UPDATE: The Ticking of the Clock won’t let me Sleep… April 7, 2019
…but it isn’t
FAIR to any of you either, to spend your hard-earned dollar on a guy who, may be working his ass off, but still isn’t giving you anything either… that
REALLY bugs me!
Booom313 and I are working our tails off, we are working on our communication with each other, trying to create a system like
Palanto and I had, where we worked well with each other and covered each other’s roles well… but, if you can no longer wait, or no longer want to wait, I understand!
I don’t want to lose
ANY OF YOU and we are working hard and will have something out shortly, but I will understand if you can’t or no longer want to wait… we will still deliver to you want you paid for, even if you have to or want to go.
In the meantime, I am going to keep working as hard as I can, I am going to remain in negotiations with the investor, nor am I going to give up on what I
PROMISED all of you or what I
PROMISED my wife,
Palanto or
Booom313 either… I
HOPE that all of you will stay with us, just a bit longer… please… but, if you can’t or don’t want to, I will understand.