Gold Master Update for MAC & ANDROID Users, Character Intro & Update (December 6, 2018)
(as sort of posted on our Patreon Page)
First the REALLY IMPORTANT NEWS… with much thanks to our friend “ @the66 ” for their assistance, @Palanto was able to fix the Movie Displayable() that was preventing the game from starting on Android Devices and also created a v1.1 download patch for the Mac Version for better save file locations and saves… so if you were having problems on the MAC or wanted to use the ANDROID version, you can do so now and get those fixes here:
Now for the Character Intro and Update about “Wicked Choices: Adventures of a Changed Boy” …
Please allow me to introduce to you, the new $50 Patron created character and Océane’s sister… “Fabienne Maarit Fontaine” from our patron: Cùran!!
Fabienne is outwardly the owner of a small, highly specialized photo studio, that you will be able to visit as William/Billie or as Claire in “Adventures of a Changed Boy” and Fabienne does contract work for various big brands, model agencies, film and advertisement.
However, this is merely her cover… she, along with her older sister Océane have so much more planned and instore for the city that they live and work in and players may find themselves ensnared in their dark, tangled webs that they’ve been weaving if you aren’t careful!
Will you, as William/Billie or Claire, visit the photo studio to just get interesting photos of yourself… or will you allow yourself to be ensnared by the sisters to uncover or disrupt their sinister plans?
The choice is up to you!!
Now, as for the UPDATE about “Wicked Choices: Adventures of a Changed Boy”, while we’ve not had much time to work on it the past couple of days, due to the recent Gold Master Release of “Wicked Choices: Book One”, things have been progressing quite nicely on the Prologue game!!
The “Adventures of a Changed Boy” Prologue is going to start with the lovely and mysterious, kunoichi character: Namiko Mochizuki (created and inspired by F95's own @c3p0 ) who is visited and given a job by Karma… will she accept it? And what will it mean for William/Billie (and possibly the Antichrist) if she takes it?
You’ll have to wait and see!!
And you WON’T have to wait LONG!!!!!!!
Plans are to release this first chapter of the “Adventures of a Changed Boy” Prologue to you, in Ren’Py format, at the start of the New Year in January… it will include choices, sex and even trying our hands at animation for all of you in it!
In the meantime, now that the Gold Master Release is out… the maps, programming and locations are still being created and inserted into the RPGM “Wicked Choices: Adventures of a Changed Boy” Main Game, while I am working on the Ren’Py “Adventures of a Changed Boy” Prologue for all of you.
I can certainly tell all of you this…
The story and characters for “Wicked Choices: Adventures of a Changed Boy” is AWESOME and, depending on the choices that you make in this game, it is DEFINITELY going to affect the life of the Antichrist (you) and Princess Lynara when we return to “Wicked Choices: Book Two”!!!
Your choices in this game can either make things easier for the Antichrist and Princess Lynara, you will learn about the other faction that has their own plans for the Antichrist and the upcoming war, will be able to help establish help and support for the two of them… or make enemies for them… so, this game is CERTAINLY going to have an impact on the continuation of the main story!
Well, hate to say goodbye, but I have to get back to work here… sorry about the screwed up v1.0 Android and Mac problems, they've been fixed and can download them on the Frontpage, time for us to get back to work, we have an AWESOME product that we need to build for all of you and want to thank you all, again and as always, for all of the help and support that you’ve shown all of us!!
We’ll talk again soon and THANKS!