Collection Mod Unity Virt-A-Mate Mod Assets: Clothing,Environments,Objects,Scenes,Looks,ect.

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Oct 21, 2017
I'm not talking about clothes, hairs and stuff like that, they are pain in the ass to organize in a megapack. I'm talking about scenes and looks.
Most stuff that are depended are clothes/hairs/textures - they are an easy fix for creators.

I've made like 60 packs and from experience I can tell you that most of the references are for bullshit stuff like morphs and hairs.

"Not convinced about that single advantage of mega pack" - remove all your vars and morphs from your main VAM folder and see for yourself...
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Aug 13, 2019
I think that we all need a tool/script that do a deep clean in the vars directory, VACCUM do that?
VACUUM is not design to clean vars, it's to fix broken paths in files like json, vap, vam and such...

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I don't have an high end PC and every fps boost or a faster menu is big deal.
For me it's not about the dups, and even without the extra performance I would do that just for the fact that it's so much easier to find stuff now.

(You can also tick off the option to preload morphs from all the packs and see fps boost... but only do that if you don't mind of not having all those morphs available at any time)

I know all this talk is off topic but I think it's important and maybe people will catch some things that they didn't know.


Sep 25, 2017
To just add some other info to all that mess, while still on and sorta off-topic. The ingame UI, when you open it, also makes vam take a fps hit. Along with there being a general memory leak, so you will see your ram get eaten up after awhile or loading several sceens. I asked meshed about both and he has told me they are known issues, but aren't going to be addressed them now since we're at the end of the 1.x life span. Mainly because the they are focusing on 2.x now and the UI is I believe Unity's built-in, so performance using that alone takes a hit.


Jun 8, 2017
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Aug 21, 2017
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Same feelings as you. To the people with a 2080 ti I would IMHO say keep it till at least the next generation 40...50 etc. My real best improv. was with a modest z490pro+i7 10700+3600Mhz RAM. Then I was a lot lucky to find in an austrian well known on-line shop a 3070 suprim for a very honest price (was probably the last sample of first generation 3070 suprim they had. Enough for me) ... no regrets besides the fact I should maybe consider a faster cpu than the (very very good) 10700.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2019
I was surprised to find out that the torrent has no content from kuro hanpen...
Does anyone have access to this look?

I don't think there's a kemono page for him, but I can't be completely sure since the site wasn't very stable when I checked.


New Member
Dec 9, 2020
Can you have two Vam installations on the same machine? Like one for storing and viewing the gigantic library of stuff, and then a minimal version where only the bare essentials are installed for maximum performance and creation.


New Member
Mar 28, 2019
Hi guys great work on sharing!

Have a few requests:

Princess Fiona from Shrek
Moana (I saw there is one shared but maybe someone has a refined version?)
Bulma from DBZ (The image is from Koikatsu not sure if you can import these into VAM)
Android 18 or C18 from DBZ (The image is from Koikatsu not sure if you can import these into VAM)
Clara Ravans (Blonde in white t shirt attached)

Thanks in advance
tbh i dont think requests go here but if they did i would want fiona too! preferably Ogre version but both is good


Jan 13, 2021
EDIT - Fixed jar


OK. So about my VAM cleaning tool. Its main purpose is to fix missing references in such fields:

"url", "uid", "id", "assetUrl", "presetFilePath", "storePath",
"faceGlossUrl", "torsoGlossUrl", "limbsGlossUrl", "genitalsGlossUrl",
"faceSpecularUrl", "torsoSpecularUrl", "limbsSpecularUrl", "genitalsSpecularUrl",
"faceNormalUrl", "torsoNormalUrl", "limbsNormalUrl", "genitalsNormalUrl",
"faceDiffuseUrl", "torsoDiffuseUrl", "limbsDiffuseUrl", "genitalsDiffuseUrl",
"faceDecalUrl", "torsoDecalUrl", "limbsDecalUrl", "genitalDecalUrl",
"customTexture_MainTex", "customTexture_SpecTex", "customTexture_GlossTex",
"customTexture_AlphaTex", "customTexture_BumpMap", "customTexture_DecalTex"

inside files with following extensions:

"json", "vap", "vaj", "vmi", "vam"

It does this by indexing and hashing files with following extensions:


It does this for all files inside your VAM instalation, including files inside VARs.

How to use it?

Vamifier is able to fix missing dependencies by copying from a second directory you put aside. It has to have the same structure as main VAM directory. I call it the "repo".

To start the script, be sure you have java available from your command line and run:

java -jar vamifier.jar [options - see below]

On first run it will pop a requester to get root path of your game and then the repo directory. Navigate into the directories that contains "Custom", "Saves" and "Addon Packages". Going through all saves, customs and VARs takes A LOT. So be patient.

I did all my best to ensure no file is touched unless you use this option:

"--write" description = "SWITCH: Commit changes - without this option no changes will be made to your VAM"

but there's a tiny-small chance I've overlooked something, so be warned.

"-rd", "--refresh-db" description = "DATABASE: Force rescan of VAM directory" - when you added content to your main directory

"-rr", "--refresh-repo" description = "DATABASE: Force rescan of repository directory"

"-a", "--fix-all" description = "FIXES: Run all possible fixes" - below

"-s", "--fix-siblings" description = "FIXES: Fix missing vmb-vmi or vab-vaj-vam (or delete them if unfixable!)" - I had a lot of orphan vmb or vmi files. They don't work alone, so they are either fixed or deleted.

"-r", "--fix-save-refs" description = "FIXES: Point missing references in saves to existing files" - Fix refs in loose files inside "Custom" and "Saves" directories.

"-rv", "--fix-var-refs" description = "FIXES: Point missing references in packages (VAR) to dependant packages or loose files" - Fix refs inside VARs

"-dd", "--deduplicate" description = "FIXES: Remove duplicates (by MD5), run fix refs when done" - not doing anything yet

"-cr", "--clean-repo" description = "FIXES: Remove repo files that are present in main game dir" - why clutter your disk, you don't need two copies!

"-t", "--autoimport-textures" description = "FIXES: Create auto-importable textures (interactive)" - this is a little helper for renaming textures to be auto-importable. It tries to make some educated guesses about what name it should choose, but asks for user input when nothing works.

"-lm", "--list-mocaps" description = "INFO: List modules with mocaps"

"-ls", "--list-scripts" description = "INFO: List scripts"

Note: Because the script works by pointing missing references to existing files of the same name, there's a chance it will point a ref to wrong file in case there's a lot of files with the exact name (think about torsoD.jpg). I'm in the course of fixing it by marking files with same name and different hash as "ambigious". But currently it's too slow to use.

The script will dump a CSV log to its directory, so if you want to give it a try, just run:

java -jar vamifier.jar --fix-all

It won't touch your files, but everything it WOULD do if you append "--write" option will be shown. You can filter the log by the first column.
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