@NSFW Space I did you a wrong, because I didn't give this one a chance, even though I did enjoy Spaced Out.
I hated the grind in it though and from the description I was afraid you would concentrate on exactly the parts of the prequel that I didn't enjoy.
Gladly I found out that I'm wrong. I think you've improved a lot, in writing, coding and rendering and while I could still live with a little less having to eat, sleep and wash and wasting a day so that I can get to the next part of a quest, overall playing Water World is a lot of fun.
I'm intrigued about how the dimension of Spaced Out and Water World are connected, if and how your "mother" is actually related to the MC or at least the Water World version of him and I love the amount of different woman you can and will go for as well as the variations in pairings and how the characters actually change through the interaction with the MC.
There is so much potential when it comes to sex in this game that it shouldn't become boring or uninteresting for a long time.