1. Oddly, I recall meeting them as a futa in the earlier versions, hence asking if I can give the admirer in the onsen something *else* to oogle. Didn't know you had to go full gal now, but that explains the difficulty finding the scene.
2. Under the logic of the biology being compatible, shouldn't a Percy get preggers from the occasional werewolf orgy, or quality time with Meat's meat?
3. Satty seems fun. Seems like there is all the more reason to have a smith at the farm to get her some horseshoes, or something. Actually, shouldn't a Steelwind, either as a PC or Bill, have the know how to tend to some damaged hooves?
4. I don't know if there is a reputation system, and she already seems pretty smitten, but a option to reassure her that she is no less than anybody else, and or welcoming her to the farm could work. (Or be a total shitheel, because you have a "slave", but that's not my wheelhouse.)
5. I'm kind of surprised she didn't end up with something worse like a branding or whatever. Getting rid of the collar seems easy enough, unless it's by choice.
6. A minor nitpick, but if you accepted Firsts offering shouldn't the blurb read: You are wearing several pieces of goblin jewelry as a symbol of marriage. Or something?
7. Technically it's not *in* the game yet, but is there a different reaction from Avee if you *haven't* lewded her, but have with Mariko? Like, let's say hypothetically, you get Mariko preggers. Is Avee jealous? Does Mariko set her up for some of the same action? Or take a guiding role, so to speak, with a little 3P nonsense? Inquiring minds wanna know.
8. Last one (unless it's not! Haha!) The description for the Unluckiest Goblin reads as:
Futa Only
Begin as a goblin male that has traveled to Avedonia for to break a curse
* Mostly a meme
'for to break a curse' hurts my brain. Given their background, wouldn't it read something akin to:
Proof that the gods have a twisted sense of humor, a former crusader from records past is reincarnated into a lowly goblin.
I hadn't thought about it much, but maybe the "Unlucky" has a habit of things going wrong, somehow? Or 'accidently' getting plowed a good deal of the time, because goblin. Not that it differs much from Team Boys, really. I mean, yes, they *are* a shortstack tripod, and pretty much everything is out to fuck or be fucked by them, but I mean... one can certainly argue that's pretty gosh darn blessed.
9. Gobwife, or GobLife, am I right?