it's actually legal here in Sweden, not that I think it's been even close to common. There are discussions about not allowing it anymore though, but not for inbreeding reasons.
Yeah, the real Carley (my wife) knows about it and has met both my cousins whom I did it with (sisters)... honestly, we all were very young, think I had just turned 10 or 11 (about when Star Wars came out) and like usual the parents were downstairs, drinking, talking and doing whatever (after all, it was still the seventies) and the oldest female cousin (a year younger than me) presented a penthouse magazine that she had found (while cleaning the house) to her sister and I... so, kids being kids, we decided to see what it was like to do what they were doing in the pictures and the rest is history...
We all did it till we were old enough to understand that we probably shouldn't be doing that stuff... but the three of us haven't forgotten what we did for a few years together whenever our families got together and we really don't talk about it... but the wife knows, as well as my cousin's husbands (or at least one does, I know for a fact, as he wanted to 'talk' to me about it).
But, yeah, that's the story.
We were young, curious and didn't know better, but none of the three of us regret what we did... it was just a childhood experience is all.
Oddly...specific Jack....
Is Carly aware of this?
Damn, still had it set for double quotes thought for a minute you were talking about the incest thingie... but you were talking about the tavern wench thing... yeah, I am guilty of tapping it (didn't catch anything, thank god) and, yes, the wife knows about that too... I don't hide things or my past from her.