Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
In the Phrygian archetype, She was believed of having taken the form of a stone of black meteoric iron, a belief that wans't as far as I can recall mantained during her "migration" to the Greek and later Roman pantheon. That is what I was alluding when I said that it tied nicely with the turning to stone motif of the Demonothan. I might be wrong though, haven't read on the subject on a long time.
I believe it did make it to the Greeks; but not the Romans, who rather choose to focus on the self-mutilations aspect, as well as her Gallus performing castration rites and practicing transgenderism... a fact that Martin Luther would latch onto and equate the performance of current Christian clergy seemed to emulate by practicing celibacy.

In fact, even here in the states you will sometimes still see a pine cone at the entrance of some homes, either carved in the stone or included in a wreath... though, I am sure that many do not understand the reference of such things.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Mmmm, yes. That was almost my start with that. The Evil Dead was what got me started on that path with the tentacle tree scene. I know they are supposed to be branches and vines, but to me they were tentacles. The scene was hugely influential in Japan.

Urotsukidoji though was certainly influencial, I still remember the day it first released in Japan and appeared in the local video store of where I was staying in Japan. I rented it multiple times. :p
Wow, there is a lot of similarity between the both of us and our tastes... I remember the tree root scene from Evil Dead when it came out (I am talking about the original movie here). I think, psychologically, it was also a pretty powerful statement that I don't think that even Sam Rami knew he was making... or has admitted to, in how the treatment (or would that be treement) of women in horror movies (even in everyday society) had its roots in the sexual mistreatment of women.

Likewise, prior to finding the allegory, I found the scene to highly charged... and erotic.

Additionally, I find phantasm sex/rape to be erotically stimulating to me. The concept of being unable to see, fight back against and pinned down beneath an invisiable assailant intent on molesting and raping a beautiful, young woman (or guy) a wicked and sexually charged, mind-fuck.

My eye opening experience with Urotsukidogi took tentacles... a concept that marriages both a creature of nature and that of spiritual phantasm... playing into two sexual fantasies of mine for my eyes to feast on... yeah, that awaked the tentacle beast within me! ;)


A Necessary Evil
Jun 1, 2017
One has to be mighty high or something to come up with such a concept as an all-female species of elvish-angels-&-demons from outer space. Not that it is wrong; just out there. . . may as well add an all-female species of dwarfish-angels-&-demons, and orcish-angels-&-demons too—and/or hell even the Jin En Mok! And why not? Why not!? The Jin En Mok is enemy to all of creation—your memories & flesh is/or can be their flesh! Anyways, like the game. <3 S'alright.

P.S. Don't know if Mister Tolkien would; as he would likely be in a state of great shock upon discovering this place.
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Nov 23, 2017
I have missed you guys. So many great in depth insights and awesome lyric quotes opportunities (not to mention bad puns!) all missed because our favorite pirate site has chosen to no longer *alert* me when anyone posts here(munbles several small curses). May have to do with me having to check on phone while at work and pc at home, maybe I will just abstaint while at work (breaks of course) and see if I get my updates more regularly in my evening perusal. Well, back to enjoying the world you have created for us.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
Downloaded several times the OSX version, every time it is corrupted.
I had this problem too! I think it is the unarchiver you are using. I eventually unzipped it on windows and copied it across.
Is it only with the update files? Not the base game? If so then it might be because I have to manually edit the .zip files and I use 7zip for that. I had some MAC users test the files in a far earlier version and he said he could open them with all kinds of extractors, including the one that ships with MAC natively...

Did that happen with another one of our updates earlier? Or did you just join the ride? Because if that happens all the time I need to figure out a way to create those update files without touching them on my windows system....

p.S.: If it happened earlier, could you perhaps test this extractor:

It's an unofficial 7zip package that is advertised on for MAC

Maybe that one can extract the files without any errors... if not then I really need to get a MAC :-\
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
One has to be mighty high or something to come up with such a concept as an all-female species of elvish-angels-&-demons from outer space. Not that it is wrong; just out there. . . may as well add an all-female species of dwarfish-angels-&-demons, and orcish-angels-&-demons too—and/or hell even the Jin En Mok! And why not? Why not!? The Jin En Mok is enemy to all of creation—your memories & flesh is/or can be their flesh! Anyways, like the game. <3 S'alright.

P.S. Don't know if Mister Tolkien would; as he would likely be in a state of great shock upon discovering this place.
Ooooo... a Lucifer reference!! Who doesn't love some Neil Gaiman!! :eazyHype:

As for myself and how I twisted all sense of logic and came up with my own twist on the bible and history... while sitting one night and smoking a bowl with a few friends would be a GOOD answer... sadly, it isn't... haven touched the stuff in 40 some years (back when it was GOOD STUFF not skunked, lol).

No, honestly, got the idea when someone introduced me to an Irish Band called "God is an Astronaut" and the light went off in my head... of course God is neither an astronaut in our story/game, or makes an appearance... He is a concept that was just seeded into our own race by another (as most religions are), but the concept that a race delivered his teachings to us, was born from it. LOL

I choose elf-looking, female characters simply because our history is steeped in lore about elves and female elves are far more lovable and appealing on the eyes than little green men from Mars... that, and some would argue that the stuff of the bible is just fantasy anyway, so why not mix the two together; I mean, if I am going to go to Hell for blasphemy, I might as well make it HOT and the chicks sexy!! :happyblush

Now about Tolkien... yeah, I think he'd be massively stunned by technology and the levels that humanity has sunk to... but still would like to think he'd have some fun with us. :eek:penedeyewink:


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I have missed you guys. So many great in depth insights and awesome lyric quotes opportunities (not to mention bad puns!) all missed because our favorite pirate site has chosen to no longer *alert* me when anyone posts here(munbles several small curses). May have to do with me having to check on phone while at work and pc at home, maybe I will just abstaint while at work (breaks of course) and see if I get my updates more regularly in my evening perusal. Well, back to enjoying the world you have created for us.
Wow, they must be working you like Palanto's boss (not me, his real boss) has been working him!!

However, you aren't alone in missing post notifications... I've missed quite a few from here as well. So now I am making sure to check every couple of hours... hopefully, whatever is causing it is fixed soon, but damn glad to see you back!!
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Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017
I have missed you guys. So many great in depth insights and awesome lyric quotes opportunities (not to mention bad puns!) all missed because our favorite pirate site has chosen to no longer *alert* me when anyone posts here(munbles several small curses). May have to do with me having to check on phone while at work and pc at home, maybe I will just abstaint while at work (breaks of course) and see if I get my updates more regularly in my evening perusal. Well, back to enjoying the world you have created for us.
If you miss a notification, then the system never alert again until you read the thread again.

EDIT: I recommend to use Watched Threads at the top of the page.


Nov 24, 2017
Is it only with the update files? Not the base game? If so then it might be because I have to manually edit the .zip files and I use 7zip for that. I had some MAC users test the files in a far earlier version and he said he could open them with all kinds of extractors, including the one that ships with MAC natively...

Did that happen with another one of our updates earlier? Or did you just join the ride? Because if that happens all the time I need to figure out a way to create those update files without touching them on my windows system....

p.S.: If it happened earlier, could you perhaps test this extractor:

It's an unofficial 7zip package that is advertised on for MAC

Maybe that one can extract the files without any errors... if not then I really need to get a MAC :-\
I have played earlier versions without incident, it is only with the last release and I getting the the message that the files are incomplte when extracting


Nov 23, 2017
If you miss a notification, then the system never alert again until you read the thread again.

EDIT: I recommend to use Watched Threads at the top of the page.
thank you. I hadn't even thought about how the alerts may be processed. Those quick checks at work were very probably my undoing. thanks again.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Well Tolkien might not have been a great fan of progress as a World War I survivor. Some say that Mordor and the marshes were based on his experiences on the battlefield, but he def was playing with some parts of the Bible stories and trying to marry them to some of the viking legends and myths in the Silmarillion and rest of his works. So he likely would have enjoyed you trying to build a world of your own. :)

The fapping though, well he was English. So no sex please.:biggrin:


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
By the way Jack did you miss my post reminding you of the outstanding questions and some musings about the prophecy with those warnings you missed or do you think not time for answers yet? Or were to busy with the lighter update not working as should?:)
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Nov 23, 2017
Honestly, I think my favorite part about the silmarillion was under it all was music as the structure of the world. As much as I love the various mythos his being a choir sing it into and out of the states was just awesome to my 12yo mind. And still runs through my head as I think on worlds created for my entertainment.


Nov 23, 2017
By the way Jack did you miss my post reminding you of the outstanding questions and some musings about the prophecy with those warnings you missed or do you think not time for answers yet? Or were to busy with the lighter update not working as should?:)
or pointedly ignoring it to tease in yet another fashion?
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Possibly Wyrme feigning ignorance is always a strong tactic:) Been awhile I read it but think you might like a book of Greg Bear-Song of Blood in that case, if I remember writer and book correctly. Been awhile last read it.:biggrin:
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Nov 23, 2017
Possibly Wyrme feigning ignorance is always a strong tactic:) Been awhile I read it but think you might like a book of Greg Bear-Song of Blood in that case, if I remember writer and book correctly. Been awhile last read it.:biggrin:
Thanks, will have to check it out. Along those lines, most give Tolkien credit for starting modern high fantasy (most influential for sure) but one some say he got ideas from is The Worm Ouroboros by Eddison. A good read if your so inclined. tit for tat. :p
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