For the record, I don't use 'meta gaming' or 'ooc' information for the game... the Main Character does find out what had happened and, with the player, get's to determine the punishment to enforce on that individual. A person may be able to hide their 'sins' for a time... but not forever.
As a victim of abuse, and as one whose had loved ones and friends also suffer similar abuse, I find more fault in the 'bury your head in the sand', 'turn a blind eye', 'skip it' or the 'don't see don't tell' approach more abhorrent than anything I've written.
As that victim, forced to do something that they felt powerless and helpless to prevent, manipulated and pressured into doing something they didn't want to do... believe me, I've had nothing but time to think on that situation, over and over, in my life... turning it this way, that way and trying to look at it from all viewpoints and angles, trying to understand how I could've gotten myself into that situation, how I allowed it to happen to me, WHY the other person felt compelled to force me into doing it...
...and, I came to one... very terrifying realization... that to those two individuals, they had their own reasons for doing what I was pressured and forced to do, that each of them had their own 'version' of the event that I was forced into... whether to justify what they were doing, or for seeking sexual gratification from me...
...and, no, I was not sodomized or raped by a guy... I was forced as a pre-teen to have sex with a woman more than twice my age by her husband, who wanted to use me when she was finished with me and who beat me senseless when I wouldn't let him...
For me, writing that experience or, at least the trauma behind it, is a form of exercising my demons... to, not to put to fine a point on it, expose and share my hatred, anger, guilt, pain and desire to see bastards like that burn... and, hopefully, make others understand some of what it is like to feel violated and want to see justice and vengeance meted out.
As one of the 20% that you keep referring to, at what point should the indignities suffered be ignored or not have a voice?
I equate the whole philosophy of 'oh, don't put that in there, it might offend people' or 'allow people who might take offense to skip it', just as offensive as 'Just let it go... move on from it, it happened, move on and try to forget about it' or 'can't you just pretend it never happened'.
BAD things happen to good people... and, though it may haunt us or make us feel dirty for the rest of our lives, it are those events in life that mold and shape us into the people we become.
My stories, my game, my writing... they all share that common truth... BAD things happen and how the character(s) deals with those situations is what make good storytelling and believable characters.
I get that some people may not be able to handle the harsh realities that I sometime present in my work, it is understandable, I get it.
But I won't shy away from something because I might make someone queasy or uncomfortable... I won't silence myself out of fear that might offend someone by presenting truth and reality... that is how people get away with things of that nature... they count on people being silent, they count on society pressuring the victim for feeling 'wrong' about speaking up or out...
Please understand, @Ronoc19 I am NOT bashing you... and please don't think that I am saying that you are one of those individuals, because I don't believe you are. I believe you CARE about the victims of rape and abuse and I thank you for that... all I am saying is: my writing is my voice... to have it taken from me, just makes me a victim all over again.
Thank you for taking the time to write back and share your thoughts and, again, thank you for taking the time that you did to try our game and I am glad that you did enjoy it till that part. I wish you could've moved on past that and kept going, but I also understand if you can't.
I wish you nothing but the best!!!