Just started playing your game. Looks interesting. So far mostly in for Envie as i loved her Bible Black counterpart. I'm not a big fan of the serie but she stood apart somehow.
I was wondering if you'd need or want some help when it comes to dialogues. Being french, I could probably be of some help with the writing if it's based on a french script.
I wanted to retranslate it into French some time ago, it was long, tedious and extremely frustrating... It made me lose a lot of time and motivation, and as a result I've accumulated a huge backlog.
Don't forget that translating a game also means reprogramming it, and that's really not the fun part.
To save time, I write directly in English without keeping any writing in French.
I appreciate suggestions to reword some of my dialogues, especially if they make no sense or have the opposite meaning to the intended effect.
However, this would be a voluntary work, this game doesn't make any profit and I don't want to change that.
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J'ai voulu le retraduire en français il y a quelques temps, ça a été long, fastidieux et extrêmement frustrant... Ca m'a fait perdre beaucoup de temps et de motivation et du coup j'ai cumulé un retard énorme.
Il ne faut pas oublier que traduire un jeu passe aussi par sa reprogrammation, et c'est vraiment pas la partie sympa.
Pour gagner du temps, j'écris directement en anglais sans conserver le moindre écrit en français.
J’apprécie volontiers que l'on me suggère de reformuler certains de mes dialogues surtout s'ils n'ont aucun sens ou un sens contraire à l'effet recherché
Il s’agirait cependant d'un bénévolat basé sur le volontariat, ce jeu ne dégage aucun bénéfice et je ne tiens pas à changer cela.
I've barely scratched the surface of your game yet but dialogues have been kinda broken from the beginning. (But somehow your english is a lot better in your answers to this thread so maybe only the start of the game is like this and it gets better later on ?)
I thought I had a good grounding in English, but there are big differences between academic English and English used in game situations. It's like anything, the more you practice the better you get. I plan to redo the scenes from the beginning of the game but I'll spend my time adapting them without advancing in the story if I focus on that. It would be very time consuming.
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Je pensais avoir de bonnes bases en anglais mais il y a de grosses différences entre l'anglais académique et celui abordé dans des situations en jeu. C'est comme tout, plus tu pratiques plus tu t'améliores. J'ai prévu de refaire les scènes du début du jeu mais je passerai mon temps à les réadaptés sans avancer dans l'histoire si je me concentrai sur ce point. Ce serait très chronophage.
I'm also offering because i'd like to make my own adult (maybe) game in english one day and I could use the practice when it comes to writing (or translating). Wouldn't hurt to work with someone actually making a game.
Hit me up if you want to talk about it. (and respect for your work, i believe i'm gonna love your game from what i've seen and read on the thread. Getting back to reading right away

You can count on my help : starting a game is difficult and even more so once the first version is over.
I'm not the most experienced but I like to think that I am available for everyone.
With an adventure of almost two years, I have had my ups and downs, so I think I have some good advice.
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Tu peux compter sur mon aide : commencer un jeu est difficile et encore plus une fois la première version passée.
Je ne suis pas le plus expérimenté mais j'aime à croire que je suis disponible pour chacun.
Avec aventure de presque deux ans, j'ai eu des hauts et des bas, je pense donc avoir des conseils avisés et emplies de bienveillance.
Prends soin de toi en cette période difficile, je te souhaite sincèrement une belle réussite dans ton projet de jeu.