3.30 star(s) 3 Votes


Nov 7, 2018
I remember when I first saw Eliminator Kaede (another game from the dev) and my PC didn't run because hardware. Even with a new one (gtx1650), it was strangely hard to find a link where the game would open. I finally played and even though it was not that good, I liked to play it.
Now we have this. Sadly it's almost only VR. All we have without VR is a game that looks a lot like that "choose what to do" games with only one of the girls, and not much customizations (mostly only body colors). Most of these choices are scat or piss or fart.
In the end, it's better to play Honey Select, since I'm not gonna shoot anything, anyway.
I don't know what to be most sad for...
May 25, 2021
I have no issue get the game running. No white screen or anything. Just on english locale and it works just fine for me. But yeah, it is sadly it's mostly for VR if you want to play the entire game. I for one can't use VR due to disability and my room is not that big for me to roll around with.

I still enjoy it with some parts with no VR. I wonder if anyone ever made the uncensored turds?


New Member
Aug 5, 2021
The game worked fine for me. Played it using a Valve Index. I'm not good at writing in depth reviews so here's my summary:

The good
- Graphics and sound design is quite nice. It's stylized but done quite well
- Despite the readme stating a 1080 is needed, it ran very well on a 1070
- Some character customization
- Kept me entertained for some 30 minutes
- NbzAlt's uncensor worked well

The bad
- Limited, a few different scenes which you can have the girl do some things (mainly piss and shit) and 'touch' her a bit
- Archaic controls in VR noticable in every thing you do.
You can't move the control panel, only teleport move, rotating can only be done IRL or why weirdly alligning the teleport
- The shooting minigame is bad, as in, I couldn't figure out how to use the sniper rifle.

The idk?
- This game has a heavy focus on piss and scat fetishes, which I don't possess.
- Has a weird horror scene in which she kills some abomination?
What you expect from a solo dev who started this game development works since 2019?

And for the 1080, the dev recommend playing this game in VR at 90fps, which is required to have a PC that have 32RAM for some reasons (don't ask, ask the translator)


Active Member
Jun 9, 2018
the game is overheated is there anyway to cap 30 or 60 fps, it just jumps 50 °C to 80 °C

Edit: nevermind I just solve it
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Oct 28, 2019
the game has nice view and sound.
but too little content.
hope the dev will add more content on future version.
i mean not gun shoot part.

i made a uncensored plus fps limited mod.
it should work for the future version.
unless the dev change the censored method.
but i do not know that does it work for VR mode or not.
i do not have VR hardware.

just extract the content of the attach file to the game root folder.

by the way, edit VR_room509\Voyeur Room509_Data\ResolutionSetting.settings can add more resolution.

room509_Demosaic.dll also remove JsonMask and Eyemask.
i did not notice that.
please also download room509_Democais_v1.0.1.zip and unzip to game root folder then replace the old one.
it will fix that.

sorry for your inconvenience.
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Oct 22, 2017
finally the piss and poop VR game i never wanted....
wait it actually is that!? lmao cool


Jan 21, 2017
VR Mode was very underwhelming. No controls to rotate camera normally, just an awkward teleport rotate system. The sniper mode was ok but not much there. The defense mode seemed very lazy.


Mar 19, 2019
Well i downloaded it and try after see all stuff this is most unoptimized shit game I have ever seen as unity engine
3.30 star(s) 3 Votes