Okay... now about Claire... Dom/Sub....
I happen to agree with
@DA22 that I really can't see Claire as being a total DOM... and I personally see her more as a SWITCH when it comes to that sort of thing.
As I said on Patreon, when I created her, I seen her being smothered into Submission by her father, mother and brother... an example that we unfortunately and unavoidably had to witness first hand in "Wicked Choices: Book One", to fully understand the kind of household that she's been living in all of her life.
Take into consideration that she'd been molested/raped by her father at a very early age, will have you pretty much understanding that she is broken inside and, honestly, would NOT make for a very good DOM... by example, she'd be cruel, manipulative and overly sadistic... not very good qualities for a DOM and, will all due respect, something which I can't see her as being.
I do think, in time, she could be taught DOM-like qualities to help her overcome the trauma she's undergone in her life, a means in which to find a kind of balance and control in her life... but 100% DOM... within weeks/months or a year that the remaining stories take place in... nope, don't see that as happening.
Remember, "Wicked Choices: Book One" only took place in a span of 6-7 weeks...
Plus, there will be events taking place in Claire's route that can have her swinging back and forth between "DOM" and "SUB" routes, based on player's choices... so they may get 3 points towards "DOM", make a decision somewhere and subtract 5 points from the "DOM" stat and be less than when Claire started...
Nor does Claire need to be DOM to help the Antichrist, she only needs to be her usual intelligent, cunning and manipulative/clever self that she's always been (learned by her mother) to help him.
After all, Claire is going to be particularly HELPFUL in helping the Antichrist when it comes to the MC's daughters (which will likely be a F95 Only Patch Quest/Route... due to Patreon's TOS)... I already have that scene written and it is, interesting and HOT!!
So, yeah, I don't fully expect Claire to be a total DOM, probably with her brother ONLY, but not in all facets of her life.