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"Use" or "Don't Use" Side-Images with Dialogue Sprite Conversations

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Aug 8, 2017
Did you read the intro for the game?:unsure: Otherwise, yes, you won't play Preston, but as one of three possible protagonist.
In th main game of this series (Wicked Choice one, two and three) you have played and will play as Preston. Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma is not a main game of the series and shows the world from a different perspective with story that add deepness to the Wicked Choice world and main story.
I did read the intro, but that shit is confusingo_O So you are saying this isnt even part of the main game? does that mean the dev has been spending years on developing some irrelevant side story?


Aug 8, 2017
Learn to read

All VNs require that basic skill

Practice here by reading or move along
I know how to read, and I did read.

Initially i thought this was a sequel because it says so in the description, but c3p0 said its less of a sequel and more of a sidestory or something, if i understood him/her correctly. That is what i found confusing.

Maybe you should heed your own advice.

"Learn to read

All VNs require that basic skill

Practice here by reading or move along" right back atcha.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
First of all, everyone take a deep breath... nothing to fight about here.
TheLegend1337 asked a reasonable question... as such...

I thought this game was going to continue from the pov of the protagonist from the prequel... Seems that is not the case? Shame, this seemed really good initially, but im not interested in playing from the pov of a futa/femboy or whatever the MC of the sequel is supposed to be?
Due to health reasons (four major spinal surgeries in the last 5 years, but fortunately never got Covid) this game got put on pause and was going to be used as a means to test out development for the series using Unity software before the heads of Unity decided to fuck themselves up the ass with poor business decisions and we bailed from that software and decided to return once more to Ren'Py while our programmer takes the time he needs to learn GoDot to eventually shift the game series to a software system that will allow us to have a little better system and player features that we need for the war that will be taking place in the game.

That said, since returning to the Ren'Py system, I've been trying to recover from my 4th spinal surgery (in 5 years and the 7th one in total) which had taken place in August, just before Unity Software's boneheaded decision caused us to scrap everything that we'd been doing for the game and return to Ren'Py, while also trying to survive the really crappy seasons we've been having here in Michigan and being, effectively, constantly doped up to the point that... let's just say wasn't good.

Since we are returning to Ren'Py till Epadder gets familiar with GoDot to the point that we are confident that we can get back to the main series, we decided to adjust the part of the story that "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma" was meant to be, sectioning it up into being two parts... "Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers" and then "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma".

Both "Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers" (Playing as Brent & Carley Chambers) and "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma" (Playing as Emi, Claire or William), as well as "Wicked Choices: Book Two" (playing as Michael Preston, or whatever name you gave the Antichrist) will all be dealing with a MAJOR antagonist: Daryl Crawford Jr., and the things he's been working on and doing to try and wrestle control of the Crawford Family away from the Antichrist...

The things that Daryl Crawford Jr. has been doing puts EVERYONE: the Crawford Family, the Antichrist, the Demonothans, the Angelions and the Gaians at RISK, exposing to the world the secrets that have been kept for hundreds of thousands of years and alliances can be formed OR broken in this three part series that will all take place in the same time period and will have the players determine who they will side with in the coming war...

Whether you want to play them is entirely up to you, I won't make that decision for you, or try to convince you to do so... BUT... it is MY story to tell and game to create and I am going to do it the way that I envision it to be done and told, sorry if that doesn't meet your approval, but it is what it is.

I hope that helps you (and maybe a few others who will eventually come here and sees this) understand what we are doing, what has been going on, what WILL be happening and maybe give it a shot and play... if not, well, this place has many other games that you can play and hopefully will enjoy.



Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017

UPDATE: Familiar Things & New Experiences – April 12, 2024
(As posted, sort of, on our Patreon Page)

Hello every, I know this update is a bit late, but buckle-up… I promise, this is going to be an interesting ride (it has been for me at least) and rather LONG update!

I know that I’ve been pretty quiet on the updates lately, been very hard at work over here learning NEW things and I hope that you will be as excited and as impressed as I am, as well as going to outline to you some of the new decisions that the wife & I have come to in things and informed Epadder & Sierra3 about.

Part of these decisions were brought on towards the end of February where… in COMPLETE FRUSTRATION & ANGER at Daz Studio, I almost decided to chuck it all away and quit!

Seeing that I am still here and hadn’t opened this with an “I am sorry and regret to inform you…” message, you can pretty much guess that everyone talked me down from the ledge and helped me to figure out some things to help me take a few breaths and calm down!

So, you might be asking, what brought that about and allow me to talk with you about ANIMATION

Yes, animation, the bane of any Daz artist, since Daz Studio’s animation tools SUCK and the reason why most creators who have animation in their games use Blender… but, in my case, I didn’t feel like trying to learn… yet ANOTHER... program, while I am honestly still learning Daz Studio… and, since we plan to release our game eventually on Steam, I wanted to have Animation for our game’s Main Menu, rather than a boring still image like I’ve done in my previous games.

I am pleased to report, after MANY LONG HOURS and also nearly $600 in software that would allow me to use Motion Capture files and import it into Daz (skipping Blender completely), as well as many hours of doing timing and keyframe animation for character facial expressions, we will have animated character in the game’s Main Menu and can see that in some of the examples that I’ve attached to this post for you to see (since Patreon doesn’t really allow multi-video posting) for yourself the results.

The way that these will work, is that it will feature not just the Main Characters of Brent & Carley of the game, but also many of the other top characters of the game, in a variety of different outfits and will all of them will be randomized… so each time you boot up the game or return to the main menu you can get a different character or different outfit that the character wears… plus, as you play the game and build a relationship with that particular character, you will also (if you choose) be able to see the effects of your relationship with that particular character by choosing the way they are dressed or… ahem… undressed! wink

While I am still learning, tweaking and trying new things, I am very pleased with the results that you’ve just seen… however, doing these had presented a new situation for me to consider and that is, time… while impressive, what you see above took anywhere from a minimum of 12 hours to 33 or more hours of rendering time, even using an RTX 3090!

So, my first situation and hurdle that I wanted to jump was ‘Reduce Render Times’ and the only way that I could do that, since I am maxed in RAM, have the fast CPU out there and one of the best Motherboards out there, is by getting a faster graphics card… an RTX 4090.

Thankfully, talking with the wife, she agreed that we’d use our tax return and her yearly bonus from work to purchase it, was all excited and ready to share the above news with all of you, but wanted to get past April Fool’s Day, so that you all knew I wasn’t fooling anyone and then on Thursday it happened… the SSD Boot Drive on my system died!

No worries, after having built a Top Tier system, I was ready for something like this to happen… made sure that I had a spare M2 SSD as a backup boot drive to fall back on… in my head, it would be as simple as going into my BIOS during startup, changing drive loading order and TADA back up and running… erm… what I failed to consider in that marvelous plan was being a ‘doped up on ass-kicking painkillers to near zombie status, due to excruciating pain that probably should be in bed and not on a computer, let alone in a computer’s BIOS’ state… but, yeah, little details… and being doped up and thinking I was all good, I opened the BIOS and fiddled around and… couldn't switch to the backup SSD... let alone figure out how to find it, so... yeah, it didn’t boot up or work.


So, Friday of last week, still doped up and feeling really freaking stupid, the wife helped me load the system into the car and she drove me and it to the computer store, where… with her help, we checked it in for Service & Repair, which at the time I also purchased the ASUS ROG Strix RTX 4090 for them to also put in it and drove home.

NOTE: I found out on this Wednesday afternoon that it was the motherboard that died, as it was no longer identifying the M2 SSD's drives or any of the 5 slots in my system, at all. So with the warranty, they are rebuilding the system from scratch, with new motherboard, new CPU, new DDR5 RAM (96gb) and adding the new RTX 4090 GPU into it.

It was my intention, that while the computer was being serviced (which I was told would take 5-10 days due to backlog, but longer now as they will rebuild it for me), I would just use my laptop to do some writing for the game and stay connected to Patreon, Discord & X (formally known as Twitter)...

Yeah, what I didn’t count on is that trying to run much of anything on a 20+ year old laptop, not a bright idea… so last Saturday, I convinced the wife to use our savings to purchase her new computer that we were going to get her when she got her bonus on April 19th and just let me use it till my system is repaired and back home… so, back to the computer store we went and got her a top of the line pre-built system with a 4090 ( already in it for her (and me to use till I get mine back).

It’s not as good as my system that died, which is all maxed out, but still damn good and has been letting me render more of the animation for the game’s main menu. And, yeah, animation renders that were taking 12 hours to do on my 3090 are taking just a little over 6 hours to render now, so I am definitely going to like having that in my system when I get it back!

Also, while having our conversation about getting the graphics card and the wife a new system of her own to use to work on with us and also to play on, we decided that when she gets her 'sign on bonus' in November/December for the new company that she is working for, we’ll be picking up another system that will act solely as a rendering box, allowing us to continue to work on our regular systems while large sets of animation will be done on the rendering box.

Additionally, once we’ve acquired the bonus, we’ll also be looking at finally getting a MoCap system of our own to use for our games (as there is a lot that we had to leave on the cutting room floor for plans after leaving Unity, but will be able to do once Epadder has a better handle on GoDot), which will enable us to do more than what MoCap is currently out there… and, yes, that means adult animation.

So, after having a frustrating spat and almost quitting, we’ve decided that we will be investing a lot more in this and our games… that is just HOW MUCH we are COMMITTED to doing this!!

With that said, and before I close this, there is one final thing that we all decided and it is this… I am going to TAKE MY TIME on this game and I am going to do this RIGHT. Before I release this game (or any future game), I know that cannot keep pushing myself these long hours that I had been working and just get in the habit of popping a narcotic pain pill to keep working and living in a cycle of pain.

Nor do I want to release a half-assed, thrown together piece of crap that I am going to have to pause what I am doing, have all of your wait as I go back and redo things, so that the game can go on Steam… if I am going to employ the time, money and dedication to doing this, I need to do it RIGHT the FIRST time and make the game ready for both you and for Steam or it isn’t worth doing this… and not at the sacrifice to my health.

Each spinal surgery (7 and counting) I undergo brings me closer and closer to having to live the rest of my life in the wheelchair that Brent Chambers will be confined in at the start of the game and, unlike him, there is no magic or alien technology (that we know of) that will help me out of it, once I am in it…

…so that is the way it is going to be from now on.

Sorry, but if that isn’t OK with you then I won’t be upset if you drop or cancel your pledge to me, your name and email is stored in a database and I WILL ship the first release to you when it is finished, if you wish to leave.

For those that can stay and who choose to continue to support us, I’d like to have something SOLID out around the start of summer… some of you who are my beta testers will get it before that and will have to be honest in the views about size, function, grammar and value to the player… the first release is going to be a pretty decent size, as there is a lot of setup and world/character building and the decision to actually do the rewrites were worth it… it is definitely VERY MUCH a “WICKED CHOICES” game and story now… but, yeah, it has been taking some time and want it at a state that doesn’t need me going backwards in the creative process…

So, that is where things stand right now, I will understand if you want to bail, won’t fault you for it and THANK YOU for the time that you were here supporting us and you can expect the link to the first release in your email when it comes out.

For those who decide to stick it out (as many of you have seemed to already decided at least till now), we THANK YOU TOO and we really hope that you enjoy what we’ve shown here today and revealed and know that we haven’t stopped and won’t stop (hell have been spending too much to pack it up and quit, like what the wife and others told me the last week of February)… so, yeah, you’re going to be stuck with me for a while… just keep the faith and we’ll keep you updated!


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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017

UPDATE: Familiar Things & New Experiences – April 12, 2024
(As posted, sort of, on our Patreon Page)

Hello every, I know this update is a bit late, but buckle-up… I promise, this is going to be an interesting ride (it has been for me at least) and rather LONG update!

I know that I’ve been pretty quiet on the updates lately, been very hard at work over here learning NEW things and I hope that you will be as excited and as impressed as I am, as well as going to outline to you some of the new decisions that the wife & I have come to in things and informed Epadder & Sierra3 about.

Part of these decisions were brought on towards the end of February where… in COMPLETE FRUSTRATION & ANGER at Daz Studio, I almost decided to chuck it all away and quit!

Seeing that I am still here and hadn’t opened this with an “I am sorry and regret to inform you…” message, you can pretty much guess that everyone talked me down from the ledge and helped me to figure out some things to help me take a few breaths and calm down!

So, you might be asking, what brought that about and allow me to talk with you about ANIMATION

Yes, animation, the bane of any Daz artist, since Daz Studio’s animation tools SUCK and the reason why most creators who have animation in their games use Blender… but, in my case, I didn’t feel like trying to learn… yet ANOTHER... program, while I am honestly still learning Daz Studio… and, since we plan to release our game eventually on Steam, I wanted to have Animation for our game’s Main Menu, rather than a boring still image like I’ve done in my previous games.

I am pleased to report, after MANY LONG HOURS and also nearly $600 in software that would allow me to use Motion Capture files and import it into Daz (skipping Blender completely), as well as many hours of doing timing and keyframe animation for character facial expressions, we will have animated character in the game’s Main Menu and can see that in some of the examples that I’ve attached to this post for you to see (since Patreon doesn’t really allow multi-video posting) for yourself the results.

The way that these will work, is that it will feature not just the Main Characters of Brent & Carley of the game, but also many of the other top characters of the game, in a variety of different outfits and will all of them will be randomized… so each time you boot up the game or return to the main menu you can get a different character or different outfit that the character wears… plus, as you play the game and build a relationship with that particular character, you will also (if you choose) be able to see the effects of your relationship with that particular character by choosing the way they are dressed or… ahem… undressed! wink

While I am still learning, tweaking and trying new things, I am very pleased with the results that you’ve just seen… however, doing these had presented a new situation for me to consider and that is, time… while impressive, what you see above took anywhere from a minimum of 12 hours to 33 or more hours of rendering time, even using an RTX 3090!

So, my first situation and hurdle that I wanted to jump was ‘Reduce Render Times’ and the only way that I could do that, since I am maxed in RAM, have the fast CPU out there and one of the best Motherboards out there, is by getting a faster graphics card… an RTX 4090.

Thankfully, talking with the wife, she agreed that we’d use our tax return and her yearly bonus from work to purchase it, was all excited and ready to share the above news with all of you, but wanted to get past April Fool’s Day, so that you all knew I wasn’t fooling anyone and then on Thursday it happened… the SSD Boot Drive on my system died!

No worries, after having built a Top Tier system, I was ready for something like this to happen… made sure that I had a spare M2 SSD as a backup boot drive to fall back on… in my head, it would be as simple as going into my BIOS during startup, changing drive loading order and TADA back up and running… erm… what I failed to consider in that marvelous plan was being a ‘doped up on ass-kicking painkillers to near zombie status, due to excruciating pain that probably should be in bed and not on a computer, let alone in a computer’s BIOS’ state… but, yeah, little details… and being doped up and thinking I was all good, I opened the BIOS and fiddled around and… couldn't switch to the backup SSD... let alone figure out how to find it, so... yeah, it didn’t boot up or work.


So, Friday of last week, still doped up and feeling really freaking stupid, the wife helped me load the system into the car and she drove me and it to the computer store, where… with her help, we checked it in for Service & Repair, which at the time I also purchased the ASUS ROG Strix RTX 4090 for them to also put in it and drove home.

NOTE: I found out on this Wednesday afternoon that it was the motherboard that died, as it was no longer identifying the M2 SSD's drives or any of the 5 slots in my system, at all. So with the warranty, they are rebuilding the system from scratch, with new motherboard, new CPU, new DDR5 RAM (96gb) and adding the new RTX 4090 GPU into it.

It was my intention, that while the computer was being serviced (which I was told would take 5-10 days due to backlog, but longer now as they will rebuild it for me), I would just use my laptop to do some writing for the game and stay connected to Patreon, Discord & X (formally known as Twitter)...

Yeah, what I didn’t count on is that trying to run much of anything on a 20+ year old laptop, not a bright idea… so last Saturday, I convinced the wife to use our savings to purchase her new computer that we were going to get her when she got her bonus on April 19th and just let me use it till my system is repaired and back home… so, back to the computer store we went and got her a top of the line pre-built system with a 4090 ( already in it for her (and me to use till I get mine back).

It’s not as good as my system that died, which is all maxed out, but still damn good and has been letting me render more of the animation for the game’s main menu. And, yeah, animation renders that were taking 12 hours to do on my 3090 are taking just a little over 6 hours to render now, so I am definitely going to like having that in my system when I get it back!

Also, while having our conversation about getting the graphics card and the wife a new system of her own to use to work on with us and also to play on, we decided that when she gets her 'sign on bonus' in November/December for the new company that she is working for, we’ll be picking up another system that will act solely as a rendering box, allowing us to continue to work on our regular systems while large sets of animation will be done on the rendering box.

Additionally, once we’ve acquired the bonus, we’ll also be looking at finally getting a MoCap system of our own to use for our games (as there is a lot that we had to leave on the cutting room floor for plans after leaving Unity, but will be able to do once Epadder has a better handle on GoDot), which will enable us to do more than what MoCap is currently out there… and, yes, that means adult animation.

So, after having a frustrating spat and almost quitting, we’ve decided that we will be investing a lot more in this and our games… that is just HOW MUCH we are COMMITTED to doing this!!

With that said, and before I close this, there is one final thing that we all decided and it is this… I am going to TAKE MY TIME on this game and I am going to do this RIGHT. Before I release this game (or any future game), I know that cannot keep pushing myself these long hours that I had been working and just get in the habit of popping a narcotic pain pill to keep working and living in a cycle of pain.

Nor do I want to release a half-assed, thrown together piece of crap that I am going to have to pause what I am doing, have all of your wait as I go back and redo things, so that the game can go on Steam… if I am going to employ the time, money and dedication to doing this, I need to do it RIGHT the FIRST time and make the game ready for both you and for Steam or it isn’t worth doing this… and not at the sacrifice to my health.

Each spinal surgery (7 and counting) I undergo brings me closer and closer to having to live the rest of my life in the wheelchair that Brent Chambers will be confined in at the start of the game and, unlike him, there is no magic or alien technology (that we know of) that will help me out of it, once I am in it…

…so that is the way it is going to be from now on.

Sorry, but if that isn’t OK with you then I won’t be upset if you drop or cancel your pledge to me, your name and email is stored in a database and I WILL ship the first release to you when it is finished, if you wish to leave.

For those that can stay and who choose to continue to support us, I’d like to have something SOLID out around the start of summer… some of you who are my beta testers will get it before that and will have to be honest in the views about size, function, grammar and value to the player… the first release is going to be a pretty decent size, as there is a lot of setup and world/character building and the decision to actually do the rewrites were worth it… it is definitely VERY MUCH a “WICKED CHOICES” game and story now… but, yeah, it has been taking some time and want it at a state that doesn’t need me going backwards in the creative process…

So, that is where things stand right now, I will understand if you want to bail, won’t fault you for it and THANK YOU for the time that you were here supporting us and you can expect the link to the first release in your email when it comes out.

For those who decide to stick it out (as many of you have seemed to already decided at least till now), we THANK YOU TOO and we really hope that you enjoy what we’ve shown here today and revealed and know that we haven’t stopped and won’t stop (hell have been spending too much to pack it up and quit, like what the wife and others told me the last week of February)… so, yeah, you’re going to be stuck with me for a while… just keep the faith and we’ll keep you updated!


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You're crazy Jack, but the right kind of crazy.:love:

I like that the animation are between the texts. The upper text are behind the models and the bottom text are front of them. Took me a little time until I've seen my players speed was on 4 time. Yet, lucky for me I've seen it before, thus I'm not writting that the animations are too fast.:LOL:

Also can't wait until summer.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
ASLPro3D, you could probably do a blog about what you are going through to get DAZ to spit out animations of that quality and monetize your development pain a bit. I would like to know more about your various software solutions, anyway.

That said, the Carley animation leaves her in a dead face zone too long at the loop point. I could not load the first Dr or the last video in the post but the other two look pretty good.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: ASLPro3D


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
ASLPro3D, you could probably do a blog about what you are going through to get DAZ to spit out animations of that quality and monetize your development pain a bit. I would like to know more about your various software solutions, anyway.

That said, the Carley animation leaves her in a dead face zone too long at the loop point. I could not load the first Dr or the last video in the post but the other two look pretty good.
Heh... and become the Poster Boy and giving Daz 3D an excuse not to fix the stupid bugs and lackluster controls in their program's timeline, "because Jack was able to figure out a way to make it work" and shared it with everyone, "just follow his procedures to do it too"?

Yeah, no... honestly, someone really shouldn't have to use 3 to 4 software solutions to produce a product like this. I mean, seriously, it isn't hard to figure out what kinds of features and tools should be included to make that part of their system at least functional!

And, really, I don't see many others out there jumping to buy iClone 8 and Character Creator 4 ($900 when not on sale) to do what I've been doing... hell, if it hadn't been for the wife using her bonus for me to do so, I probably would only be here as a Member and not as a Developer anymore (that is how pissed off and frustrated I got).

As for Carley, I will talk to Epadder and see if there is anything we can do to minimize the 'resting bitch face' (not that she is a bitch, just a term that is commonly used, folks) and not sure why the first and last videos wouldn't work... they show up for me. :unsure: Wonder if it is due to Internet connection or the connect from here to load it is causing an issue.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I am pleased to report that I got my system back last night... fully upgraded and it is nice to be back on a MONSTER of a system!

It was the MB that died and because of this, they had to upgrade just about everything... so, now this is my current build:

- 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900K CPU
- 2X's Corsair Dominator Titanium RGB 64GB (2 x 32GB) DDR5-6600 PC5-52800 CL32 Dual Channel (128GB total)
- 2x's Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB
- ASUS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 ROG Strix Overclocked Triple Fan 24GB GDDR6X
- Toshiba N300 10TB 7200 RPM SATA III 6Gb/s 3.5" Internal NAS CMR Hard Drive
-10x's Toshiba N300 14TB 7200RPM SATA III 6Gb/s 3.5" Internal NAS CMR Hard Drive in 2 External Enclosures

Still got to reinstall all my programs, but also on Windblows 11 now... Let's see how I can handle Daz NOW!! :giggle::p

IMG_20240416_201459.jpg IMG_20240416_201623.jpg


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Daisy 01.png

ANNOUNCEMENT - May 1, 2024
(sort of as posted on our X/Twitter account)

Hello Everyone!!

Please allow me to introduce you all to Daisy Carlisle, another collaborated character between
@3dlokigamer and myself and who you’ll be able to find and experience within our game "Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers".

Born and raised in the small town of Alto, Texas, Daisy will be attending Garnet City University in the state of New York (where our “Wicked Choices” game series takes place) and is looking to Major in Engineering, while also interning in the laboratory section of Crawford Industries.

Each day, on our X/Twitter page, I will post some renders of Daisy for all of you, all leading up to a small (very racy) “Comic Book” image series that will graphically detail the unfortunate event that leads to the situation that she finds herself in…

… a situation which YOU (either as Brent or Carley Chambers) can help to free her from and will be able to form a solo or a polyamorous relationship with, if you should choose to.

For those artists of you who are interested in obtaining Daisy for yourselves to do your own artwork to, you can find and purchase her here:

For those who don't know what our X/Twitter page can be found here:

Look forward to seeing you there!!



Jun 24, 2021
First of all, everyone take a deep breath... nothing to fight about here.
TheLegend1337 asked a reasonable question... as such...

Due to health reasons (four major spinal surgeries in the last 5 years, but fortunately never got Covid) this game got put on pause and was going to be used as a means to test out development for the series using Unity software before the heads of Unity decided to fuck themselves up the ass with poor business decisions and we bailed from that software and decided to return once more to Ren'Py while our programmer takes the time he needs to learn GoDot to eventually shift the game series to a software system that will allow us to have a little better system and player features that we need for the war that will be taking place in the game.

That said, since returning to the Ren'Py system, I've been trying to recover from my 4th spinal surgery (in 5 years and the 7th one in total) which had taken place in August, just before Unity Software's boneheaded decision caused us to scrap everything that we'd been doing for the game and return to Ren'Py, while also trying to survive the really crappy seasons we've been having here in Michigan and being, effectively, constantly doped up to the point that... let's just say wasn't good.

Since we are returning to Ren'Py till Epadder gets familiar with GoDot to the point that we are confident that we can get back to the main series, we decided to adjust the part of the story that "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma" was meant to be, sectioning it up into being two parts... "Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers" and then "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma".

Both "Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers" (Playing as Brent & Carley Chambers) and "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma" (Playing as Emi, Claire or William), as well as "Wicked Choices: Book Two" (playing as Michael Preston, or whatever name you gave the Antichrist) will all be dealing with a MAJOR antagonist: Daryl Crawford Jr., and the things he's been working on and doing to try and wrestle control of the Crawford Family away from the Antichrist...

The things that Daryl Crawford Jr. has been doing puts EVERYONE: the Crawford Family, the Antichrist, the Demonothans, the Angelions and the Gaians at RISK, exposing to the world the secrets that have been kept for hundreds of thousands of years and alliances can be formed OR broken in this three part series that will all take place in the same time period and will have the players determine who they will side with in the coming war...

Whether you want to play them is entirely up to you, I won't make that decision for you, or try to convince you to do so... BUT... it is MY story to tell and game to create and I am going to do it the way that I envision it to be done and told, sorry if that doesn't meet your approval, but it is what it is.

I hope that helps you (and maybe a few others who will eventually come here and sees this) understand what we are doing, what has been going on, what WILL be happening and maybe give it a shot and play... if not, well, this place has many other games that you can play and hopefully will enjoy.

you fucking confusing every body.. just completE book one'
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: ASLPro3D


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
you fucking confusing every body.. just completE book one'
Book One was completed... the story will continue in "Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers" then "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma" then "Wicked Choices: Book Two" and then finally in "Wicked Choices: Book Three"....

Don't think it is really that confusing. :unsure:


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
Book One was completed... the story will continue in "Wicked Choices: Bed Chambers" then "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma" then "Wicked Choices: Book Two" and then finally in "Wicked Choices: Book Three"....

Don't think it is really that confusing. :unsure:
You honestly over estimate people's reading comprehension skills and ability to understand large numbers, like three or above. :p


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
So many wicked choices.

I say you add a book 4 at the end ... Happy Choices - Rise of the Floofs the Snuggleopalypse!
If I add Book 4, it will be like an anime where all of the female love interests in the series get together for a day at the spa to talk about and remanence about their experiences before partaking of each other in a fit of lust and craven desires! ;):giggle:

You know... thinking on that, people might actually like that and it might actually sell. :unsure:
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