I was about to post the other day that after a loooot of time I started to play some games I had on my "play again in the future" list. The thing is, this one was waaay on top of the list and I never got to search for it, so I remembered how good it was imo when a tried the 0.3(?) version and I came here. But to make you an idea, my last save was 25 March 2019. If my memory doesn't bretay me, this game had about 14 to 20 reviews and a couple hundred of likes and I thought how much of and underrated game it was as I was remembering about it.
So imagine my face when I came back and see the evolution of the game with 140 reviews and good ratings. Cool af. That being said I was a bit aback on why the hell the game was on 0.6. Still played it a little worried because you know, in two years and a half I have played some masterpieces, my tastes have changed, my expectations too etc. Well this game still had it. I'm not gonna share my full opinion on the game cause that is more suitable for a review (which I'll do later) the thing is, I finish the game, I come to the thread and I see that the dev has another game which I had saved in favs to play later, I try it, it is a fucking amazing game, judging by the ratings it is well-known, makes me realize that the dev has even more potential than I thought to 1 deliver quality renders and 2 to create and write a great plot, instead of just a good one.
So I came to the post, thinking of sharing it with the forum to see if your opinions aaaaand: "A new beggining. You can completely forget about the old chapters"
Damn ok
I knew that he was doing a rework but I thought that it was going to be a graphics rework with some minor changes and a major update or two with the 6 chapters. So I'm assuming doing a review of what I had played is useless and I have to play the rework which I suppose it's closer its quality as a dev than the previous game.
And I know, long ass post just to share an anecdote hehe sry.