What would you like me to add to the game in the next update?

  • The connection (police) mechanic. This would be a new "currency" and a new batch of upgrades.

  • More events and the possiblity for the packmakers to add some in their packs.

  • The possbility to train the skills of the girls

  • Progress the story and add story missions (mostly focused on Nicole)

  • Something else (tell me either by PM or in this thread).

Results are only viewable after voting.

Watcher X

Active Member
Dec 26, 2017
Any one knows when the next update will come out.
and i need more girls do play with I got all of them i need more :D
I think he recently only came back to updating the game, so it would be a while yet. And if you look at the first post, you will see links to hundreds of girls you can add to the game.


New Member
Jan 8, 2018
yeah i got 166 girls to play with still after a while they start to get boring.
for any one ho makes girl packs I have a request


Nov 25, 2017
Hi Tobe this game is good so far but it would be nice if you created a mechanic so that if you have many girl packs installed that would enable shifts of a third (or fourth) of the girls so we don't have to micro to ensure we have enough girls active with the required openness to do the must difficult of the tasks.
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Active Member
Oct 20, 2016
Hi Tobe this game is good so far but it would be nice if you created a mechanic so that if you have many girl packs installed that would enable shifts of a third (or fourth) of the girls so we don't have to micro to ensure we have enough girls active with the required openness to do the must difficult of the tasks.
You do know you can select booth specs (for each booth), in planning ... right? Because you can simply (as an example) select 6 girls, with different openness, and set booth spec per girl. Sure you have to remember what booth to use for each girl. But setting them up in the same order as the girls, works fine for me. Btw, after you started the day? The moment a customer enters a booth? You can double click on the booth and you'll see what girls will be able to perform and can be used. Colored edge on the pics will show who can perform (no colored edge they can't) and how well they're trained up for it. Red -> orange -> yellow -> green ... or something like that.

Not saying it shouldn't be made easier. But just making sure you know about the options already in game.


Oct 28, 2017
I have question about strange bug - my game work perfectly for months without problem then today happen strange thing. Somehow game deleted inside of one folder and let there remain only text and description folder. Girl in question now apear as white siluet and had some random videos assigned to her while description was ok. So i decided to delete it and redowload it but now this girlpack game for some reason does not see no matter what - even if you start new one she is still missing. In my normal save game show noone for recruitment and noone in lottery. Is there some way to make game see it?


Jul 19, 2017
I have instaled a lot of girlpacks and almost all of them didn't work. So I changed the video format from mp4 into webm. The problem is I would like to do this with the "default" girls like Madison Ivy, Kimmy Granger.... but I can't find their video files. Can anyone help me?


Game Developer
May 24, 2017
Any one knows when the next update will come out.
and i need more girls do play with I got all of them i need more :D
For the next update, the answer is Soon™

Hi Tobe this game is good so far but it would be nice if you created a mechanic so that if you have many girl packs installed that would enable shifts of a third (or fourth) of the girls so we don't have to micro to ensure we have enough girls active with the required openness to do the must difficult of the tasks.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking for. Do you want something of an "auto-picker" for the girls? Or did I misunderstood? If it is that, then I feel like it would remove the "managing" aspect of the game. But you are right, the UI in general and the girls selection screen in particular needs a rework...
Just keep in mind that the game was not designed for people to have that many girls. When I made it, I assumed there would be something like 10-15 girls total in a game, not 100+...

I have question about strange bug - my game work perfectly for months without problem then today happen strange thing. Somehow game deleted inside of one folder and let there remain only text and description folder. Girl in question now apear as white siluet and had some random videos assigned to her while description was ok. So i decided to delete it and redowload it but now this girlpack game for some reason does not see no matter what - even if you start new one she is still missing. In my normal save game show noone for recruitment and noone in lottery. Is there some way to make game see it?
So, it would seem that for some strange reason, the video files and images got deleted from the Girlpack. And that's why you saw the default images and videos that the game uses when those are missing.
As for not seeing her in game after redownloading, I would say check the following: either she is available through the lottery service (which is why you don't see her hireable) or she costs influence to hire (so she will only appear after advancing the story). These are the most common reasons why you don't see a girl in game. If it is not that, could you tell me which pack it is, so that I check it and see if it is a bug? Thanks!

I have instaled a lot of girlpacks and almost all of them didn't work. So I changed the video format from mp4 into webm. The problem is I would like to do this with the "default" girls like Madison Ivy, Kimmy Granger.... but I can't find their video files. Can anyone help me?
The basic girls videos are not available at the moment. They will be transferred in girlpacks in the next update, but for the moment, you can't access them.
What I would like to know is if those basic girlpacks work or not for you. Because they should.
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Oct 28, 2017
I have everything maxed - own allgirls lottery included.... girlpack witch does not work is valentina nappi made by leeeply. It worked for week no problem - then out of nowhere part of it got deleted. And now no matter if i try start new or load she never appears anywhere. Fun fact is that after extraction it have folder inside folder so game tells me it cant read json so i need to move it out of it. That mean game somehow know its there BUT after that delete thing it does not want to show it. I tryed even download different girlpacks after and they works fine.


Game Developer
May 24, 2017
I have everything maxed - own allgirls lottery included.... girlpack witch does not work is valentina nappi made by leeeply. It worked for week no problem - then out of nowhere part of it got deleted. And now no matter if i try start new or load she never appears anywhere. Fun fact is that after extraction it have folder inside folder so game tells me it cant read json so i need to move it out of it. That mean game somehow know its there BUT after that delete thing it does not want to show it. I tryed even download different girlpacks after and they works fine.
I checked and she costs influence to unlock, so that might be why you don't see her in a new game.
And I'm not sure if I understood you correctly but you might need to move the whole Valentina Nappi folder that might be inside the girlpack into the Girlpacks folder. To be clear, th girlpack should be /Girlpacks/Valentina Nappi" and not "Girlpacks/Valentina Napii/Valentina Nappi". Make sure it is not the case.
If it isnt, then I have no idea what's wrong. Maybe the delete thing displeased Unity greatly and it's being weird, I don't know...


Haha, yeah, who would do such a thing...... ;)
you have to be a madman for that hahahaa.... :oops:
Those are impressive numbers!
A few questions if you don't mind:
Did you play with all of those girls or did you download a bunch and did not play with that much?
If you did, do you have an idea of how much time you played the game?
How long is the loading time?
Have you seen any weird UI behavior with that many girls?


Mar 31, 2018
Those are impressive numbers!
A few questions if you don't mind:
Did you play with all of those girls or did you download a bunch and did not play with that much?
If you did, do you have an idea of how much time you played the game?
How long is the loading time?
Have you seen any weird UI behavior with that many girls?
1. Used them all at least once or twice

2. That is a good question. A LOT. I actually like the management part (which is also why I voted for an elaboration of the police mechanic before anything else). I must've started over at least 4-5 times.

3. Loading times are around 2-3 seconds. Would probably be quicker if I moved the folders from the HDD to the SSD, but I have a pretty good PC and I don't think it is necessary at this point.

4. Nothing weird. Functionaly everything works. But looking for a girl in the planning screen is a chore. I do like the sorting options, but having an option to sort by recently hired would be awesome and maybe having multiple rows would help as well.

In addition, and I now this has been mentioned before, but I am not a fan of feetjobs. In fact it is a pretty major turnoff for me personally. Going through all these girls json files to disable them is a MAJOR pain in the ass. It would be really nice if there was a way to toggle the appearance of certain performances in a settings menu.
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Mar 31, 2018
Those are impressive numbers!
A few questions if you don't mind:
Did you play with all of those girls or did you download a bunch and did not play with that much?
If you did, do you have an idea of how much time you played the game?
How long is the loading time?
Have you seen any weird UI behavior with that many girls?
After thinking some more. It would be very nice if there was some way to scale the UI. I am playing on a 27" 1440p monitor and all the buttons look HUGE.
We could probably have a lot more screen real estate if the UI was smaller.
Then again, I don't know how much work this is VS how many people it would benefit.


Oct 2, 2017
I have 282 girlpacks which take up 178GB of memory
starting the game takes about 18 seconds
all other loading times are < 1 s

the possibility to sort by popularity wouldn't be bad either and sorting in Recruit girls menu
sometimes the game crashes during work ( ones per hour )

all in all a very good game
thanks for the good work


Sep 2, 2018
I checked and she costs influence to unlock, so that might be why you don't see her in a new game.
And I'm not sure if I understood you correctly but you might need to move the whole Valentina Nappi folder that might be inside the girlpack into the Girlpacks folder. To be clear, th girlpack should be /Girlpacks/Valentina Nappi" and not "Girlpacks/Valentina Napii/Valentina Nappi". Make sure it is not the case.
If it isnt, then I have no idea what's wrong. Maybe the delete thing displeased Unity greatly and it's being weird, I don't know...

Those are impressive numbers!
A few questions if you don't mind:
Did you play with all of those girls or did you download a bunch and did not play with that much?
If you did, do you have an idea of how much time you played the game?
How long is the loading time?
Have you seen any weird UI behavior with that many girls?
1.Im still maxing stats on most of them. I do have some that I favor more than others and use them regardless.
2.I usually play a few rounds to max a few stats. similar to Tinuss I like the management part and also voted police stat Xd
3.Loads quickly (around 5-7 sec) even tho I moved it to my external crap speed HHD
4.the only problems I encounter is that sometimes when there are new girls and you dont buy them in order the last girl becomes unbuyable (disappears).
selecting them sometimes is annoying and a lot of scrolling (for example: sorting by openness/skill looking unmaxed girls, after selecting one, it sometimes shuffles their order, works fine when ordered by name).

personal note: would be very helpful if there was a favorite/random girl selection.
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Nov 25, 2017
I have three issues with the game at present.
1. Stability ( I have experienced several crashes)
2. Lack of an overall daily policy (It would be nice if we could say to hell with all the policies we have today is x and below only)
3. Girl pack prizes are crazy (Angelica is 8000$+20 rep with an overall statline of ZERO while Dillion Harper is 300$ with a 100 in all the stats)
4.40 star(s) 49 Votes