I can certainly understand and appreciate the concern, grumblings and disapproval that many are sharing in our thread here... I can assure you, we didn't make this choice lightly and we understood while making it that we would end up losing some people as a result of that choice, however, it is a choice we felt we had to make and won't go back on; we've already invested a lot of time, money and resources into this decision and even if we wanted to go back on that decision (which we don't at this point), it is a little late to and we are committed now.
As developers, we will ALWAYS remain committed to doing what we feel is best for the story and the vision of our game, I think we've certainly demonstrated our commitment to adhere to that base principle when we failed to back down to overwhelming complaints and pressure imposed on us by some players that wanted us to alter OUR GAME to their desires (like we've witnessed some creators unfortunately do to their work in the past).
This is no different!!
Personally, I NEVER liked Ren'py... I only choose it as a vehicle for my game in the beginning, because I lacked the programming skill and knowledge to do it in any other format; to me, it is just a glorified, picture book that needs a crap ton of work and effort to pull it out of that format... why spend valuable time, resources and open ourselves up to the increased chance of bugs, reinventing the wheel to have that piece of software perform in a way that RPG Maker MV can do instantly??
Just to appease people who've had bad experiences from other creator games, or from those who treat the whole "Ren'Py/RPGM" situation like it is a MAC vs PC, FORD vs DODGE vs CHEVY argument??
We told people at the very start of
@Palanto coming on board with us, that we envisioned MORE for this game, that if we had our way and if we could garner the support that we wanted and needed, that we would go to a Unity based system that would enable first or third person RPG gameplay...
...in a year's time, we didn't get that support... we worked our tails off, busted our humps to deliver a game that we felt had MORE depth and possibilities to gamers than many of the games currently out there; meeting our goals through a very difficult year, doing our very best to meet the promises that we made to people here (to a large degree of success) for very little compensation... but a healthy amount of accolades (to which we are grateful for)...
...HOWEVER... it has been an incredible challenge to meet all of those goals and promises, while maintaining our fulltime (12 hours a day... except for the wife who only works 40 hours a week in hers, but has to take care of my ugly ass, which is more of a job than her actual job) jobs and not see the kind of "return" that we would've liked to have seen to award us more time to work on the game and go to a REAL game engine... rather than Ren'Py or RPGM.
We are EXTREMELY THANKFUL AND LUCKY to have received the support that we've received from those members from here who have spent the last year, parting with their own HARD EARNED DOLLAR monthly to support us. It IS because of their SACRIFICE and constant COMMITMENT to us that we were able to do the work we did this past year and delivered this game to you... if ANYONE should be thanked for the game that you've enjoyed playing, it is THEM!!!
Whether you know this or not... Ren'Py games don't get NEAR AS MUCH SUPPORT on Patreon as RPGM games... we have been and are fortunate that the $900 to $1,000 we made a month, consistently, was the result of dependable supporters who stuck with us the entire year!!!
While other Patreon creators have their monthly numbers jump ALL OVER THE PLACE, Palanto and I had a constant backbone of loyal players and supporters who believed in our work faithfully from start to finish of "Wicked Choices: Book One" it is to THEM that we remain committed to, it is to THEM we wish to deliver MORE to and to do that, and our original vision, we need to make changes we've decided to make.
I have been VERY OPEN and HONEST with everyone here and on Patreon... I don't HIDE who I am or behind a screenname, I hold myself ACCOUNTABLE for when I screw up and both Palanto and I try our BEST to be different from many other creators out there... we have a VISION for OUR FUTURE (to do this for a living) and for OUR GAMES, but to obtain that FUTURE we WORK SO HARD FOR, we need to make MONEY and Patreon provides that possibility for us... and Ren'Py isn't that vehicle to get us there.
We WILL remain dedicated to the STORY, we WILL remain dedicated to our SUPPORTERS, we WILL remain dedicated to our VISION, our HOPES, our GOALS and our DREAMS... if you wish to remain with us during that JOURNEY, we will happily have you along and enjoy this RIDE TOGETHER, but if you wish to leave, wish to pass up a chance to see what we hope to do with our games, well, that's up to you and we WISH YOU THE BEST... there's nothing more we can say.