
Nov 23, 2017
Looked great, but at the start of chapter 2 I had to stop and delete it.
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Most, if not all of us had very similar(if not identical) feelings during that scene. However, if you read through the dialogue as @Catwashere said this most definitely is not a "fetish" rape, it is there to make you have those visceral reactions. If you look back in this thread to when that was released, @ASLPro3D was very open about why such a scene was part of this story. Sure, it could have a glimpsed flashback, hushed phone call, or an overheard conversation when the family gets together(which is happening in chapter 5); but would it have had the same emotional impact on the player(and therefore the MC's decisions?). Which could lead to hard decisions about how/when/why to ally/attack the family with which, through his wife, he is entangled. It was an 'evil' plot device, but an impactful and probably as real a motivator as any MC has had in many of these games.
I would recommend giving the game another try, but can easily understand why someone could not get past that visual.
Sorry for basically repeating was already said, I just thought if you liked the rest enough it might be worth your time to look back to earlier and see the discussions about this very scene. Have a good one.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Sorry to bother, ive never posted on here and I do apologize but might I suggest watching Koe No Katachi. Totally random comment I know, but if you are a fan of Grave of the Fireflies and Your Name they I know you wont be disappointed in checking out Koe No Katachi. And if you are like me and the story hits close to home you just might end up enjoy it more than Your Name. Again sorry for being a snoop.
Thank you for taking the time to come out of lurk mode and post in this thread @JamesDio (now I got to listen to some Rainbow & Dio)... never consider yourself a snoop and you are always welcome to join in the conversation!

I will have to check out Koe No Katachi, took some time to watch the trailer of it this weekend and it looks good. Would've tried to watch it, but I had several weeks of Shokugeki no Souma, Darling in the FranXX, SAO: Gun Gale, Tokyo Ghoul, Grancrest Senki, Beatless, Persona 5 and Full Metal Panic to catch up since I was way behind due to working on the game... but will certainly get to it!!!

Thanks again for popping in and making a suggestion, as you can probably tell, I am always looking for good anime to watch!! :D
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Looked great, but at the start of chapter 2 I had to stop and delete it.
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I am sure that the one out of every five women (in the US alone) a year would love nothing more than the ability to skip or avoid the sexual assault that they suffer, @Ronoc19.... and like @Wyrme and @Catwashere has said, it is a small part of the story and is used as a plot device to motivate you, the player, to seek revenge for the crime committed.

Not that you are really asking, but I won't apologize nor will I make excuses for that scene beyond the reason that it is there for... as a writer, it is my job to stir up emotions in my readers, to make them face things that they may not want to face, to illicit a reaction from and motivate them.

From your reaction, I'd say I was able to accomplish that task... and you responded in a way that I had hoped that you would: with anger and disgust.

My further hope would be that it would also inspire a desire within you to rise up against that character and see that the individual is punished severely for the actions and crimes that they had committed... to make them pay and pay dearly for that atrocity.

In your case, this seems to not be the result... and that is fine.

I think in just about every page in this game thread that I post, I say the same thing: This isn't your everyday FAP game, where players are asked to just sit at their computers and/or tablets with their pants around their ankles and their hands on their joysticks... this is a game that is more like a novel; with a deep story, characters with backstories and inner workings, as well as, with many moving parts and agendas... it puts you, the player, into an original universe and asks you if are going to use the morals that you have to take a stand for what you believe to change the world... and make a difference.

The world is UGLY... but as the creator/writer, I am working to give you the tools to give you the opportunity to maybe... if you choose to... make it better.

Thank you for giving the game a try, sorry that you couldn't make it past that one scene... but I understand. I hope you find the game that you are looking for in your search and thank you for taking the time to consider ours.


Mar 3, 2018
I am sure that the one out of every five women (in the US alone) a year would love nothing more than the ability to skip or avoid the sexual assault that they suffer, @Ronoc19.... and like @Wyrme and @Catwashere has said, it is a small part of the story and is used as a plot device to motivate you, the player, to seek revenge for the crime committed.

Not that you are really asking, but I won't apologize nor will I make excuses for that scene beyond the reason that it is there for... as a writer, it is my job to stir up emotions in my readers, to make them face things that they may not want to face, to illicit a reaction from and motivate them.

From your reaction, I'd say I was able to accomplish that task... and you responded in a way that I had hoped that you would: with anger and disgust.

My further hope would be that it would also inspire a desire within you to rise up against that character and see that the individual is punished severely for the actions and crimes that they had committed... to make them pay and pay dearly for that atrocity.

In your case, this seems to not be the result... and that is fine.

I think in just about every page in this game thread that I post, I say the same thing: This isn't your everyday FAP game, where players are asked to just sit at their computers and/or tablets with their pants around their ankles and their hands on their joysticks... this is a game that is more like a novel; with a deep story, characters with backstories and inner workings, as well as, with many moving parts and agendas... it puts you, the player, into an original universe and asks you if are going to use the morals that you have to take a stand for what you believe to change the world... and make a difference.

The world is UGLY... but as the creator/writer, I am working to give you the tools to give you the opportunity to maybe... if you choose to... make it better.

Thank you for giving the game a try, sorry that you couldn't make it past that one scene... but I understand. I hope you find the game that you are looking for in your search and thank you for taking the time to consider ours.
Ok, semantics, the Main Character didn't see that scene, so for me to react to that scene by making the Main Character deal harshly with the perpetrator, would mean meta gaming, using outside knowledge to dictate the player chars reaction, not very immersive in a story, it would be hard to justify the mc reacting as though he had seen that.

That aside, yes 1 in 5 women in the US are raped, and 1 in 6 men suffer sexual abuse, often as children. I still don't see how forcing a player to watch a brutal rape, that even goes so far as to offer you choice in which view point you like to watch the rape from? Seriously?, how that is supposed to play into your story as I said above the main character wasn't there and made watch it. Also, from the point of the nearly 20% of the population who have been abused, being able to skip that memory would be amazing, but being forced to relive it by seeing similar scenes pop up with no option to avoid or skip to after the scene, is, well unpleasant would be putting it very very mildly.

I disagree that you'd need to show a rape to make people feel disgusted by it. Anyone who wouldn't feel anger and disgusted just hearing about that, has serious issues in mental health. Lots of adult games have rape scenes unfortunately, but most allow them to be skipped or avoided, which allows that 20% of the population, who do not want to relive the worse moments of their life, the chance to play these games as well.

Hey, its your game, you want to show a brutal rape, that's your choice, I'm just offering feedback. I really enjoyed the game to that point, the characters seem well written, the story was getting interesting. The Renders were great. I regret I can't play the rest of the game. I really do, it looked great. But 20% of your audience... feel a lot more than disgust and anger at scenes like that. And those are feelings no one, No one, ever wants to relive.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Ok, semantics, the Main Character didn't see that scene, so for me to react to that scene by making the Main Character deal harshly with the perpetrator, would mean meta gaming, using outside knowledge to dictate the player chars reaction, not very immersive in a story, it would be hard to justify the mc reacting as though he had seen that.
For the record, I don't use 'meta gaming' or 'ooc' information for the game... the Main Character does find out what had happened and, with the player, get's to determine the punishment to enforce on that individual. A person may be able to hide their 'sins' for a time... but not forever.

That aside, yes 1 in 5 women in the US are raped, and 1 in 6 men suffer sexual abuse, often as children. I still don't see how forcing a player to watch a brutal rape, that even goes so far as to offer you choice in which view point you like to watch the rape from? Seriously?, how that is supposed to play into your story as I said above the main character wasn't there and made watch it. Also, from the point of the nearly 20% of the population who have been abused, being able to skip that memory would be amazing, but being forced to relive it by seeing similar scenes pop up with no option to avoid or skip to after the scene, is, well unpleasant would be putting it very very mildly.
As a victim of abuse, and as one whose had loved ones and friends also suffer similar abuse, I find more fault in the 'bury your head in the sand', 'turn a blind eye', 'skip it' or the 'don't see don't tell' approach more abhorrent than anything I've written.

As that victim, forced to do something that they felt powerless and helpless to prevent, manipulated and pressured into doing something they didn't want to do... believe me, I've had nothing but time to think on that situation, over and over, in my life... turning it this way, that way and trying to look at it from all viewpoints and angles, trying to understand how I could've gotten myself into that situation, how I allowed it to happen to me, WHY the other person felt compelled to force me into doing it...

...and, I came to one... very terrifying realization... that to those two individuals, they had their own reasons for doing what I was pressured and forced to do, that each of them had their own 'version' of the event that I was forced into... whether to justify what they were doing, or for seeking sexual gratification from me...

...and, no, I was not sodomized or raped by a guy... I was forced as a pre-teen to have sex with a woman more than twice my age by her husband, who wanted to use me when she was finished with me and who beat me senseless when I wouldn't let him...

For me, writing that experience or, at least the trauma behind it, is a form of exercising my demons... to, not to put to fine a point on it, expose and share my hatred, anger, guilt, pain and desire to see bastards like that burn... and, hopefully, make others understand some of what it is like to feel violated and want to see justice and vengeance meted out.

I disagree that you'd need to show a rape to make people feel disgusted by it. Anyone who wouldn't feel anger and disgusted just hearing about that, has serious issues in mental health. Lots of adult games have rape scenes unfortunately, but most allow them to be skipped or avoided, which allows that 20% of the population, who do not want to relive the worse moments of their life, the chance to play these games as well.
As one of the 20% that you keep referring to, at what point should the indignities suffered be ignored or not have a voice?

I equate the whole philosophy of 'oh, don't put that in there, it might offend people' or 'allow people who might take offense to skip it', just as offensive as 'Just let it go... move on from it, it happened, move on and try to forget about it' or 'can't you just pretend it never happened'.

Hey, its your game, you want to show a brutal rape, that's your choice, I'm just offering feedback. I really enjoyed the game to that point, the characters seem well written, the story was getting interesting. The Renders were great. I regret I can't play the rest of the game. I really do, it looked great. But 20% of your audience... feel a lot more than disgust and anger at scenes like that. And those are feelings no one, No one, ever wants to relive.
BAD things happen to good people... and, though it may haunt us or make us feel dirty for the rest of our lives, it are those events in life that mold and shape us into the people we become.

My stories, my game, my writing... they all share that common truth... BAD things happen and how the character(s) deals with those situations is what make good storytelling and believable characters.

I get that some people may not be able to handle the harsh realities that I sometime present in my work, it is understandable, I get it.

But I won't shy away from something because I might make someone queasy or uncomfortable... I won't silence myself out of fear that might offend someone by presenting truth and reality... that is how people get away with things of that nature... they count on people being silent, they count on society pressuring the victim for feeling 'wrong' about speaking up or out...

Please understand, @Ronoc19 I am NOT bashing you... and please don't think that I am saying that you are one of those individuals, because I don't believe you are. I believe you CARE about the victims of rape and abuse and I thank you for that... all I am saying is: my writing is my voice... to have it taken from me, just makes me a victim all over again.

Thank you for taking the time to write back and share your thoughts and, again, thank you for taking the time that you did to try our game and I am glad that you did enjoy it till that part. I wish you could've moved on past that and kept going, but I also understand if you can't.

I wish you nothing but the best!!!



Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2017
For the record, I don't use 'meta gaming' or 'ooc' information for the game... the Main Character does find out what had happened and, with the player, get's to determine the punishment to enforce on that individual. A person may be able to hide their 'sins' for a time... but not forever.

As a victim of abuse, and as one whose had loved ones and friends also suffer similar abuse, I find more fault in the 'bury your head in the sand', 'turn a blind eye', 'skip it' or the 'don't see don't tell' approach more abhorrent than anything I've written.

As that victim, forced to do something that they felt powerless and helpless to prevent, manipulated and pressured into doing something they didn't want to do... believe me, I've had nothing but time to think on that situation, over and over, in my life... turning it this way, that way and trying to look at it from all viewpoints and angles, trying to understand how I could've gotten myself into that situation, how I allowed it to happen to me, WHY the other person felt compelled to force me into doing it...

...and, I came to one... very terrifying realization... that to those two individuals, they had their own reasons for doing what I was pressured and forced to do, that each of them had their own 'version' of the event that I was forced into... whether to justify what they were doing, or for seeking sexual gratification from me...

...and, no, I was not sodomized or raped by a guy... I was forced as a pre-teen to have sex with a woman more than twice my age by her husband, who wanted to use me when she was finished with me and who beat me senseless when I wouldn't let him...

For me, writing that experience or, at least the trauma behind it, is a form of exercising my demons... to, not to put to fine a point on it, expose and share my hatred, anger, guilt, pain and desire to see bastards like that burn... and, hopefully, make others understand some of what it is like to feel violated and want to see justice and vengeance meted out.

As one of the 20% that you keep referring to, at what point should the indignities suffered be ignored or not have a voice?

I equate the whole philosophy of 'oh, don't put that in there, it might offend people' or 'allow people who might take offense to skip it', just as offensive as 'Just let it go... move on from it, it happened, move on and try to forget about it' or 'can't you just pretend it never happened'.

BAD things happen to good people... and, though it may haunt us or make us feel dirty for the rest of our lives, it are those events in life that mold and shape us into the people we become.

My stories, my game, my writing... they all share that common truth... BAD things happen and how the character(s) deals with those situations is what make good storytelling and believable characters.

I get that some people may not be able to handle the harsh realities that I sometime present in my work, it is understandable, I get it.

But I won't shy away from something because I might make someone queasy or uncomfortable... I won't silence myself out of fear that might offend someone by presenting truth and reality... that is how people get away with things of that nature... they count on people being silent, they count on society pressuring the victim for feeling 'wrong' about speaking up or out...

Please understand, @Ronoc19 I am NOT bashing you... and please don't think that I am saying that you are one of those individuals, because I don't believe you are. I believe you CARE about the victims of rape and abuse and I thank you for that... all I am saying is: my writing is my voice... to have it taken from me, just makes me a victim all over again.

Thank you for taking the time to write back and share your thoughts and, again, thank you for taking the time that you did to try our game and I am glad that you did enjoy it till that part. I wish you could've moved on past that and kept going, but I also understand if you can't.

I wish you nothing but the best!!!

More power to ya mate... R E S P E C T...


May 7, 2018
Yep, Koe no Katachi was alright, even though I had higher hopes for it when I first saw it's trailer a year or so ago. But it was still good ;)
:it did lack some key character development and had pacing issued but it did well in adapting a 5vol series. i do believe it is a good a movie as Your Name ( i know unpopular opinion) but its one of the few animes to come closest to a relistic portray of human thinking, actions and interactions and avoids devolving into too much melodrama. even though laking elements from the sorce material it is my second favorite animated film just a smidge behind Batman Mask of the Phantasm.


May 7, 2018
Thank you for taking the time to come out of lurk mode and post in this thread @JamesDio (now I got to listen to some Rainbow & Dio)... never consider yourself a snoop and you are always welcome to join in the conversation!

I will have to check out Koe No Katachi, took some time to watch the trailer of it this weekend and it looks good. Would've tried to watch it, but I had several weeks of Shokugeki no Souma, Darling in the FranXX, SAO: Gun Gale, Tokyo Ghoul, Grancrest Senki, Beatless, Persona 5 and Full Metal Panic to catch up since I was way behind due to working on the game... but will certainly get to it!!!

Thanks again for popping in and making a suggestion, as you can probably tell, I am always looking for good anime to watch!! :D
if ever you need an anime to watch i may be of some help, but i wonder if my repuitar will have one you havnt already. lets see, ever seen Speed Grapher? if not keep it in mind, its MA for a reason but by no means blatant fanservice.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
if ever you need an anime to watch i may be of some help, but i wonder if my repuitar will have one you havnt already. lets see, ever seen Speed Grapher? if not keep it in mind, its MA for a reason but by no means blatant fanservice.
Yup! A really good dystopian anime and really plunges into the darkness of the human condition... and how, if one finds them too deeply involved in that world, they can succumb to it themselves.

I like the fact in anime that they are not afraid to give their characters distinctive and real traits or afflictions that are often viewed by society (at least western society) to be a weakness... for example: Nicolas Brown from the anime/manga Gangsta...

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Sep 16, 2017

“Wicked Choices” to go out NEXT FRIDAY & Update (June 15, 2018)

Sorry, will be keeping this pretty short, so as to get back to all of the rendering that I have to do for next month’s release of “Wicked Choices”!!

By now the $20 Patrons should have the links to get this month’s “Wicked Choices” in their messages (I hope they enjoy it!) and will be releasing it to our $10 Patrons and here on F95 next Friday…

In regards of the update, been working hard to try and get caught back up… I am realizing that once you get a few days behind in the production cycle that it is hard to get caught back up… particularly, if you are like me, who wants to provide a valuable amount of work in our releases and don’t know when to SHUT UP while writing!! LOL

Being that next month’s release is filled with ancient sexual rituals, it should be pretty easy to do… right?


Nope… NOT ME… nope, I want to add to the experience for all of you… sure, you can have fun and perform the ritual needed to ‘power up’ with the lovely Jamila Hasni… but you also have two other women with you for the ceremony, so wouldn’t it ALSO be INTERESTING if you could INCLUDE them in the ritual as well…

AND PICK who and what they will be doing DURING that ritual???

Well, I thought so ALSO!!

So, expect some OPTIONS, some VARIETY and some OUTCOMES that YOU direct during next month’s release ( poor @Palanto Games )!!!

Time to start behaving like the HAREM KING that you can be if you want!!

So, need to get back to work here, so that you can have many options, possibilities and depending on your choices you can build relationships with the women more… or, by your choices, reduce some of those relationships.

Alright, back to work for me… got three women and a little Demon Princess that you have to take care of next month!!!!!

For those who want the wallpaper size image of Edith… you can download it from here:
Talk soon,


Dec 17, 2017
Nope… NOT ME… nope, I want to add to the experience for all of you… sure, you can have fun and perform the ritual needed to ‘power up’ with the lovely Jamila Hasni… but you also have two other women with you for the ceremony, so wouldn’t it ALSO be INTERESTING if you could INCLUDE them in the ritual as well…
Inserting power cord plug(s) into multiple receptacles simultaneously may result in power surge at outlet. Make sure plug(s) and receptacles are properly grounded.


Just trying to be helpful and allow for safe, family activities without taking away from the fun. Be careful.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Inserting power cord plug(s) into multiple receptacles simultaneously may result in power surge at outlet. Make sure plug(s) and receptacles are properly grounded.


Just trying to be helpful and allow for safe, family activities without taking away from the fun. Be careful.
Awww... where's the fun in that!!! x'Dx'Dx'Dx'D
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Inserting power cord plug(s) into multiple receptacles simultaneously may result in power surge at outlet. Make sure plug(s) and receptacles are properly grounded.


Just trying to be helpful and allow for safe, family activities without taking away from the fun. Be careful.
Tell it to He-man (or Snap) .... ;)
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Apr 27, 2017
First of, my apologies if this has already been asked before....went through a few pages but was too lazy to go through the rest...love the game...i had last stopped at the end of episode 3...wanted all the parts of 0.4 to be released before starting the game again and playing them in one go (which hasnt been easy, as i have been sorely tempted every time a new release occurs).....neway nees to download the game from scratch (deleted the older versions)...from what i understood from the first page 0.4.1 is the base download, followed by patches for 4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5.....i could only find links for 0.4.1 and the 4.5 patch...how do i get 4.2,4.3 &4.4.....is it included in one of the other links???please clarify...Thanx in advance....!!
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Reactions: ASLPro3D


First of, my apologies if this has already been asked before....went through a few pages but was too lazy to go through the rest...love the game...i had last stopped at the end of episode 3...wanted all the parts of 0.4 to be released before starting the game again and playing them in one go (which hasnt been easy, as i have been sorely tempted every time a new release occurs).....neway nees to download the game from scratch (deleted the older versions)...from what i understood from the first page 0.4.1 is the base download, followed by patches for 4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5.....i could only find links for 0.4.1 and the 4.5 patch...how do i get 4.2,4.3 &4.4.....is it included in one of the other links???please clarify...Thanx in advance....!!
Main DL 4.1 plus one patch (4.5 should work.

The 4.5 patch includes all previous updates.
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Reactions: ASLPro3D


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
First of, my apologies if this has already been asked before....went through a few pages but was too lazy to go through the rest...love the game...i had last stopped at the end of episode 3...wanted all the parts of 0.4 to be released before starting the game again and playing them in one go (which hasnt been easy, as i have been sorely tempted every time a new release occurs).....neway nees to download the game from scratch (deleted the older versions)...from what i understood from the first page 0.4.1 is the base download, followed by patches for 4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5.....i could only find links for 0.4.1 and the 4.5 patch...how do i get 4.2,4.3 &4.4.....is it included in one of the other links???please clarify...Thanx in advance....!!
Main DL 4.1 plus one patch (4.5) should work.

The 4.5 patch includes all previous updates.

Not quite ;D
Sorry it's such a mess, I added a number for the chapters which made it all a little bulky in the versioning :)

You're not talking about 0.4.1 but about <-- 0 finished game, chapter 4, part 4 patch 1

To clarify it (please click below on "Click to expand"):
First download one of the top versions, the original posted by ASLPro3D were the mega.nz links at the top right beside (REQUIRED .......): -here-

Then unpack it, after that download one of the second versions, unpack it in the same folder you unpacked the other zip file in. It asks you to overwrite some files, please do so. If it doesn't ask, you extracted the files at the wrong place, please click on "Installation Tutorial" down below ;)

FIRST, one of these (Maybe you see the "Required" part now? ;) ) :

Down below are the original mega links
Download Full HD Version. (REQUIRED for patch updates to work): -
Mirrors PC: -
Mirrors Mac: -

Second, one of these:

(REQUIRES Download Full HD Version to work, please refer to " " Spoiler Tab to patch game correctly)

May's Wicked Choices -
p.S.: It's also the last time I explain it, it's written right at the front page what is required for what, just a little reading would spare me from posting gigantic messages like this after a 12h nightshift ;) Thanks.


Apr 27, 2017
Not quite ;D
Sorry it's such a mess, I added a number for the chapters which made it all a little bulky in the versioning :)

You're not talking about 0.4.1 but about <-- 0 finished game, chapter 4, part 4 patch 1

To clarify it (please click below on "Click to expand"):
First download one of the top versions, the original posted by ASLPro3D were the mega.nz links at the top right beside (REQUIRED .......): -here-

Then unpack it, after that download one of the second versions, unpack it in the same folder you unpacked the other zip file in. It asks you to overwrite some files, please do so. If it doesn't ask, you extracted the files at the wrong place, please click on "Installation Tutorial" down below ;)

p.S.: It's also the last time I explain it, it's written right at the front page what is required for what, just a little reading would spare me from posting gigantic messages like this after a 12h nightshift ;) Thanks.

Thnx...sorry about the confusion...
4.30 star(s) 82 Votes