
Oct 8, 2018
some of these did know the mc way before we start seeing the story, yeah it happens quick for a few but its not real life its a game it it goes too slow others start to bitch, im not one of them but a lot do.

i feel like it went at the right pace with kate. for me its more that kate is my type thats why i dont really care or give any of the others a chance. bella to me just seems way too into him way too quickly, saying she loves him and shit like that its not a bit of me and thats just me being honest. i think it was the 2nd time meeting her for us and she has him in bed saying that at the end.. i was like ehhh nah..

Yes its true they knew him "before" but its also true that its said "its been a long time".
I believe it was the girls mother (name escapes me at the moment) who said its been a long time.
Long time should be enough for change to happen, don't you agree?
Given the M.C. isn't overly old ,it wouldn't take long for a change in personality.
So even 2 or 3 years could mean a big change.

When you go through something like, I don't know
A father dying, losing your home , family turning their back on you.
Feeling rejected when you need family the most, would be a mind fuck.
Then to get back on your feet just after that.....

Gonna change you to some degree.
Add to that not having seen them for "a long time"
Its not really having spent time with them for years.

**** Edited part****

I thought my wording might be a bit off.
If you start a new game right off the hop,
Monica says "It's been too long, I've missed you"

That is a clear indication that the M.C. has not been around them for a while.
If you start a new game its literally at the start just past hug or shake a hand.
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 21, 2021
Yes its true they knew him "before" but its also true that its said "its been a long time".
I believe it was the girls mother (name escapes me at the moment) who said its been a long time.
Long time should be enough for change to happen, don't you agree?
Given the M.C. isn't overly old ,it wouldn't take long for a change in personality.
So even 2 or 3 years could mean a big change.

When you go through something like, I don't know
A father dying, losing your home , family turning their back on you.
Feeling rejected when you need family the most, would be a mind fuck.
Then to get back on your feet just after that.....

Gonna change you to some degree.
Add to that not having seen them for "a long time"
Its not really having spent time with them for years.
huh? i never said they would be the same people, just saying they knew eachother. ive been in situation irl where me and cousins have met with old family friends and spent time with them and stuff happened with the older friends, when you know people from the past no matter how much you have changed you're still linked with them, have memories with them. its not like you are meeting for the first time.

ofcourse all of that would change you, but as we see he didnt have the best relationship with his dad and the geezer is a cunt if we are all being honest here.. so him losing that is not going to be as bad as a lot of people losing a parent. IDK what you're trying to get at but me personally i love the story and the game, im not someone who needs to pull apart each piece of info to find holes or anything, i just enjoy the game and gave my reasoning of why i like kate more than any of the other girls.

his father treated him like shit, his stepmum went along with his fathers plans and treated him like shit, he lost his home and the people who took him in was kate and her mum and sister, personally if old family friends took me in when i was in his position after everything that happened i would be beyond greatful and you would feel a lot more closer to them, you then spend a lot of time with each of them, that and already having known them when you was kids its not exactly far fetched that you would then get feelings for one of them.

bella wasnt for me because of how much she liked him first of all and i was already into kate by that point, the second time we see her in the game she says she loves him.. kate on the other hand you see so many times before anything really happens to where she says anything even close to that.

i have had family friends that i didnt see for about 5 years, we went on holiday with them and instantly it felt like i hadnt been away from them, i spent a lot of time with them as a kid growing up sleepovers and everything and all of that gives you a connection to people that is not the same as with randoms, sure yes people change but the memories dont, and its not a given that you will still get along with them but when you do its a lot different to just a normal friend.
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Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018
idk if its just the kind of personalities i like in girls but kate to me is the best by farrrrrrrrrr, i wont do a playthrough of this without her being number 1, and i dont do that with any other games.

she is gorgeous and her personality is great, its cute how she finds it hard to admit how she feels with shit but then has her moments where she is sweet as fuck.. idk thats just my type. I much prefer a girl who finds it hard to say the certain stuff but when she does you know she means it rather than one that just says it all from the start before you even really know them properly because it just doesnt seem sincere.

genuinely love the story between the mc and kate, and when they had their first lil date at that restaurant and then at the beach house that night and morning it was one of my fav parts of the whole thing.
I agree. I would have to think she is the "canon" LI, and yes it is hard to imaging a playthru without her. When I have played other routes, it always seems odd leaving her out... like it almost doesn't feel right. When I played it the first time, she is the one that "naturally" rose to the top pretty easily.
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Active Member
Feb 21, 2021
I agree. I would have to think she is the "canon" LI, and yes it is hard to imaging a playthru without her. When I have played other routes, it always seems odd leaving her out... like it almost doesn't feel right. When I played it the first time, she is the one that "naturally" rose to the top pretty easily.
100%, i would actually feel very weird not including her in it or rejecting her at any point. theres other games where i will do a few playthroughs and choose different girls and reject the rest to see how the story is but this one i just couldnt. I think the night you go to that party with her and set up that couple is when i realised that, so it was pretty quick
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Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
some of these did know the mc way before we start seeing the story, yeah it happens quick for a few but its not real life its a game it it goes too slow others start to bitch, im not one of them but a lot do.

i feel like it went at the right pace with kate. for me its more that kate is my type thats why i dont really care or give any of the others a chance. bella to me just seems way too into him way too quickly, saying she loves him and shit like that its not a bit of me and thats just me being honest. i think it was the 2nd time meeting her for us and she has him in bed saying that at the end.. i was like ehhh nah..
In the case of Bella she has known him as long as Elaine was shacked up with his Dad. So her time with him has been long term and recent. It is not unforeseeable that she developed some relationship, feelings, desire for the MC as they grew up side by side. The story seemed to indicate she is a few years older. Is she just revealing that she now feels free to pursue him since his control freak father is gone? Or is it simply part of an act. Won't know until the appropriate time in the story. However, if I am a young college student, I would not mind being the recipient of her attention.:love: Definitely an opportunity to learn something at the minimum. :giggle:


Oct 8, 2018

you missed the point.

You literally said "some of these did know the mc way before we start seeing the story"
I pointed out they did but it was so long ago things change.
I even made sure to correctly point out, when that's stated.

How ever I never talked about about the pacing of the game.
I talked about how things are happening in a short period of time.
I never really said I had an issue with any of that.
What I did say was in defense of a mind set like Bella. That's not complaining.
You came up with a point while ignoring the points I was actually making.

I've made points about times being spent alone with the M.C. ,
another one to make people think who is actually reaching out to the M.C.
-> Real life logic does apply. If someone reaches out to you, it is a sign of affection.
Then also pointing out who did the M.C. reach out to.
Same point of logic. Those who mean something to you, you will reach out to.
I did point out my issue with Kate and the wine and her counting up the cost, which why does that matter.
I still stand by my comment of half that wine should have went to their mother as a sign of thanks for everything.

I made points about everyone doing bad things and how easy it is to back up.
That was the most focus I talked about. That was just about trusting people.
I also made a point that my biggest issue with everything is the M.C. himself as having no growth.
Wanting to go to a gym (Exercise) but doesn't.
Wont even exercise in the morning at the very least <- would be an easy add, show an empty bed with text of push ups.
Can easily re-use an image.

Yes you can only do so much in each episode,
I never said otherwise but the way I put things is to make people think.
I do apply real life to it to some degree yes.
But not overly.

The most important point I feel I made was (IMO)
Who reaches out to the M.C.
Time spent alone with M.C.
Who does the M.C. reach out to.
(while not being connected to the will or money)

Going by those questions will show who is the more so "Cannon" LI but I think all girls will end up being a LI but the true ending will fall into all those I am sure.
(with maybe the exception of birthday girl and Mabel. Time will tell though I would love to see more of them)

I'd actually like to see more time spent will all people but alone time them to see how that would play out.
Ironically I'd like to see more time with Jenna , birthday girl (still wish I knew her name lol but thanks for saying Mabel) , I do want to see more with Mabel but B.G. is higher up on my list. As much as this will surprise people, Elanie I would like to see more time with again, even though I just cant bring myself to be nice to her (I try not to be mean to her lol "try") I would actually like to see more with her. I'm hoping the game will go on for a while after reading of the will and when things more come to an end of that chapter of the story. I don't know if it was stated that it would go on or not.

Wrote to damn much again lol


Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018

I'd actually like to see more time spent will all people but alone time them to see how that would play out.
Ironically I'd like to see more time with Jenna , birthday girl (still wish I knew her name lol but thanks for saying Mabel) , I do want to see more with Mabel but B.G. is higher up on my list. As much as this will surprise people, Elanie I would like to see more time with again, even though I just cant bring myself to be nice to her (I try not to be mean to her lol "try") I would actually like to see more with her. I'm hoping the game will go on for a while after reading of the will and when things more come to an end of that chapter of the story. I don't know if it was stated that it would go on or not.

Wrote to damn much again lol
Birthday girl is Natasha... :)
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Active Member
Feb 21, 2021
In the case of Bella she has known him as long as Elaine was shacked up with his Dad. So her time with him has been long term and recent. It is not unforeseeable that she developed some relationship, feelings, desire for the MC as they grew up side by side. The story seemed to indicate she is a few years older. Is she just revealing that she now feels free to pursue him since his control freak father is gone? Or is it simply part of an act. Won't know until the appropriate time in the story. However, if I am a young college student, I would not mind being the recipient of her attention.:love: Definitely an opportunity to learn something at the minimum. :giggle:
yeah she would of known him a while too. It still put me off her being so forward though but even if she didnt do that i had already made my mind up on wanting kate by that point anyway so there wasnt much she could say or do right to change that


Active Member
Feb 21, 2021

you missed the point.

You literally said "some of these did know the mc way before we start seeing the story"
I pointed out they did but it was so long ago things change.
I even made sure to correctly point out, when that's stated.

How ever I never talked about about the pacing of the game.
I talked about how things are happening in a short period of time.
I never really said I had an issue with any of that.
What I did say was in defense of a mind set like Bella. That's not complaining.
You came up with a point while ignoring the points I was actually making.

I've made points about times being spent alone with the M.C. ,
another one to make people think who is actually reaching out to the M.C.
-> Real life logic does apply. If someone reaches out to you, it is a sign of affection.
Then also pointing out who did the M.C. reach out to.
Same point of logic. Those who mean something to you, you will reach out to.
I did point out my issue with Kate and the wine and her counting up the cost, which why does that matter.
I still stand by my comment of half that wine should have went to their mother as a sign of thanks for everything.

I made points about everyone doing bad things and how easy it is to back up.
That was the most focus I talked about. That was just about trusting people.
I also made a point that my biggest issue with everything is the M.C. himself as having no growth.
Wanting to go to a gym (Exercise) but doesn't.
Wont even exercise in the morning at the very least <- would be an easy add, show an empty bed with text of push ups.
Can easily re-use an image.

Yes you can only do so much in each episode,
I never said otherwise but the way I put things is to make people think.
I do apply real life to it to some degree yes.
But not overly.

The most important point I feel I made was (IMO)
Who reaches out to the M.C.
Time spent alone with M.C.
Who does the M.C. reach out to.
(while not being connected to the will or money)

Going by those questions will show who is the more so "Cannon" LI but I think all girls will end up being a LI but the true ending will fall into all those I am sure.
(with maybe the exception of birthday girl and Mabel. Time will tell though I would love to see more of them)

I'd actually like to see more time spent will all people but alone time them to see how that would play out.
Ironically I'd like to see more time with Jenna , birthday girl (still wish I knew her name lol but thanks for saying Mabel) , I do want to see more with Mabel but B.G. is higher up on my list. As much as this will surprise people, Elanie I would like to see more time with again, even though I just cant bring myself to be nice to her (I try not to be mean to her lol "try") I would actually like to see more with her. I'm hoping the game will go on for a while after reading of the will and when things more come to an end of that chapter of the story. I don't know if it was stated that it would go on or not.

Wrote to damn much again lol
I get the first part, you said things change over time which is correct but as i said even though things change you still know the person before to a certain degree.

when i said i dont get your point maybe it was the wrong wording, i meant i didnt get where you was going with it like if you didnt like the game or was complaining about it, i just wasnt sure what it was all about.

I dont judge for whoever likes which girl, they are all good in their own ways and the good thing about this game is there is many different types of personality and looks which will keep most people happy and going for who they want to go for.
everyone evaluates stuff differently, wants different things. Like you say about the people reaching out to him and stuff i never even really thought about it all. TBH from very early on i had already made my mind up with who i was picking and what i was going to do with the will and things like that so i kinda brushed the others to the side, ive had fun with the others but when it came down to picking or making big decisions it will be easy choices for me.

I think most of the girls are LI, Kate, her 2 friends, her sister, mother, bella, elaine, the blondie, angel, maybe natasha and terresa im not sure if they are as much but you at least have the options to mess around with them.

I get the ick from people real quick though and i really love the sexy mature type but monica in this game didnt do it for me, she felt really awkward at times and it just didnt feel right, but idk if thats because of the character or because i just like kate.. when im all in on someone or like someone i just dont really care for the others lol and i think the fact that the devs can do that in this game is amazing tbh, it shows that they have great writing too to be able to show so many different types of girls with so many different personalities because theres a lot of games where you dont see the difference in personality like you do here.

LionHeart 95

Aug 30, 2020
FYI just part of the post...


Hey folks,

I will provide another update on Saturday (i.e. before the end of the month) and if needed, I will give the relevant tiered patrons access to the folders where the releases will drop before the end of the month. So that even if we slip into early next moth, you will have the folders / links bookmarked this month, so even if you cancel / drop your patronage, you will still get access to the game.

Very close to finishing....Thanks for the patience....Please ask me anything or provide any comments / feedback below.


Cant wait,. Thanks for the update the anticipation of the lawyer scene for some game answers is almost as exciting as the scenes you mentioned in the Patron post almost!


Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018
yeah she would of known him a while too. It still put me off her being so forward though but even if she didnt do that i had already made my mind up on wanting kate by that point anyway so there wasnt much she could say or do right to change that
It was more than that for me... When Bella dropped off the MC's clothing, we have to take her word that Elaine actually threw out the MC's clothing and then as she was leaving, she dropped that cryptic comment about Monica. There are opportunities later for Bella to try and knock down Monica's credibility. Of course, getting the MC away from Monica is actually in the MC's best interest, from a financial perspective, but I am not sure anyone knew the contents of the will at that point. IDK... she just seems too eager; again, she could have been harboring these feelings for a long time when the MC's father was still alive.

It's crazy how much time I have spent thinking about this game. Lol.


Active Member
Feb 21, 2021
It was more than that for me... When Bella dropped off the MC's clothing, we have to take her word that Elaine actually threw out the MC's clothing and then as she was leaving, she dropped that cryptic comment about Monica. There are opportunities later for Bella to try and knock down Monica's credibility. Of course, getting the MC away from Monica is actually in the MC's best interest, from a financial perspective, but I am not sure anyone knew the contents of the will at that point. IDK... she just seems too eager; again, she could have been harboring these feelings for a long time when the MC's father was still alive.

It's crazy how much time I have spent thinking about this game. Lol.
you're right, she does push it a bit sometimes and when it comes to how she acts with the mc it really wouldnt surprise me if she made a move on his dad too. its a mark of a good game when you think and talk about it after. i love games like this where the story makes you think a lot and there is secrets to be found

LionHeart 95

Aug 30, 2020
It was more than that for me... When Bella dropped off the MC's clothing, we have to take her word that Elaine actually threw out the MC's clothing and then as she was leaving, she dropped that cryptic comment about Monica. There are opportunities later for Bella to try and knock down Monica's credibility. Of course, getting the MC away from Monica is actually in the MC's best interest, from a financial perspective, but I am not sure anyone knew the contents of the will at that point. IDK... she just seems too eager; again, she could have been harboring these feelings for a long time when the MC's father was still alive.

It's crazy how much time I have spent thinking about this game. Lol.
One person may have known the will contents before Donald's death. as told by the lawyer she could have seen a copy lying around.
Additionally in the email Elaine says if Mc does not pick his stuff up she will throw them out. so she may have read or heard her say that and wanted to get them to mc before she did throw them out.
1648055942693.png then she calls and says this
yes the day before she was suppose to but in her e-mail and phone conversation Elaine seemed to be a bit impatient

The comment Bell made about Monica the only option is only true on her view the email was sent to others and Monica may only be the first to respond. but you most likely mean this one
so maybe this upcoming update helps with this mystery!
at this point in the game she is neither egger or too nice just acting as a friend. her motive is not clear or sexual at this point.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
One person may have known the will contents before Donald's death. as told by the lawyer she could have seen a copy lying around.
Additionally in the email Elaine says if Mc does not pick his stuff up she will throw them out. so she may have read or heard her say that and wanted to get them to mc before she did throw them out.
View attachment 1718584 then she calls and says this
View attachment 1718591
View attachment 1718602
yes the day before she was suppose to but in her e-mail and phone conversation Elaine seemed to be a bit impatient

The comment Bell made about Monica the only option is only true on her view the email was sent to others and Monica may only be the first to respond. but you most likely mean this one
View attachment 1718610
so maybe this upcoming update helps with this mystery!
at this point in the game she is neither egger or too nice just acting as a friend. her motive is not clear or sexual at this point.
That passage is the most important to understand who is lying between Bella and Elaine.

if Elaine has really thrown away MC's stuff, at that point there is really no credibility to her intentions of reconciliation

but if she didn't beat them and Bella decided to exploit them to make a good impression, as much as it would fit into her sex hunter profile, it wouldn't be a good sign


Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018
One person may have known the will contents before Donald's death. as told by the lawyer she could have seen a copy lying around.
Additionally in the email Elaine says if Mc does not pick his stuff up she will throw them out. so she may have read or heard her say that and wanted to get them to mc before she did throw them out.
View attachment 1718584 then she calls and says this
View attachment 1718591
View attachment 1718602
yes the day before she was suppose to but in her e-mail and phone conversation Elaine seemed to be a bit impatient

The comment Bell made about Monica the only option is only true on her view the email was sent to others and Monica may only be the first to respond. but you most likely mean this one
View attachment 1718610
so maybe this upcoming update helps with this mystery!
at this point in the game she is neither egger or too nice just acting as a friend. her motive is not clear or sexual at this point.
Well, that's kind of the fun of the story. Bella could be just like she say's later, that what you see is what you get. She might have found the clothes in the trash or maybe she has had feelings for the MC for a long time and is using this as an excuse to see him or she could be starting her plan of getting in good with the MC so they can hook up, get the MC away from Monica and the family and help the MC collect on the will.

Based on the Fortune Teller comments, I would be willing to think Elaine is legit in wanting to reconcile. If either of the two sisters is not being honest, my money would be on Bella. Of course, they could both be honest too so who know.

It's interesting, the story is nothing amazing, but the dev has done a great job of doing a lot with a little to keep us all guessing. Like Jolina's PC image... she is clearly not in her kitchen and it does look like Elaine's so is she up to some shenanigans with Elaine or Bella? Or was this simply a mistake by the dev? The Fortune Teller... is the blond who prefers women Jolina or Debbie? Jolina never confirms one way or the other; she is desperate for money, so has she made a deal with Bella or Elaine? And who is Dizzy? Zarah's true love's last name was Dezinsky so did they get married? Is Zarah's last name Dezinsky? Could she be Dizzy or is Dizzy the obvious choice of Teresa and is "Timmy" the MC's brother?"

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I don't think we are going to get any more answers in the next update, but I am certainly looking forward to it!
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LionHeart 95

Aug 30, 2020
That passage is the most important to understand who is lying between Bella and Elaine.

if Elaine has really thrown away MC's stuff, at that point there is really no credibility to her intentions of reconciliation

but if she didn't beat them and Bella decided to exploit them to make a good impression, as much as it would fit into her sex hunter profile, it wouldn't be a good sign
My question from this is: based on time line Elaine goes form Zero to 60 right after the reading of the will to MC. meaning she wants nothing to do with MC up until the time frame MC learns about the will conditions. MC is to get the car and the beach house. Elaine takes extra effort to be nice to the MC and spend time with MC however; days before she is acting the true bitch.

If this holds out is Elaine the viper? and the other GD may not be known to her. as she may have learned she needs to do the opposite of how she treated Mc during Donald's life in order to get the house permanently. also a statement the lawyer said that all I am able to say at this time what more is there about the will that can change "everything" that is not said besides the will conditions.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
My question from this is: based on time line Elaine goes form Zero to 60 right after the reading of the will to MC. meaning she wants nothing to do with MC up until the time frame MC learns about the will conditions. MC is to get the car and the beach house. Elaine takes extra effort to be nice to the MC and spend time with MC however; days before she is acting the true bitch.

If this holds out is Elaine the viper? and the other GD may not be known to her. as she may have learned she needs to do the opposite of how she treated Mc during Donald's life in order to get the house permanently. also a statement the lawyer said that all I am able to say at this time what more is there about the will that can change "everything" that is not said besides the will conditions.
that is a reading of the situation

but the opposite is also true
once the will is known, Bella with that move gets closer to MC and distances him from Elaine
Bella could be the third heir herself (younger sister is a great classic), or related to her in case it was Jolina.

absolutely, it comes to be wary more with Elaine, who afterwards has other very strange behaviors (for example the request of the house...), and Bella is so strange in her own that she could also be sincere, however excessive in her gestures.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2017
I mean, realism is nice, but there's also something to be said for the unflinching wish fulfilment of Sisterly Lust where you can lead MCs mom and sisters into being an everything goes, everyone loves everybody in every possible way-family.
Not gonna lie, i got my rocks off to the ending where like 30 women had your kids more than once. The MC of that game basically bred himself an army.

I want to do it again.....
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