Finally been able and played the game, loved all the background stuff and story is progressing nicely and still believable within its own world as well. Great Job and well done Jack, Palanto and for the missus that gets stared at if she innocently reads a book.

Thanks for the enjoyable play through and hard work.
You are quite welcome and glad that you enjoyed it!!
Only thing that was missing unfortunately was some private sweaty very physical alone time with that cute, adorable, caring, charming if impetuous and very hot little Fap that is our divine lady Sirina, a big miss to all us followers of the Church of Our Lady Syrina:evilsmile: Though the other niece was adorable.
I had considered it and, as soon as I did, I rejected the idea.
To me, any kind of sex with Syrina would've seemed gratuitous... a simple addition to appease audience, but would've lacked impact and would've came off as a 'cheap' ploy to me.
Originally, when I created Syrina, I had intended her to always remain pint-sized... Syrina was meant to be to the MC as Cortana is to Master Chief... but, somewhere along the way (I think the kitchen scene) the little FAP developed into becoming something more to the MC than just a guide and helper (like the way that Cortana was meant to be to Master Chief)...
As a Halo fan, who fell deeply attached to and emotionally involved with Cortana while playing as the Master Chief, I can see a striking similarity with the MC and Syrina... and, because of that, decided against a fuck scene between her and the MC before the end of "Wicked Choices: Book One"..., I want that moment, when it comes, to be one of passion, heartfelt emotion and romance... not a simple roll in the hay, I want it to carry weight and have meaning!!!
I am imagining that Syrina is going to be (like Cortana) the constant anchor that the 'Antichrist' can rely on, trust and, if the player's choose, even love... so the initial scene between the two shouldn't be a 'quick fuck'... but rather, a steamy, romantic, sappy, love making scene worthy of a character that the MC relies on, trusts and comes to care about.
You are a mean tease Jack letting us wait 6 months:biggrin:. Did like the inclusion of her nickname in game.
Also interesting there is a faction of gods standing with the angelions that Hime belongs to, there is a neutral faction with the fates and Karma. so is there also a third faction one wonders that we still have to meet or is that one of the things MC will have to create.

Sorry for the tease, but glad I could provide a tip of the hat to those who helped to make Syrina what she is!
As for the faction of gods... I choose not to say anything at present, but it will be better explained in "Adventures of a Changed Boy", as well as, their roles in all of this.