Well Chapter 4 should come out end of month or more likely beginning September considering the potato of a comp dev uses and amount of paths the game has and renders needed

Well I would rate this game not as one of the better ones, but as one of the best till now with some serious world building and attention to detail.. It is at same level as Wicked Choices in its own right and just as ambitious I think. For story and attention to detail it even beats City of Broken Dreamers, though Philly's renders and sex are awesome of course.
Considering playing it now, well basically the setup of the story is finished and more of story and sex will kick of with new chapter. Content wise what there is a quick run through missing almost everything will take over an hour, if go completionist, meme and easter egg hunting it is more days already.
Hmmm. Every good game should have more content in it that it has, it don't make a difference if it's finished or not. I would like to immerse in the game (or book or movie) as much as possible and at the end of it, when I'm sad that the story "ends" and I can't follow the characters anymore, that is one indicator for myself that the medium is around the "best" for myself.
The games that for sure have cleared this trigger are (in no order): WC, Depraved Awakening, CoBD, The Deluca Family and The Coceter Chronicles
A few other games are near this ones, but they aren't many.
I have over 1000 elements in my game folder and perhaps 300 games in it (sometimes the old versions haven't find theiry way to /dev/null yet). So only 2-4 of 100 games I've download are above this level and even I don't download all games here.
So for Heavy Five my verdict is, that it isn't above this level. For all the other it is very good. Renders aren't on a level of Philly's games or Deluca, but this bar is a very high and IMHO even WC hasn't clear it to 100%. Character, lore, all things of Heavy Five is good, solid and I can't point out something that is "bad" or that I know I don't like it. But it don't drag me in on such a level than others do.
For myself the story buildup, as it would seen, would be the point that doesn't work for me. But I know the game is in development and it is good enough to be on the "intresting, will following" list. The reason one for a dropout in this list is sadly the case of futher development...
I usally categorise adult games as either "fuck feast" or not. Simple the first group can pretty much lacks all things beside a lot of sex scene. As Heavy Five is defintly not in this group it goes to the "rest".
And in the this tremendous huge categorie, I'm more attrached to DMD than Heavy Five.

But I can't say the reason. Story of DMD is at best mediocre, characters are also so-so and the renders aren't top notch neither. Except for the renders I see Heavy Five do (a lot) better than DMD.
Just a warning to the wise, the walk-through already has 4 routes and the writer of it admits he only chose to show the routes to some sexy bits and left more way more than half unmentioned. The game should actually be played without a walkthrough so you play your own story though.
Yesish, like every other game also, but seldom I do

I often buy a nice walkthrough book. If the publisher do the things the right way, I see the book as an additon to the game itself. If not, you have throw your money down the drain. In some case the better use of the walkthrough would on the toilet....
But with either one of a walkthrough you can spoiler yourself behind help - I know that first hand. After that I needed several weeks before I wanted to play it again.

So they are a double edge sword....
Same is also applicable for game special edidtions. And in my opinion old ones like Arc the Lad or Lunar has set the bar for special edition quiet high - and I don't include the ones that several hundreds.