No evidence of romance ...except for the flashback that was added in CH3 Full, and the implications of carving on the tree, and the reason he left Mon on the kitchen table was to be with the one he loved... and because it was the central canon of the original pre-rework. I can't imagine the game would drop that, especially as they are 'just friends' (as Leia smirks in the official release).
He's not complete trash, but he does have plenty of work in front to redeem himself ...and ultimately that is part of why he came back. Seeing how emotional he got when discovering Helen had an accident does show he has some redeeming features. Kicking spiders towards a person with no panties on though... not sure I would forgive him for that if I was Miru.
Other family members doing worse - we'll have to see what the situation is fully to appreciate who is the worst. My money is on Leia still.
Guy friend Sven at very least. But keeping in mind that all his female friends still hang out with his family. Zoey is Katie's gf, Dana, Mon and Gina all hang out with Katie. Scarlet, Helen, Katie and Leia are family. Daphne and Donna appear to be the only significant female characters not in the family or connected through the family.
It's likely he left without phone numbers or couldn't get in contact with anyone after prison. At the start during the talks with Miru and Daphne, they mention couples who are friends, so Willi does have other male friends, but I'm guessing he's learnt to bea bit of a lone wolf since prison.
...Heck, maybe Katie and Zoey are an item because there's a lack of non gang males who aren't betas. I mean Gina and Dana's bf's are made to be pretty lame. Nothing the girls can do to win Emilio. Maybe Willi is set to raise up an army of sons to even up the gender imbalance in Wollust?
Except that clearly isn't true if you buy the spicy burger or smother Katie with Helen's underwear. Willi doesn't take responsibility for what came before, but I think we'll see that redemptive arc become more obvious.
But yeah, Leia. I think I prefer bitchy Leia, because I don't feel the need to explain anything to her. It's not just Katie she trash talks, it seems she doesn't give a damn about anyone - cold blooded like a snake, and toxic. When Willi tells her he was in prison, she doesn't really care about his trauma, forbids him from her work etc. She blames him for her trauma, and she seems to be the obsessive one. Think about the way she calls Willi - he arrives after a couple of days being told Helen had an accident ...the case is already closed in less than a week, everyone's adjusted to Helen not talking already. Leia reached out to Willi when it suited her, for her own specific plans.
I'm actually hazardously optimistic based on how many different scenes Ocean has been rendering and how enthusiatic he is about the cards potential now he has them and has been playing with them. I know it's foolish to hope, but damn it, hope hits me faster than the updates!