
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Public patch 0.3 is officially up, I made sure to put in enough content to make it worth the wait, in other words I roughly doubled the content that was available in 0.2

I'd like to thank Tyr Unchained for his advice in all things S&M as well as some tips on refining Kayla's character, thanks to him Kayla might be the most true to life masochist the series has to offer, well, the closest I will get.

A Common Crab

Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
Public patch 0.3 is officially up, I made sure to put in enough content to make it worth the wait, in other words I roughly doubled the content that was available in 0.2

I'd like to thank Tyr Unchained for his advice in all things S&M as well as some tips on refining Kayla's character, thanks to him Kayla might be the most true to life masochist the series has to offer, well, the closest I will get.
Nice, gotta try it right now!

Deleted member 1571565

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2019
hrm....This is not my usual thing, but I'll give it a shot. I'm actually happy to just see apparently rather big chapters, so at the very least it should occupy me for a bit

Tyr Unchained

Sep 23, 2019
Glad to help Vitalsigns It's been great working with you and you know where to find me if you ever want any more assistance or simple brainstorming of ideas ;) I love your commitment to WMiY and it's great to see another update to a great chapter.
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Deleted member 2782432

My unofficial Android port of What's Mine Is Yours S3 0.3 Compressed with gestures enabled.

From now on , All my ports will have 2nd Persistent Save storage location which means saves won't get deleted when you uninstall them. Select "Allow" permissions at the beginning of the game, to grant the permission to read and write save data on external storage.

2nd save storage location - android/data/RenPy

My ports now also contain textbox opacity slider and Text size sliders. Go to preferences to change them as per your wish.

Swipe up : Open Menu
Swipe Down : hide interface
Swipe right : skip
Swipe left : rollback

Join my discord server for giving me feedback and for other ports.

Note: if it says Unknown developer or not safe/harm the device - click install anyways


Active Member
Sep 16, 2020
Vitalsigns If Koikatsu is hard to animate, maybe switch to HS1 or HS2, it would be mind blowing!
Love this game but can I just say... Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy....
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
There was some good stuff this update. In particular, the fact that Blue Haired Girl's plot is ongoing even after sex has happened and the introduction of an external conflict with the principal.

But, the weak Link really has become Molly. She and her relationship to the MC haven't changed at all since Season 1 and it's really starting to show whenever she's on screen. Supposedly her sister is about to be introduced and that would produce some kind of momentum.

But, I'm skeptical. Introducing new characters can be a means of propelling a character's story. But, it's more often a means of papering over a total lack of direction. "I ran out of ideas so I'll introduce her sister" is a notorious hentai writing failure.

My advice is to use the introduction of her sister to produce a lasting change in the character and her relationships. The Molly character is basically in a state of total inertia, and that's bad because the whole game's kinks revolve around her.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
There was some good stuff this update. In particular, the fact that Blue Haired Girl's plot is ongoing even after sex has happened and the introduction of an external conflict with the principal.

But, the weak Link really has become Molly. She and her relationship to the MC haven't changed at all since Season 1 and it's really starting to show whenever she's on screen. Supposedly her sister is about to be introduced and that would produce some kind of momentum.

But, I'm skeptical. Introducing new characters can be a means of propelling a character's story. But, it's more often a means of papering over a total lack of direction. "I ran out of ideas so I'll introduce her sister" is a notorious hentai writing failure.

My advice is to use the introduction of her sister to produce a lasting change in the character and her relationships. The Molly character is basically in a state of total inertia, and that's bad because the whole game's kinks revolve around her.
I think you misunderstand the game on a fundamental level. For starters the lack of conflict and momentum is deliberate. I already stated that I set out to write a slice-of-life story and that is what I did and plan on continuing to do.

As for Molly, Molly is an enabler, to put it another way, she is the one who most often sets events in motion, these events occur in bite sized chunks, they don't last very long and the stakes aren't high, but these aren't children growing up, they are 18 years old, their childhood and rebellious youth are over and now it's about acquiring life experience. I'm 32 and looking back on when I was 18, I'd say I was very ignorant about a lot of things, but I wasn't so stupid as to set events in motion that might potentially ruin my life unless someone else steps in.

If you want an epic tale of love, adventure, tragedy, and redemption, there are other games that will scratch that itch, but I wanted to write a fun slice-of-life about a female cuckold and that is exactly what I did.

Tyr Unchained

Sep 23, 2019
There was some good stuff this update. In particular, the fact that Blue Haired Girl's plot is ongoing even after sex has happened and the introduction of an external conflict with the principal.

But, the weak Link really has become Molly. She and her relationship to the MC haven't changed at all since Season 1 and it's really starting to show whenever she's on screen. Supposedly her sister is about to be introduced and that would produce some kind of momentum.

But, I'm skeptical. Introducing new characters can be a means of propelling a character's story. But, it's more often a means of papering over a total lack of direction. "I ran out of ideas so I'll introduce her sister" is a notorious hentai writing failure.

My advice is to use the introduction of her sister to produce a lasting change in the character and her relationships. The Molly character is basically in a state of total inertia, and that's bad because the whole game's kinks revolve around her.
I'm sorry but what? Are you sure you've played the last update? Have you not noticed the scene between her and MC where they reached a resolution where Molly was willing to give up her kink after finally feeling satisfied and the MC finally admitted to himself that he actually enjoyed playing around with young girls and didn't feel like he needed to be forced into continuing with it?

I understand that you're used to a more forceful and overt kind of character development but I don't think we need Molly start cucking the MC with a red demon (that's better in every way than the MC and has a bigger dick ofc) to feel like her character is progressing and I'd much prefer it - if just like I don't go to your game to ask the "MC's wife's boyfriend" (aforementioned demon) to slap some sense into him to grow a backbone - if you didn't come to a game I cherish and care about deeply to criticize what you see as a "lack of drama" and "stagnation."

For my two cents - Molly is not a weak link in the story. She is the steel that holds the whole thing together. She's self assured without being narcissistic. She has her fears and doubts - as we've seen, just like every other character in the game but unlike most of them she's in a way - more of a grown up. She knows what she wants, she's not afraid to ask the MC to help her fulfill her wishes and she gets over the doubts that her actions bring calmly - like an adult without needing to resort to childish drama. Her story progresses throughout the games reaching it's logical conclusion in the last update with the aforementioned scene where she offers the MC the chance to stop. Without regrets and without drama.

Narratively as well - she fulfills the role of an instigator who puts the whole story in motion. She does not need to do much more since the spotlight is mainly of the different girls overcoming their personal hurdles while she only occasionally nudges the hero forward when he's close to faltering and giving up. Expanding her spotlight would take that spotlight away from the girls and that would be detrimental for the game and it's narrative.

Another thing worth mentioning is the style of the story. WMiY is a very much slice-of-life story. Not a story of heroes fighting dragons. It's a tale of an every-man who starts happy with his life and after brief turmoil continues to be happy with his life while helping other characters - younger girls come to terms with their doubts and insecurities while boning them twelve ways to Sunday. That's all it is and that's all it aspires to be.

I understand from your other work that stable emotionally mature characters that don't need childish drama to give their story a meaning is a concept that's probably foreign to you but you know what they say - you write what you know ;)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
I'm sorry but what? Are you sure you've played the last update? Have you not noticed the scene between her and MC where they reached a resolution where Molly was willing to give up her kink after finally feeling satisfied and the MC finally admitted to himself that he actually enjoyed playing around with young girls and didn't feel like he needed to be forced into continuing with it?

I understand that you're used to a more forceful and overt kind of character development but I don't think we need Molly start cucking the MC with a red demon (that's better in every way than the MC and has a bigger dick ofc) to feel like her character is progressing and I'd much prefer it - if just like I don't go to your game to ask the "MC's wife's boyfriend" (aforementioned demon) to slap some sense into him to grow a backbone - if you didn't come to a game I cherish and care about deeply to criticize what you see as a "lack of drama" and "stagnation."

For my two cents - Molly is not a weak link in the story. She is the steel that holds the whole thing together. She's self assured without being narcissistic. She has her fear and doubts - as we've seen, just like every other character in the game but unlike most of them she's in a way - more of a grown up. She knows what she wants, she's not afraid to ask the MC to help her fulfill her wishes and she gets over the doubts that her actions bring calmly - like an adult without needing to resort to childish drama. Her story progresses throughout the games reaching it's logical conclusion in the last update with the aforementioned scene where she offers the MC the chance to stop. Without regrets and without drama.

Narratively as well - she fulfills the role of an instigator who puts the whole story in motion. She does not need to do much more since the spotlight is mainly of the different girls overcoming their personal hurdles while she only occasionally nudges the hero forward when he's close to faltering and giving up. Expanding her spotlight would take that spotlight away from the girls and that would be detrimental for the game and it's narrative.

Another thing worth mentioning is the style of the story. WMiY is a very much slice-of-life story. Not a story of heroes fighting dragons. It's a tale of an every-man who starts happy with his life and after brief turmoil continues to be happy with his life while helping other characters - younger girls come to terms with their doubts and insecurities while boning them twelve ways to Sunday. That's all it is and that's all it aspires to be.

I understand from your other work that stable emotionally mature characters that don't need childish drama to give their story a meaning is a concept that's probably foreign to you but you know what they say - you write what you know ;)
1. Oh, seems you're a fan. Glad you enjoy my work. Though, you might be surprised to learn that I LOVE writing slice of life. Much of my personal work is Slice of Life. But, when someone wants to pay you to write demons and dragons, you gotta write demons and dragons, you know?

2. This part is kind of a reply to Vitalis' reply as well. But, even most slice-of-life type shows tend to be built upon character growth and conflict as a segment of their stories. But, in such a case the conflict tends to be "societal conflict" as in "this character is somehow at odds with how they fit into society". Or else are somehow in a state of cognative dissonance. Conflict doesn't have to be dragons and journeys. At it's core Conflict is "Incongruity". Even most Slice of Life shows tend to be built on "Incongruity".

One should always assume that when I say "Conflict" what I mean is "An External or Internal Incongruity that makes the Status Quo somehow unsustainable". I actually think that the best story conflicts are largely internal. Like Molly had a conflict that was good at the start of the story, no dragons or NTR demons (heh) involved. She just resolved it, and the game moved on basically, only with her having moved to a largely static character as opposed to a dynamic one.

I'll also note that the current trend in most slice-of-life media (sitcoms for example) has been a gradual move towards more towards serialization and long running internal conflicts.

It's been pointed out above that one way to consider this is like something akin to an anthology. Each girl represents her own individual conflict and is also a story drive. This is actually where I think the bulk of the game's improvement is and is comendable. The stories have been growing more intiresting. But, in some cases, especially with the subbie girl it stands out the main action and the main thrust (heh) of each of the ministories is still the actions of Molly and the Protaganist.

I think insofar as the above is your goal, this is an area where you'd really want to increased player choice and responsiveness a bit. That way it's more the player nudging the story then micro stories where the resolution is achieved by a static and kind of bland charachter. One could easily imagine the protagonist meeting a girl whose conflict has *multiple* potential resolutions and give the player control over the resolutions via choice.

3. I actually think you're right. Molly is the collective tissue of the story. She is basically there to act as a motive for the MC and to drive the story along. But, she's more then the instigator. She's also the "Foci of Intirest". Much of the game's fetishes are about Cuckqueaning. So in many ways Molly can be considered an extra participant in *every single sex scene in the game*. So the fact that none of these scenes or moments seems to have any lasting impact on her (she just goes on to the exact next scene in the same psychological state as before) is a notable problem.

She is connective tissue in the sense that she is very important to her storytelling. She is the weak link in terms of the fact she's not really fufilling her storytelling role well.

4. I'm somewhat unconvinced about the Molly saying he can move on from the kink as a change. See, for it to fufill the function you described it would have to produce a different set of behavior. Like if it resulted in them deciding to stop it would have the effect you said. And like, it could still do that. But, it hasn't done it within the context of the game and contextually it doesn't seem to be going that direction either. It also didn't really resolve a conflict either, because someone, something, her own guilts, trying to force her to stop wasn't really that much of a thing either.

5. Also don't worry too much. I don't write this much about games I don't like. It frustrates me, but sometimes that's a good thing.
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New Member
Oct 17, 2020
I'm here just to write I'm a fan of your work! I hope to see more of WMIY since it's hard to find any story about cuckqueans!
On a side note, I also liked the girl with the pregnancy fetish, it was a pity in my opinion that she got the short end of the stick in season 2.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
I'm here just to write I'm a fan of your work! I hope to see more of WMIY since it's hard to find any story about cuckqueans!
On a side note, I also liked the girl with the pregnancy fetish, it was a pity in my opinion that she got the short end of the stick in season 2.
Problem I faced with Ashley was a rather simple one: "where do I go from there?" Her fetish was pregnancy and the MC successfully got her quasi-pregnant, what would be next? Actually have a baby? That's not gonna happen. At best it would just be a repeat of the same scene.
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 17, 2017
If only this was a fantasy setting I could include slime girls. :cry:
View attachment 940059
Just do a scene with a girl talking about the hentai she reads/watches. Or a scene where a girl is playing a hentai game. Easiest way to do weird fantasy porn in a mundane setting, because it lets it become a type of charachterization for a real life type charachter.
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