@Nachtvogel... no there isn't a way to avoid the ritual.
@DA22 mentions, depending on the path chosen, certain facts about Jamila's feelings about the MC and about the ritual itself are revealed... the more depraved the Player/MC chooses, the less the ritual is about Jamila and the more it is about the act of sex itself.
Another misconception that you have is that while Jamila is initially drugged at the behest of Edith, she isn't drugged at the time of the ritual... all her mother gave her was a sedative that would help her daughter to relax and, hopefully, not feel as much pain when losing her virginity. Also, Jamila isn't directly related to the MC... she is his 'niece' only by marriage.
@Wyrme is correct in his response, while sex with Edith or Mariam, his wife, or even 100 hookers as you suggested, would've served as a means to "power up" the antichrist... none of that would've equaled the value provided by the act of a virgin sacrifice as what was done.
It has been long established, even in the bible, the power and value of a virgin... the act of an individual providing their virginity has long been taught that it is the most powerful act a person can give to another, which is why Jamila offering that to her uncle (the MC/Antichrist) is a very significant act to help him in his endeavors.
Also, as pointed out, the more an individual stretches their 'morals' the more power is obtained... again, history has shown debase actions in regard to sex produces an euphoric power over people. Roman and Greek orgies, Sapphic and Homosexual rituals and practices, Bestiality, Rape and Incest were all common elements experienced or conducted during rituals by humans for their "gods"... from Mayan, Incan, Roman, Greek, Norse, Egyptian, etc... shaman's, priest, sorcerers, witches, warlocks, witchdoctors, etc., all incorporated various forms of sexual rituals as a means of demonstrating power...
...after all, sex is the closest thing that man can get to being GOD... sex is an instrument of CREATION and there is no greater power in or under the heavens than the power of CREATION!
One might ask, so why the more debase the act the more "power" that is obtained?
Simple (at least for our story)... have you ever had a fetish that you always wanted to try? Kept hidden from the knowledge of others, because you feared that if they knew that they would reject you... and when you did find someone or get to experience that fetish for the first time, feel that RUSH that runs through your body like a living current of electricity... feel more aroused and powerful in that moment???
It is that RUSH, that aroused feeling of POWER that courses through the body that charges our spirits... and the magical energies that the Antichrist, Demonothans and Angelions can use.
Hope that explains it a bit better for you and everyone.