing the default silhouette. All three pictures are named portrait25, portrait50, and portrait75 with a png extension. This happens when recruiting girls. I just changed Avery Black to the images provided by sailer and the same happens to her during recruitment.... all I see is the default silhouette. I hire her and when viewed in staff I still see the silhouette. Can anybody else confirm? I'm running VCHH v9.5.0.1
Default sillouette would mean it's not reading the normal portrait either...


Sep 18, 2018
Hey just a small thing™ but are the class icons a bit mixed up? Nicole has the CJ icon, CJs have a Camera and Camgirls have nothing.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Hey just a small thing™ but are the class icons a bit mixed up? Nicole has the CJ icon, CJs have a Camera and Camgirls have nothing.
Yeah gotta fix that.

Your Assistant increases the quality of clients just for showing up to the booths, and if she's assigned to the backstage she gets +10% bonus per position filled, including her own, as well as can reach the same cap as a PHD.
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New Member
Mar 30, 2019
It's a limitation on Unity itself.

Linux Unity games cannot play mp4s through the videoplayer object. There's only three formats it can use, and only one codec it can use.

That said, if you're willing to download the Unity editor for Linux and compile and test it yourself, I can definately provide the source code for you.
Not sure if it's helpful to anyone else, but I wrote a quick powershell script to (poor man) find all non webm files I had and run them through handbrake cli to convert them, and then move the input file to the recycle bin.

I used this to convert the ~2000 or so .mp4 files I had from all the girlpacks I downloaded... I think I had one corrupted conversion.

Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic

#### NOTES ####
# Make sure you change the path on (about) line 11
# Make sure you change the path to the HandBrakeCLI on (about) line 22 (Download link for Handbrake CLI: https://handbrake.fr/downloads2.php)
# Double check that the exclusions on (about) line 14 are accurate and appropriately filter out all file types you don't want to convert
# This script is not perfect so use at your own risk.

# Girlpacks directory
$dir = "C:\my_path\VC v9.5\Girlpacks"

# Ensure  to  modify the exclusions below if you have additional file types you don't want run through handbrake cli
$files = Get-ChildItem $dir -File -Exclude *.webm,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.txt,*.json -Recurse

foreach ( $file in $files ) {
    # Build our input and output filenames /w path
    $inputFile = $file.DirectoryName+"\"+$file.Name
    $outputFile = $file.DirectoryName+"\"+$file.BaseName+".webm"

    # Convert our input movie to webm with vorbis audio  (-e VP8 is our encoder, -f av_webm is our format, -E vorbis is our audio encoder)
    & 'C:\Program Files\HandBrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe' -i $inputFile -o $outputFile -f av_webm -e VP8 -E vorbis

    # Send the input movie to the recycle bin automatically
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Not sure if it's helpful to anyone else, but I wrote a quick powershell script to (poor man) find all non webm files I had and run them through handbrake cli to convert them, and then move the input file to the recycle bin.

I used this to convert the ~2000 or so .mp4 files I had from all the girlpacks I downloaded... I think I had one corrupted conversion.

Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic

#### NOTES ####
# Make sure you change the path on (about) line 11
# Make sure you change the path to the HandBrakeCLI on (about) line 22 (Download link for Handbrake CLI: https://handbrake.fr/downloads2.php)
# Double check that the exclusions on (about) line 14 are accurate and appropriately filter out all file types you don't want to convert
# This script is not perfect so use at your own risk.

# Girlpacks directory
$dir = "C:\my_path\VC v9.5\Girlpacks"

# Ensure  to  modify the exclusions below if you have additional file types you don't want run through handbrake cli
$files = Get-ChildItem $dir -File -Exclude *.webm,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.txt,*.json -Recurse

foreach ( $file in $files ) {
    # Build our input and output filenames /w path
    $inputFile = $file.DirectoryName+"\"+$file.Name
    $outputFile = $file.DirectoryName+"\"+$file.BaseName+".webm"

    # Convert our input movie to webm with vorbis audio  (-e VP8 is our encoder, -f av_webm is our format, -E vorbis is our audio encoder)
    & 'C:\Program Files\HandBrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe' -i $inputFile -o $outputFile -f av_webm -e VP8 -E vorbis

    # Send the input movie to the recycle bin automatically


New Member
Mar 30, 2019
How many girls? And how much space did it save?
According to explorer, I have 162 girlpacks right now. I don't remember the exact number of videos that I converted, but when I did a search for '*' and then grouped by type, there were somewhere around 5000 .mp4s. I wasn't focused on the size, but rather on getting a good set of codecs to reduce the likelyhood of the stuck bug/make the girlpacks I have cross platform with linux should I chose to run it off there. But now, I have no .mp4s and the .webm count is at 20994.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Apparently VLC is capable of just doing the job natively.

Disregard it doesn't delete the files it converted from, ugh.

@echo off

for /f "delims="  %%m in ('dir /s /b *.mp4') do (
        echo Processing "%%m ..."
        d:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg -n -i "%%m" -vcodec vp8 "%%m.webm"
        echo "Waiting to delete %%m"
        timeout /T 5
        del /q "%%m"
This will do the job as a plain ol windows batch file if you're running ffmpeg.

Also, if you're going to be converting to webm, make sure that you've converting to vp8 and not vp9. Unity does not play nicely with vp9.

(handshake did not play nicely on my sad little windows toaster, unfortunately.)

Updated - Thanks. Great game.
Brat is index 28, by the way.
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