I can certainly understand the disappointment that yourself and
@Deadlyreaper (previously) have expressed,
There are a multitude of reason why this is...
- Game Creation Time versus Real Life
Not that it is really anything that people care about, both my wife, @Palanto Games and myself work real, fulltime jobs... not only do I (the writer and main artist) work a fulltime job, but I also work a part time job as well... to keep a roof over mine and the wife's head (which is more important to me than this game).
Additionally, since the start of this year, I have been undergoing extensive tests to determine if the numerous nodules found on my left kidney and the increased size of my prostate is cancer.
Fortunately, I have been freed up of these damn tests now the past couple of weeks (though not from the stress), and now only have to wait to see if the nodules increase in size and number using a CT Scan in June.
However, rather than being like some other creators out there who put their projects on hold, bail on their Patrons or just abandon everything, I have remained faithful to the production of the game (though limited) and my Patrons...
In short, I could've bailed on all of you... but I didn't.
- Storyline and Creative Vision
Rather than deliver a half finished, unexplained, watered down story to those that are Patrons, fans and those who enjoy this game and the complexities of it, I've chosen to stick true to the creative vision of trying to deliver the BEST game out there to people for them to enjoy.
This means delivering a story that may, at times, contain what some would consider useless "blah, blah, blah" and not a whole hell of a lot of action or sex... this is not a FAP Game with a sprinkle of a story, rather, it is an epic story with FAP material in it.
Our Patrons, fans and supporters know this... they prefer it versus the "same ol', same ol'" and this is why they continue to support us as they have.
Additionally, the only times that the Player will have the ability in which to make those sort of decisions are when the storyline calls for it and, until recently, most of the story has focused on Rhianna the Heretic and Queen Azera and the relationships, motives and background of how all of this story has come to pass for the MC and Princess Lynara.
- Visual Novel
As the title of this section implies... this project, along with the software we use, describes a "Novel with Pictures", which exactly what this product is...
...Never mind the recent/current health scare I am facing... please, I challenge ANYONE reading this to find another project out there that has been out for ONLY 8 MONTHS that has over 101,500 words and 2,198 images in it and done just by three people, who work a fulltime (and a part time) job...
...you'd be hard pressed to.
I get that some people want to see more, want to demand more even... and, honestly, at times, we'd love nothing more to capitulate to those demands and expectations and just deliver a quick, pound your pud, while looking at pretty pictures, story and game versus all of the time we currently spend doing the product that we have been...
...trust me, right now, I'd love nothing more than to deliver a monthly release of mindless spank material than the monster we've created!!!
We'd probably make more money than we currently make...
...but we wouldn't have such, rock solid friends and fan base that we have... which, to us is worth more.
But there you go, the reasons why things have been the way they've been.