GREAT NEWS: Wicked Choices v0.5.2.0 Update!! (July 25, 2018)
(as posted on our Patreon Page)
I am pleased to report that all of this month’s artwork and writing for “Wicked Choices v0.5.2.0” is
DONE and has been sent to Palanto to begin all of the grammar checking and importing into the game’s framework, so it will be in all of your hands soon!!!
While I don’t have the final tally for all of you yet (won’t have that for you till Palanto plugs it all into the game’s framework), I can tell you
THIS… this is the
BIGGEST release we’ve ever done!!
It is a
DOUBLE SIZED release, with plenty of options of how you want to proceed in the sexual ritual to “power up” Syrina and your character… this was a crap-ton of work, but I think you will see that is was very much
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, thank you
SO MUCH for your kind patience in awaiting this release and for my tardiness of getting it out to all of you!
I can’t thank you all for all of the support and patience that you’ve shown us, particularly in regard to my ongoing medical bull-crap that I just wish I was over having to do… it has been exhausting, to be perfectly blunt.
Thanks to you, I have a month to get a little rest and not overwork myself as much on getting the final chapter (Chapter 6) of “
Wicked Choices” done, which is good, because I have been having a difficult time getting used to the new medication (Mesnex) that I was given at my last doctor’s appointment on July 17th to take with my Flomax, in order to try to reduce the bleeding of my bladder.
While it is normally taken by those who are already undergoing Chemo, the urologist is hoping this will limit the bleeding some and prepare me in the event that I do need to undergo Chemo… but man, this stuff makes me super dizzy, nauseas and tired easily… so a few days rest is going to be super nice right now.
My next appointment with him is on August 13th and I will undergo having a scope shoved in through my man parts so he can get a better look at the thickening walls and determine if the bleeding is cancer related, ulcer related or from my enlarged prostate just putting pressure on the bladder and bladder walls.
DO NOT WORRY… any surgery, if required, won’t be done till after I’ve released the final chapter of “
Wicked Choices”… so, no worries about that!
Again, thank you so much for all of your support, for sticking around, for listening to me whine and moan about my health… I just wanted to be up front with all of you, because we really believe that it is
VERY IMPORTANT to be communicative with all of you… rather than leave you all wondering where a release is and not hearing from us (hate it when that happens with other creators)!
I or
@Palanto will let you know soon as possible to the
ETA of the release and the current status of it and size of it and thank you so much again!!
Truly yours,