Illegible Mink

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Found this, i dont know if its a bug or has an impact in the future. Buying clothes for Debbie i chose Dont Peek but still have the Busted scene with sales girl.
Thanks - I'll look into it - but it doesn't really affect anything majorly - just allows you to be a voyeur!
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Illegible Mink

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Hi there, Mink! Great game so far, shaping up very nicely. A few pages ago (I can't remember the post number), you mentioned that the Cheating route could also include cuckolding. I think that would be very interesting, and I'm wondering if you would be willing to expand on this a bit on how you might implement that. Might it revolve around the love and respect meters? Would it stem from the husband discovering the wife's infidelity and being okay with it? If that were to occur, would the Cheating route then follow the Cuckolding route? I understand this aspect may not be fully planned or might be a spoiler, but I would appreciate any details that you can provide. Thanks.
Still working it through - but got plenty of time. Thing is, is that once discovered, the story has to go somewhere. It can't remain undiscovered forever - well it could, but it might get a bit repetitive. So realistically, I need to think about what this revelation might lead to. It has to be as realistic as possible - if he wants her to stay, he might have to offer her something in the way of having cake and eating it. Still, she hasn't actually cheated yet - so we have a while before we really need to worry about it!

Illegible Mink

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
As for the game - I love it for the most part, of course - renders and wifey model, writing, slow pace and, accordingly, that hot and realistic 'slice-of-life' flavour but to me the young holes swarming around the husband are irrelevant and essentially just a waste of resources.
I see your point - but actually to do away with such encounters wouldn't bring you closer quicker. As I'm trying to keep the story as realistic as possible, in a sense, whether Debbie is there or not wouldn't have any impact on the progress with the MFC. There is no attempt here to gain another audience (harem etc) - I'm just not interested in it. Debbie, and other characters etc, are just part of the MMC's life which doesn't stand still. They are just part of the story. The focus is very much nailed to the original premise and always will be - but even potential cucks / cheatees etc have a life. And tbh - I really fancy Debbie!

Illegible Mink

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Great update, the respect/love stats seem to indicate that things are moving slowly but in the right direction, exactly what I wanted to see!

I have a million ideas for the story and where it should go but rather than share those I'll trust you Mink to lead the story where it should best go. My only suggestion to you: Can we see the wife's full face out of the water at some point? Every time she's out of the water some hair is covering her left eye. But if she's in the bath/pool we can see her full face and she's gorgeous.

Perhaps that is something that we don't see until her corruption is complete and she's out of her shell?
Surely you're not going to suggest to a lady that she change her hairstyle! We could mess about with her hair - but then there could be a backlash the other way! We'll see :)

Illegible Mink

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
... and the fact that new updates are issued about every month or slower...
Do you really think this is slow? How hurtful. Perhaps I should go downstairs now and watch the tv, rather than sit on the computer answering these messages and rendering and coding the next release 30 minutes after I get in from work :D. I haven't even had a shower yet!


May 4, 2019
Still working it through - but got plenty of time. Thing is, is that once discovered, the story has to go somewhere. It can't remain undiscovered forever - well it could, but it might get a bit repetitive. So realistically, I need to think about what this revelation might lead to. It has to be as realistic as possible - if he wants her to stay, he might have to offer her something in the way of having cake and eating it. Still, she hasn't actually cheated yet - so we have a while before we really need to worry about it!
Couples with a cheating spouse remain together from either outside or inside pressure. Outside being from friends/family/other members of the couple's social circles. The couple wants to put on airs that all is well and not lose any face, even if they have to sleep in separate beds and can't stand each other. Inner pressure comes from within the family. Maybe it's love and familiarity between the two of them that makes them want to stay together for sentimental reasons. Maybe it's kids and remaining a family for the children' s sake.

Now there's no kids and the wife's social circle isn't real impressed by the husband. However, you could have outside pressure from his side. He's a professor, yes? All professors dream of tenure and it's pretty damn hard to get and you don't want your wife leaving you in the middle of it. Divorce is nasty business. So that would be one motivation for the husband to stay together. As for the wife, what does she really have to gain by leaving, if the husband isn't abusing her? Most male chars going after her are womanizers. Some are married themselves, I imagine. If no other character promises her more security than she has now, she could very well stay with her husband and keep doing what she's doing. She gets the safety of her home, however damaged, and all the fun she can handle to the side.
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New Member
Sep 9, 2021
Nice start on your game. I didn't plan on commenting but I like the work you have done.

I wonder on the cuckold route, is it going to be a pathetic loser humiliation cuckold, or will there be the scenario he wants his wife to be satisfied in bed, remain married and respected as a provider, just not as the main alpha lover. With his little dick, an escalating porn addiction, his wife never getting satisfied, and other cuckold tropes.

This could lead down a path were both are happy with it, but would reassurances along to way to stay in love. For instance she would give him a hand job him while he watches porn to reaffirm their commitment together. Sorta train each other and learn more about the lifestyle. Or she chooses to cuckold him but wants him to want it too, because she finds she's not satisfied unless he is with her during the cuckolding.

Her friend Heather could also be trying to convince her you are a cuck a way to get her to cheat if she remains loyal. They then could work to discover/convert you if true.

I am just rambling from the work you did and apologize if it seems like I am trying to tell you how to write. Just having some fun.

Illegible Mink

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Couples with a cheating spouse remain together from either outside or inside pressure. Outside being from friends/family/other members of the couple's social circles. The couple wants to put on airs that all is well and not lose any face, even if they have to sleep in separate beds and can't stand each other. Inner pressure comes from within the family. Maybe it's love and familiarity between the two of them that makes them want to stay together for sentimental reasons. Maybe it's kids and remaining a family for the children' s sake.

Now there's no kids and the wife's social circle isn't real impressed by the husband. However, you could have outside pressure from his side. He's a professor, yes? All professors dream of tenure and it's pretty damn hard to get and you don't want your wife leaving you in the middle of it. Divorce is nasty business. So that would be one motivation for the husband to stay together. As for the wife, what does she really have to gain by leaving, if the husband isn't abusing her? Most male chars going after her are womanizers. Some are married themselves, I imagine. If no other character promises her more security than she has now, she could very well stay with her husband and keep doing what she's doing. She gets the safety of her home, however damaged, and all the fun she can handle to the side.
Nicely put - and it certainly gives food for thought and options rather than head towards family meltdown and recriminations. All this stuff is useful to me when bouncing around ideas. Much appreciated.

Illegible Mink

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Nice start on your game. I didn't plan on commenting but I like the work you have done.

I wonder on the cuckold route, is it going to be a pathetic loser humiliation cuckold, or will there be the scenario he wants his wife to be satisfied in bed, remain married and respected as a provider, just not as the main alpha lover. With his little dick, an escalating porn addiction, his wife never getting satisfied, and other cuckold tropes.

This could lead down a path were both are happy with it, but would reassurances along to way to stay in love. For instance she would give him a hand job him while he watches porn to reaffirm their commitment together. Sorta train each other and learn more about the lifestyle. Or she chooses to cuckold him but wants him to want it too, because she finds she's not satisfied unless he is with her during the cuckolding.

Her friend Heather could also be trying to convince her you are a cuck a way to get her to cheat if she remains loyal. They then could work to discover/convert you if true.

I am just rambling from the work you did and apologize if it seems like I am trying to tell you how to write. Just having some fun.
Like all this. I do see this path as evolving in a way similar to what you lay out. Makes a lot of sense. You're right - he doesn't have to be pathetic - cucks get something out of this too. There's no reason why the love can't still be there (unless of course you arrange the opposite yourself). Nothing wrong with humiliation though - it can and does play a role. I see it playing its part too - it's part of the kink that they both sign up to.

Illegible Mink

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Hello! First of all sorry for late response to new update, I was visiting friends and I am just not so much into group wanking :D As always I am on the infidelity path, making every choice for husband to make wife happy, protect and love her. Also encouraging wife to be sexy and do whatever she wants. These are my thoughts on update v0.3.1:

"Other women can do it, so can I" - this is the first glimpse in the text about large portion about this update, wife's moral debate with herself. Initially I was scared she would stay angry about other people having loose morals and dragging her in, but thanks to these moral debates you can see her loosening up or at least tolerating it. If she begins by merely questioning her morals at the start of it, you will find her looking for excuses by the end of update ;) It is described beautifully, meaningfully and well paced so it is worth a read even if you are normally "picture book" kinda guy or gal.

Loved wife's black turtle neck. Even tho she is dressed conservatively, she can't help but fill it out just right with her magnificent breasts which, by the way, you see plenty in this update and boy are they looking mint! Once again you showcase your great taste in wife's outfits and that makes me even more impatient for future where her outfits should become a lot spicier. Personally would love sheer top where you can barely see areolas and can piece together a nipple in your brain. Anyways moving on...

Mia sure did great job for us in wife's corruption. At first wife was judging Mia because of her lax outfit, but then she almost envied her by the end of that scene. This was also a much more transparent look into this workplaces morals and customs than previous updates. Once again if you pay a little attention to text you will be very hopeful for future in this particular work environment, I know I am! I mean wife is already calling other workers 'the boys' and I get extra large pulse every time I read that. I imagine her saying things like "oh your bum is kinda red, did the boys get ya again", "I'm having trouble with this report, perhaps I should visit the boys to sort it out" or even answering husband's questions with "I was just grabbing a drink after work, one of the boys had a birthday". Something about it is just perfect, keep using it ;)

Pool date with Heather - what a blast! First of all, that has to be the most beautiful changing room in any game I have played. Usually it looks like mold infested high school locker room, but this one actually looked like business that has health inspection and client opinions every now and then that they need to uphold :D Details were also great as always, with all the extra background people and elements. One thing specifically that I appreciated was wife undressing layer by layer - thanks to this we could see wife in pantyhose which I know many people love passionately. Her legs looked really sexy in them and I can only imagine what they would look like in stockings :love: Feels like every update your rendering and scene environment setting skills get more and more polished - great work!

But stunning visuals wasn't the only thing great with this pool date, main event was much more lively - Heather. What a great friend to have for a wife that needs to come out of a shell and embrace her inner seductress. First time after meeting for a while and she managed to introduce wife to a man she knows openly as a lover on a side, convince wife to check out his bulge, did a lovely duet with a guy talking openly about having casual sex with the wife, forced wife to practice flirting/dirty talk in the changing room and not to mention all the times wife questioned her morals or expressed doubts about her dull sex life. Heather - what a champ! Shopping with her will probably be the single hottest scene yet!

When wife returned home after workday and you could read her inner thoughts about making sure husband knows who is in charge in this relationship - what a lovely sight! I probably wouldn't want her to express it explicitly or try to humiliate or demean husband, at least in my path, but it is still nice to know that she knows what she wants and perhaps wouldn't mind sitting on husbands face (wink wink for future scene? don't remember any other game where facesitting was well made or even discussed, if anyone else likes some facesitting from time to time back me up here haha).

Also loved the fact that she appreciates husbands kindness, at least in my path where I make sure all the choices are for wife's benefit. Taking this from real life, I absolutely find it annoying when you want to spoil or be kind to someone and they just don't know how or refuse to take it. If I spoil you I want you to enjoy it, that is kind of the whole point! So thanks for having wife appreciate my kindness and hope she continues to do so, because I want to spoil her from head to toes! :)

A little negative thing that should be fixed sooner rather than later, if you think it needs fixing that is.. Wife says she feels like a Princess and while the sentiment is correct and awesome, it should be Queen. In my opinion Queen fits a lot better, Goddess even, but title Princess feels immature and innocent and interfering with fact that you want to worship her. It's not a big deal, but I definitely fall out of immersion when I read Princess where my mind says should be Queen or Goddess. Just consider it, or ask patreons if they would mind change from wife referring to herself as Princess to Queen or Goddess. Thanks!

And last quick note, wife's thoughts while having a bath. I found it funny how she refers to Patrick as this brute sexual deviant, but then holds Karl in such high regards. I am almost certain Karl is even more of a beast inside than Patrick shows, wife is in for some rude awakening, just hope her morals will be fixed by then so she doesn't have tail between her legs, but nice cock instead :D
Thank you for taking your time to write this - it's certainly nice to know that the work is appreciated! Yes - I felt that we'd better move on with the story - just got to be careful. I want her to accept her fate gradually. This release was all about story really - things we can develop later. That pullover was a nightmare to fit and to render - drove me mad! I had to refit it re-render it shed loads of times - but you're right, it looks pretty good on her. Is Heather a good influence or a malevolent one - different people have different views on her. She still looks nice in her bikini regardless!

I too like the idea of sheer/see through clothing - gets the pulse pounding alright. I will be using the 'boys' more - I too think it shows a degree of informality which fits nicely as the story moves on. Face sitting - yes, please! Perhaps she could be promoted to Queen - possibly by her husband! Maybe Karl might not be all he seems, or perhaps he is what she think he is - we'll see how he develops - and of course, it could be different depending on what path you take. Either way - she really should get something decent between her legs - perhaps she will.

Thanks again for this, and your time - just got to keep trying to raise the bar!
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Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
I see your point - but actually to do away with such encounters wouldn't bring you closer quicker. As I'm trying to keep the story as realistic as possible, in a sense, whether Debbie is there or not wouldn't have any impact on the progress with the MFC. There is no attempt here to gain another audience (harem etc) - I'm just not interested in it. Debbie, and other characters etc, are just part of the MMC's life which doesn't stand still. They are just part of the story. The focus is very much nailed to the original premise and always will be - but even potential cucks / cheatees etc have a life. And tbh - I really fancy Debbie!
Have you told wifey that you fancy Debbie!

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
I was talking to a friend about this game and he decided to try out and said to would not it be a shocker if one of the girls turned out to be a she-male,I must admit but I did find it very funnt
  • Haha
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Aug 22, 2018
The Picture above (main menu screen) is so promising, but for a 0.3.1 there is not a lot of content at all and nothing close to what the pic suggests :-(

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
The Picture above (main menu screen) is so promising, but for a 0.3.1 there is not a lot of content at all and nothing close to what the pic suggests :-(
Its early days yet and whether or not the main screen picture comes true well only time will tell.
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