Games like this dont need a meaningful story or cheracter development because its all about MC baning as much female cheracters as possible their is no realism so i really dont understand why developer like him or become a rockstar or beaing a dik put so much time in looking for good songs, and story because they dont need that in a harem game as far as I understand where it all began is more about realism ,meaning full choices male cheracters that act like male cheracters not every women acts like a pornstar/puppet to satisfy MCS needs they act complet different as far as i understand oceans vision so that is on a other level in terms of binding with a cheracter and story progressen(which you can never achive with 8 or 9 chapters with the current size of updates ) because MALE and FEMALE cheracters need to feel like real humans which is not the case in the games you mentioned.
As an expression of your particular vision, it is respectable. But I don't agree at all in the appraisals, especially because the new WIAB begins by directly proposing an open relationship, so, as a first step, it invites you to try all the women that appear, trying not to make a mistake in the decisions and assuming that not lying to Miru would be enough. Moreover, Ocean himself has said that certain combinations are possible in both games, obviously there is no harem per se, but neither are there in the games that were mentioned.
Absolutely all VNs including WIAB and SG allow manwhore, then it is up to each particular VN whether the repercussions are credible or not (I prefer a credible universe than a realistic one).
As for characterizations, we play different games, because I see very good characterizations in LoF, BaRS and BaDIK, obviously by your words, you prefer Ocean's approach, and that's fine, but it's not necessary to talk bad about others to enhance your taste.