I wouldn't call it nitpicking so much as a valid point and one that I hope to address if we can get to the stage where we can hire a programmer (and pay for the programmer's work), so that we are freed up to focus solely on story and artwork... the story is EASY for me, it is the programming and rendering of the artwork that takes up the majority of my time... personally, my wish (and this is probably an unreasonable wish, but a wish no less) would be to have a programmer, add sound effects and voice the characters and have another person helping with the artwork... that would be my wish and is a goal that I am striving towards.
Long-term plan/goal/wish is to make enough (like the kind of money SimBro or Redamz makes a month), hire a game production studio whose owner I am friends with (a South Korean game studio that is housed in Delain, China) to handle the programing, artwork and rendering assets, while I focus on writing/story, marketing and voice actors... that is the goal and wish of mine... and going to do what I can to try and get to that point, as... honestly... "Wicked Choices" really isn't my best story... just one in which to showcase my talents as a writer, test the waters of being a game creator and see if I would be able to get interest in my stuff in a field I only have experience in as a gamer... not as a designer.
Would be nice and it is a dream right now... but we can't achieve our potentials or desires if we don't have goals set for ourselves to reach... but right now, just damn happy that people like the work we've done thus far and are willing to support us, not just financially, but also with constructive criticism, advice and positive reinforcement!