Sorry, missed your post. Path Two - is pretty much cuckolding as we know and love (some of us) - Path Three is Wife Cheating (on you) mode - not cuckolding. Path One is for those who don't want either. Hope this helps.
From what i have understood, Path One will be centered on swinging, indeed when you select this path at the game's beginning, it is represented by two males and two females symbols (biological symbols) all together.
Maybe there will be also some sub-paths for every path, depending on the two variable values "Love" and "Respect".
In my opinion could be useful make a guide for to know what will happen when a player select one path and their respective variables, in this way:
+ maximum points
- minimum points
Path 1
Love+ Respect+ = xxxxxxxxxx
Love+ Respect- = xxxxxxxxxx
Love- Respect+ = xxxxxxxxxx
Love- Respect- = xxxxxxxxxx
Path 2
Love+ Respect+ = xxxxxxxxxx
Love+ Respect- = xxxxxxxxxx
Love- Respect+ = xxxxxxxxxx
Love- Respect- = xxxxxxxxxx
Path 3 (future path)
Love+ Respect+ = xxxxxxxxxx
Love+ Respect- = xxxxxxxxxx
Love- Respect+ = xxxxxxxxxx
Love- Respect- = xxxxxxxxxx