You lost my attention and my desire to take anything you say seriously when you decided to use the term 'utterly disgusting'.Book 2 seems utterly disgusting. Not everyone wants to play as a sissy, a woman, or a futa. Most guys want to be male protagonists.
Reviewing your comments on other games, I see that you also apparently have an aversion to an MC dating a person of color and seem to be overly attracted and interested in games that contain incest.
For the record: I find the concept of sleeping with my mother to be truly a horrifying and blood curdling thought and any notion of trying to seduce and have sex with a daughter or son to be irresponsible, selfish, a betrayal of trust, distasteful and harmful to a child... (side note: likely evident in the MC's thoughts during his moment with his niece)
...but, I understand the difference between fantasy and reality, I am open minded and accept people for their particular kinks and know that people desire it when it comes to these kinds of games, so I still write it... REGARDLESS of my personal tastes.
And, what I find to be MOST distasteful and offensive is the way that you seem to want to make others feel 'less than' and 'dirty' for their particular kinks and somehow think your own shit doesn't stink.
I am chalking it up to you probably being young, inexperienced in dealing with people with viewpoints and lifestyles different than your own and an inability to properly interact acceptably socially... but you might want to work on that.
On another note: I don't even get into most of the stuff that I will be writing about in our NEXT game, but... like incest, I know that there are those who do and don't wish to leave them feeling left out in my work and I see this as a challenge to me as a writer and creator...
Here is a couple of other concepts that you may not of considered:
- While predominately coveted and played by guys, these games are ALSO played by women... who do happen to grow tired of playing a male character role/protagonist and happen to get off on male on male, sissy, lesbian, bondage and humiliation and EVEN ROMANCE fantasies.
- There also happen to be guys who get off on the above mentioned items and kinks outlined in item #1. A fact that you seemed to have latched onto by your use of the word "MOST" when pointing out male protagonists... which means you know there are some that would like to play our next game... but you discount their desires over your own.
So you aren't going to like our next game... so, guess, what, here's an idea wonderful shared by @Avaron1974 (who is looking forward to our next game) and DON'T play our game!
Truly, it won't hurt my feelings if you don't. I can manage and I will find a way to somehow make it through this life without you having played it... I am sure I will find a way to survive.
Safe journeys!