Even if you don't want to see the main thread (even if it is branched and developed) it is still the same, so let's take what we already know without counting the OG...
Petrova exists, that's a fact... how she will appear in WIAB? that's an unknown.
Uncle Joe exists, how will he come back? will we see him in jail or already out? will a visit to the jail open the arc of the jail?
Daisy exists, will she be LI? what information about the gangs can a "mother of pain" bring?
Leia being Leia as she is, are all those who work with her are loyal? or will there be someone who points to William as her Achilles heel and will be targeted by the enemy?
Is a lot...
Petrova was hyped up as a antagonist on the OG, I don't know if she will play the same role here.
My guess is that we will see him out of jail and that he will join Leia and William as a muscle man. Not sure if we will get the jail arch, if so I don't wanna a false rape allegation.
does not remember Daisy. Or Mother of Pain
Leia being betrayed is almost certain. The thing with Leia is that she is either 5 steps ahead or 10 behind. Either way I think that Leia will be betrayed by someone, Emilio ? Ryru ?
Well, I think the inclusion of a different angle (Asavera) necessitates a different main plot. That doesn't mean Ocean won't reuse a prison scene. I kinda think Ocean felt he jumped the gun a bit there, William gets thrown in jail without a trial, gets brutalised in custody, then gets released, then gets a proper trial? It was like getting whiplash from the plot playing leapfrog with itself, then with the flashbacks to young Willi.... I feel that this time, there will be a slower weaving together, with the stakes raising appropriately, rather than swerving all over the highway so to speak.
Sure, but at the same time is like you said, OG was so all over the place that is hard to guess things. If the prison thing happens I expect to be quite different and much more ahead in the story. By OG next update we should be fucking Donna and being accused of rape. Chances are we will be getting something like the Leia conversation we had in Ch6. I see the OG as not even a skeleton of the story, more like the firsts drafts, some things will be the same others much different.
Of the new things he add, I am curious of the uncles that are not on speaking terms anymore and the bartender with a scar who is a new LI.