Eh, Leia is frightening... Too clingy, I started the game all angry at Katie and ended up thinking that Leia is more disturbed. Not sure that a threesome won't feel like putting the MC's dick in a beartrap.
That said, nothing ventured nothing gained!
I also had a bit of a annoyance towards Katie at the start before the past got brought up, needles to say I did still pursue her one way or another in hope making her submissive or something. She def does tick some of my boxes in terms of looks and some of the attitude. The past stuff when it did pop up kinda did give me a vibe of maybe Leia being manipulative,
And while I was not wrong on that as she was manipulative and still does try to get things done her way when it comes to getting MC's attention and affection that is where it ends. It seems that with her having Kryat or whatever that gang name is on her shit list and is trying to actively go against them by making sure they don't get a lot of grounds to hold proves that she is not all bad and genuinely is trying to do good. She however does seem not to lie and will tell you the truth and generally keeps her word whether she likes it or not. For example. When asked about all the cock blocking she did she straight up admitted it and she even named a few of the girls she blocked you from and she legit told her reasoning behind it, that being her wanting the MC for herself.
She also at dinner date made it clear on what it is she wants and also made it clear that if she cannot get it or that it does not work out that she will respect it. So long as she get's to have her brother and best friend back. She also made it clear as to why it did not work out in her previous relationship. Her words were " People can trust me and I don't like to explain myself. If I give someone my word, I'll stay true to it " followed by " He was Jealous and controlling and I can't be together with someone who acts like a little kid who is afraid of losing his toy. " and you confront her about her reaction the day before when she came in your room and caught you and Katie watching a movie about her attitude and reaction towards it she without no deflection or making any excuses replies with " I acted immature and I realized it ".
It mean's she owns up to her actions and will not make excuses for them. So while I understand where you are coming from as I thought the same, I gathered from this that she might not be that at all and that while she was younger she might have been, she now as an adult has grown up and does not do any of that. She also was genuinely happy about the fact that Miru up and left without a word or trace as that means the competition is out of the way she however does offer to look in to it and see what she can dig up.
One thing I did realize however is that she however does have trust issues with a lot of people. And has zero issues with expressing if she does not trust someone. I would like to know what could be the cause of her trusting problems.