Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Book 2 seems utterly disgusting. Not everyone wants to play as a sissy, a woman, or a futa. Most guys want to be male protagonists.
You lost my attention and my desire to take anything you say seriously when you decided to use the term 'utterly disgusting'.

Reviewing your comments on other games, I see that you also apparently have an aversion to an MC dating a person of color and seem to be overly attracted and interested in games that contain incest.

For the record: I find the concept of sleeping with my mother to be truly a horrifying and blood curdling thought and any notion of trying to seduce and have sex with a daughter or son to be irresponsible, selfish, a betrayal of trust, distasteful and harmful to a child... (side note: likely evident in the MC's thoughts during his moment with his niece)

...but, I understand the difference between fantasy and reality, I am open minded and accept people for their particular kinks and know that people desire it when it comes to these kinds of games, so I still write it... REGARDLESS of my personal tastes.

And, what I find to be MOST distasteful and offensive is the way that you seem to want to make others feel 'less than' and 'dirty' for their particular kinks and somehow think your own shit doesn't stink.

I am chalking it up to you probably being young, inexperienced in dealing with people with viewpoints and lifestyles different than your own and an inability to properly interact acceptably socially... but you might want to work on that.

On another note: I don't even get into most of the stuff that I will be writing about in our NEXT game, but... like incest, I know that there are those who do and don't wish to leave them feeling left out in my work and I see this as a challenge to me as a writer and creator...

Here is a couple of other concepts that you may not of considered:

  1. While predominately coveted and played by guys, these games are ALSO played by women... who do happen to grow tired of playing a male character role/protagonist and happen to get off on male on male, sissy, lesbian, bondage and humiliation and EVEN ROMANCE fantasies.
  2. There also happen to be guys who get off on the above mentioned items and kinks outlined in item #1. A fact that you seemed to have latched onto by your use of the word "MOST" when pointing out male protagonists... which means you know there are some that would like to play our next game... but you discount their desires over your own.
Selfish much?

So you aren't going to like our next game... so, guess, what, here's an idea wonderful shared by @Avaron1974 (who is looking forward to our next game) and DON'T play our game!

Truly, it won't hurt my feelings if you don't. I can manage and I will find a way to somehow make it through this life without you having played it... I am sure I will find a way to survive.

Safe journeys!


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I don't think i'd push Claire too much in the dom side of things. I'll keep her in charge of her brother and training him but I think if given too much rope she'll hang him with it and I want fembill submissive not broken or dead.

Claire doesn't know how to be a dom and is far too broken to be given too much room to be cruel. Ideally you'd want someone watching Claire or at least someone to show her the ropes first but with time constraints both in development and in game with a war looming it's not feasible so all we can do is throw her in the deep end and hope she can swim.

After all she's been through I don't think it would eat her up too much to see her brother suffering which is great at first but once fembill has been broken he/she will need building back up to suit the MC's needs which is going to be the big problem. Is Claire able to rebuild or would she continue to break.

As an aside to that, can you really trust someone to make the right decisions in a war after she has tasted the pleasures of unfettered and uncontrolled sadism? Especially someone that has been as broken as claire is/was, it is not only fembill that will need some rebuilding.
Like you, @Avaron1974, I want William/Billie to be conformed into a submissive and willing playtoy. ;)

I find it interesting that @DA22 brought up the subject of war, as I am approaching this in the same way and am thinking of Claire getting instructed in the ways of 'Domination' as a means of like dealing with the PTSD of having suffered the kinds of abuse that she has had to endure.

In fact, one of the people that will be available to instruct her will be someone that had undergone sexual abuse while being tortured in Afghanistan and put their life back together in breaking out of that terrible experience and was able to recapture some stability and interest in sex after such a terrible experience.

To Claire (with the exception of her father who abused her in his own way), sex has always been a form of punishment for her... so, for her to be effective for herself, her sanity and for the MC, she needs to be shown differently and learn to apply sex differently in her own life.

She's truly a fucked up and complicated girl, but I just don't see her being truly effective in living a Dom lifestyle... only applying some of the philosophy of it to overcome some of the mental barriers and misgivings that she has towards sex.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Good to hear you had a good weekend and took the time to relax and spend with those most important to you. I had a good weekend as well and yeah leave the sliding of stairs to the kids.They are better at it, old geezers like us should just walk down them and not be so impatient and in such a hurry to arrive at the bottom. :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, I came to the same conclusion when I reached the bottom of the stairs... it, somehow, wasn't quite as fun as it was when I was a kid... and a bit more scary and painful than I remember it being! :LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
You lost my attention and my desire to take anything you say seriously when you decided to use the term 'utterly disgusting'.
I had to put that guy on my ignore list. I had a brief glimpse at his post history after that comment to see if maybe it was just a slip up and he wasn't as scummy as that post made him look but it was pretty clear he was and i'd never agree with anything he had to say.

Ignore list is a blessing and saves a lot of headaches.

Here's the big problem with people like that, it never matters what you tell them the world revolves around them and they expect everyone to conform to their ideas.

In his mind he probably expects you to completely change how Williams story will be to suit his own needs. He does come across as really young though, I don't think the world has taught him just how small he is in it yet.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I had to put that guy on my ignore list. I had a brief glimpse at his post history after that comment to see if maybe it was just a slip up and he wasn't as scummy as that post made him look but it was pretty clear he was and i'd never agree with anything he had to say.

Ignore list is a blessing and saves a lot of headaches.

Here's the big problem with people like that, it never matters what you tell them the world revolves around them and they expect everyone to conform to their ideas.

In his mind he probably expects you to completely change how Williams story will be to suit his own needs. He does come across as really young though, I don't think the world has taught him just how small he is in it yet.
Yeah, I figured he would make it to the end of my first sentence and quit reading, or would BLOW UP and want to start a flame war or something... but still, I like flexing my social skills and create interesting ways in which to be condescending to Internet Morons. ;)

I figured, if anything, it would provide good reading for others to laugh at and make fun of the person (I am just mean that way)! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::devilish::devilish::devilish:
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Mar 4, 2019
@ftw1369 You can't put an abandoned tag on a completed game... and "Wicked Choices: Book One" is completed.

I also don't think that you have much room to talk about the way that I do things or to belittle any of our supporters, because you don't have a game that you can leech and play or it isn't done to YOUR satisfaction.

Additionally, I keep my supporters updated on everything that is transpiring with the production of our new game... they are free to cancel their support or end their support whenever it isn't convenient for them... their support is for the TEAM that puts the game together... NOT for the GAME itself!

Apparently, you have some confusion as to what it means to support someone... perhaps, maybe, because you never have and just take what you want... kind of interesting how you lay claim that I am stealing from our supporters, while you HAVE NO PROBLEM stealing from them... after all, it is because of their support of that the game, that you want to download and play for FREE, that you have a game you can download and play.

Do you even see how hypocritical you are?

Sounds to me, by your last sentence, you probably do...

Regardless, creating a GOOD game takes time... particularly when it seems like you are the ONLY ONE working on it... which, with the exception of the programming, I DO EVERYTHING from writing, to rendering, to posing, to creating the scenes, lighting the scene, assemble it all for the programmer to string together... in short, I work about 30+ hours a week on doing this game that you like to fap off to... the only way I get paid for all of that work is from those who SUPPORT ME in that work.

The minute that support ends... so does my work on the game. I have a family to feed and take care of.

Now, I could be like other fucking douche bags that just rip their supporters off... hide away, never saying anything, don't post or interact with people on Patreon or here and just leave everyone wondering what is going on, wondering if I bailed on them, wondering if I give a FUCK about them or the money that they work so hard to make and are nice enough to throw a little bit of it my way...

...but I don't.

I keep them updated on my work, I don't hide my identity behind a fictitious name, they have a link to my personal Facebook page where they can be a part of my friends and FAMILY, keep updated on MY LIFE, MY WORK and the game... I hide NOTHING from ANYONE... unlike some of the 'pump and dump' creators out there, who will rip people off!

I get YOU want the game to come out... I DO TOO and I, sure as FUCK know those who are actually SUPPORTING me do as well... and, I am doing the best that I can do, with the time that I have to work on it... after all, I have another actual REAL JOB that actually pays my bills and keeps my family fed and housed, because I sure as FUCK couldn't take care of them off of $1,000.00 dollars a month (which part of that goes to the programmer as well), HELL, my the mortgage on my house, alone, is $1,250.00 a month!!

Bottom line: The people who are supporting us are supporting US while we work our normal jobs and work on the game, they believe in our work and want us to continue, they are free to leave if they want and if they have to... but THEY ALONE have a right to bitch and complain... they have the RIGHT TO COMPLAIN and ONLY THEM... NOT someone who only takes for free the efforts that they've paid for and we've worked on.

So, you have NO RIGHT to bitch and complain.

Get it?

While I appreciate all your f-bombs towards me, do you really know that I am not a top tier supporter of your game? Do you really think that I would be dumb enough to use the same user ID on Patreon and a pirate site? And if I am a top tier supporter of your game you have just let me know how much my hard earned cash means to you... Fuck all, cause you're desire to work on this game means far less than defending your ego and cashing your cheques... I got an actual real job too and do you think that if I didn't produce any work product for 4 months, they'd still be depositing cheques in my account?


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
While I appreciate all your f-bombs towards me, do you really know that I am not a top tier supporter of your game? Do you really think that I would be dumb enough to use the same user ID on Patreon and a pirate site? And if I am a top tier supporter of your game you have just let me know how much my hard earned cash means to you... Fuck all, cause you're desire to work on this game means far less than defending your ego and cashing your cheques... I got an actual real job too and do you think that if I didn't produce any work product for 4 months, they'd still be depositing cheques in my account?
This game is completed, they are working on the next part.

You coming in asking for an abandoned tag on a completed game and then getting all pissy when called out on it doesn't paint you in a great picture.

do you really know that I am not a top tier supporter of your game?
Your posts make it pretty clear you aren't. Considering their Patreon has everything on there what is happening you wouldn't be here making posts talking about abandoned games if you were. Most of us don't use the same ID for Patreon as we do for a piracy site but when we do join someone's Patreon we read what's going on without jumping to our own incredibly wrong conclusions.

[VN] [Ren'Py] [Completed] Wicked Choices: Book One [v1.1] [ASLPro3D]

I higlighted the important part.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
While I appreciate all your f-bombs towards me, do you really know that I am not a top tier supporter of your game? Do you really think that I would be dumb enough to use the same user ID on Patreon and a pirate site? And if I am a top tier supporter of your game you have just let me know how much my hard earned cash means to you... Fuck all, cause you're desire to work on this game means far less than defending your ego and cashing your cheques... I got an actual real job too and do you think that if I didn't produce any work product for 4 months, they'd still be depositing cheques in my account?
Even if you were a top tier supporter, I would still call it like it is... you would be free to leave and not support me.

As for being 'dumb enough' to use the same user ID in both places, well... it takes a bit more to hide a person's identity than a simple user ID for those who actually cared enough to find out a person's real identity... personally, I don't see a problem of being a member at both sites, nor... as I said... bother to try and hide my real identity from people.

If I didn't produce any work for 4 months at my REAL JOB, they wouldn't pay me and I wouldn't have a job... but, sadly my GAME ISN'T my real job... it is a SIDE PROJECT (to which I've stated many times both there and here) and until it starts generating the income that I need for it to become my REAL JOB, it will REMAIN a SIDE PROJECT.

Unless, you'd like to start paying me $76 an hour, which is what I get paid from my REAL JOB to work on our game fulltime... till then, this game is a SIDE PROJECT to which I work an OBSENE amount of time on for a fraction of my value so that people can be entertained and have fun for a little while... I can assure you, it takes FAR MORE time for me to BUILD a game as it does for you to PLAY it and if you think your $1 to $50 a month covers the actual time put into CREATING the game, you are deluding yourself.

I appreciate our supporters and I am doing the best that I can do... if that isn't GOOD enough, then I strongly urge you/them to put your money elsewhere.

Till then, I will keep working on the game with the time I have, will keep spending the LITTLE bit of money I make from my patrons on paying the programmer and others to keep working, buying the assets needed for creating the game, as well as, paying for my Mega account so people can keep downloading the previous game...

...not good enough... well then, tough... fuck off.


Active Member
Apr 21, 2017
I don't think i'd push Claire too much in the dom side of things. I'll keep her in charge of her brother and training him but I think if given too much rope she'll hang him with it and I want fembill submissive not broken or dead.
Pretty much my intention. I want Claire to turn her brother, or should I say new sister, into a plaything. She will need to show some domination, but in the end she is still far too broken. Hence why I don't think/want she will steer far from being a little sub pet for whoever... Including her uncle.

I trust Jack with his story telling. So far I am ultra hyped and positive about anything he is thinking and the directions he is taking.

...not good enough... well then, tough... fuck off.
Don't lose your energy with those folks man! Some people will dislike whatever you do. You ship every 2 weeks : not enough content. You ship every month : Too long!
Can't please everyone. And those people ... forget about it. They only know rage and being upset.
We live in tribal society in a way where people hates anything that does not conform to their view. Be with them or against them...

And to quote Avaron, because it's extremely well put:
In his mind he probably expects you to completely change how Williams story will be to suit his own needs. He does come across as really young though, I don't think the world has taught him just how small he is in it yet.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Is there a thread for adventures of a changed boy? I see that the preview/demo was for feb 11 2019 and the baners intrest me but cant find any threads or stuff in f95zone.
Due to some ambitious decisions from Jack as the writer and some real life being busy cause new job from the coder Palanto, the development of the side game is taking longer as the team expected. If I am correct they are doing some testing now and based on the results of that the first part of the game might be released soonish or take a bit longer still.
Nov 4, 2017
Due to some ambitious decisions from Jack as the writer and some real life being busy cause new job from the coder Palanto, the development of the side game is taking longer as the team expected. If I am correct they are doing some testing now and based on the results of that the first part of the game might be released soonish or take a bit longer still.
Thx for the heads up.
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Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
Is there a continuation to wicked choices book 1, aside from the sissy boy book 2?.
While i initially didn't like the first few parts of book 1,
I found it got more interesting with each chapter and felt disappointed when i got to the end.
I'm Likely going to have another play through this week.
I would like to find out more about whats going on at the church and how it became a warzone, and more about book 1's MC.
Also while i take my hat off to the creator for creating the sissy boy adventures part of it "Book 2",
Its not really my cup of tea so as to speak, So I would prefer just to skip that one.
That is if i am correct in believing it is more of a side book?.
I don't really have much interest in that character, and sissy boys are a bit of a turn off for me personally.
I am impressed with the creativity of the writer he/she has done well IMHO.
If anyone can tell me when Wicked choices book 1 will have another addition I would be grateful.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Is there a continuation to wicked choices book 1, aside from the sissy boy book 2?.
While i initially didn't like the first few parts of book 1,
I found it got more interesting with each chapter and felt disappointed when i got to the end.
I'm Likely going to have another play through this week.
I would like to find out more about whats going on at the church and how it became a warzone, and more about book 1's MC.
Also while i take my hat off to the creator for creating the sissy boy adventures part of it "Book 2",
Its not really my cup of tea so as to speak, So I would prefer just to skip that one.
That is if i am correct in believing it is more of a side book?.
I don't really have much interest in that character, and sissy boys are a bit of a turn off for me personally.
I am impressed with the creativity of the writer he/she has done well IMHO.
If anyone can tell me when Wicked choices book 1 will have another addition I would be grateful.
Well one option ill also to play the sissy boy as a woman that possibly could be turned back into a male during the story. The MC though will be you as player that through the agency of karma will be able to make decisions for characters in the game. Decisions in the side game will influence how factions and characters will interact with the anti-christ in book 2 of wicked choiced and book 3. Team will start work on book 2 after side game is done. Think you can play it without the side game, but you might miss some info and options. My free take on some information given by Jack in last half year.
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Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
@DA22 Thanks.
If what you are saying is true though this will kill any further interest i have in this series.
A shame as the writer is quite talented and the artwork is pretty good,
but I have the fetishes and restrictions i have and they wont change. "I'm to old and stubborn"
I don't really want to miss any options in the third book but i just cant gain enough interest in book 2 to be bothered.
Personally i would have killed book 2's mc in the first book given the chance.
I'm probably a bit of a vanilla, don't really get into incest but i can Sorta ignore it,
But futa, Sissy And trans just kill any boner i have.
But despite that I did find the base story of book 1 very interesting,
I will definitely pick up book 3 though if book 2 has no bearing on any choices/ options of book 3.
EDIT: or book 2 if the current book 2 is a side story.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
the new story is a
@DA22 Thanks.
If what you are saying is true though this will kill any further interest i have in this series.
A shame as the writer is quite talented and the artwork is pretty good,
but I have the fetishes and restrictions i have and they wont change. "I'm to old and stubborn"
I don't really want to miss any options in the third book but i just cant gain enough interest in book 2 to be bothered.
Personally i would have killed book 2's mc in the first book given the chance.
I'm probably a bit of a vanilla, don't really get into incest but i can Sorta ignore it,
But futa, Sissy And trans just kill any boner i have.
But despite that I did find the base story of book 1 very interesting,
I will definitely pick up book 3 though if book 2 has no bearing on any choices/ options of book 3.
EDIT: or book 2 if the current book 2 is a side story.
The coming story is a side story and not book 2 indeed. Think you can play book 2 without the side story though later on. Again a furher clarification though Jack can explain better without a doubt. You can play Billy as a full female and not as a futa or sissy depending on your choices. Also Billy is not the MC of the story, but an important character and likely a focal point as Claire will be. The MC will be the player himself though that acts as an agent of Karma and influences choices in the game. Hope that helps.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
@Oldtoothlessbasterd Adventures of a Changed Boy, when it is released, isn't Book 2... Wicked Choices: Book Two will open with the scene that takes place in the old church, where Syrina and the MC meet Lynara...

Adventures of a Changed Boy, while it is going to have Transformation, Sissy or Futa in it, the story doesn't fully revolve around that... as @DA22 mentioned, you will be playing an "Agent of Karma" following the lives of characters who are close to William/Billie and Claire and helping to make decisions that drive the story forward.

While playing it, you will realize that there is a THIRD faction that is very interested in the Antichrist, besides the Demonothans and Angelions, and this faction would be the HUMANS...

For those who don't want to play Adventures of a Changed Boy, there will be a "recap" and "default choices" for that game at the start of Wicked Choices: Book Two... so it won't be necessary to play it if it isn't your cup of tea, but expect that some of the choices that could've been made by you in that game, will certainly have some effect on the Antichrist's world, that can't be changed unless you want to go back and change them yourself.

Again, I get that some of the kinks in the games aren't going to be everyone's flavor... but I intend to be inclusive in our games. If it isn't something of someone's particular taste, well... they can always change the channel and play/watch something else. ;)


Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
@ASLPro3D @DA22
Thank you both for clarifying that.
seeing as this is the case I am definitely interested to the next chapter and look forward to seeing more about it in the coming Future. "when is it expected?"
Those who worked on this game should be proud of what they have done.
To keep an old basterd like me entertained for a few hours and with the odd snippets of content i have no interest in is no easy feat, Then to have me wanting more at the end is very uncommon. "normally it would get Meh and forgotten".
And i agree if i don't have an interest in something i don't have to play it,
its a choice of mine not the creators, something some people seem to forget and they should be grateful there are creators who create such a variety of games.
The only thing i would ask is you keep your writers on, Its rare to find creative writers with talent.
thanks for an entertaining story with a good twist on religion its very refreshing.
Wish I had the cash to become a patron but I'm barely surviving as it is, "You know how it is".
Nice work and i wish you all well with future releases and story's. "May your creative juices flow like that of a horny woman"
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
@Oldtoothlessbasterd I would recommend that your MC, when given the choice on how to mold William at the end of Book 1 turns him completely female. That would skip most trans, futa, or sissy content in the next work "Adventures of a Changed Boy". Without reading though nearly 300 pages of this thread, you will not see all the discussions that have occurred over time about the world @ASLPro3D has constructed and the plans that have been made for how the world works.

The coming side story is the punishment that William and to some extent his mother has earned for their behavior. You were completely willing to kill William at the end, but where is the lesson there? You, as an agent of Karma, get to direct the actions that tear down and rebuild William into whatever you think would help the MC in Book 1 as he moves into Book 2. Plus there is the Claire storyline as she will be instrumental in her brother's transformation and hopefully become a useful agent for the MC in Book 2.

I know that the next game was supposed to be a side story that introduced the RPG Maker MV world to the Wicked Choices canon, but that transition was going to take too long so it will stay RenPy for now, and there will be a process for importing your save from the end of Book 1 to set up conditions in the new game. Jack (@ASLPro3D), has discovered that he can't stop world building and there will be a lot of "lore" about the world of Wicked Choices in the side story that, if you were intrigued by the world in Book 1, you probably shouldn't skip this next installment while waiting for Book 2.
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