Honest to God, you know what Lynara, walking in the woods reminded me of ? When Gautama first went outside the Palace, and found out about Famine, Poverty, Disease, and Death. He lived such a sheltered life, that all these things were new to him, and he simply didn't knew what to do with them. Oh, and that "hidden bonus " , very 90's , nice ! Like taking up a sledgehammer, and bang the freagin' fourth wall to smitherines.@Darkaura actually there were clues, also the minute that someone "THINKS" this is what they should do, when actually they have a connection to the person they are going to see and "KNOWS" where they should go, would be a pretty good indication that the person is lost or distracted... also, you'd know that the person is distracted if they are staring off into space and frigging themselves... pretty good indication... just saying.
You are entitled to your opinion, it's not your type of game, you didn't like it... we get it, it's OK... our game isn't for everyone or to everyone's tastes... as for the comment about the writing, doesn't bother me, I make a pretty damn nice living as a writer and have a pretty good following for my novels, like our game, my writing isn't for everyone... there are some who like everything handed to them on a silver platter before a show's opening credits roll and there are some that want to work and discover the answers before the character in the show discovers who the killer is, or what the big secret is... our game is the latter... you're going to have to work for it or just wait till the writer (myself) tells you... but I do try to keep it so readers (and players in this case) exercises a little common sense... if you know the oven is hot, you aren't going to stick your head in it. Or... I'd at least hope not.
As for Protagonist/Antagonist and goals... duh. Hell, even the BIBLE has all of those elements, wasn't just George Lucas who created Star Wars that came up with the formula... these are common elements every writer knows and they are THERE in the story... if you read it... which I think you got so frustrated that you just stopped, or had a concept in your head that the game's story didn't match and you were more focused on ways to Poo Poo it than actually enjoy it... and that's OK too.
But, I will assure you, I am NOT changing my game, nor the story... it is what it is, either like it or don't, play it or don't, but there is no way that I am going to go the Big Brother route... for better or worse, the story is what it is and shall be, if people like it, great... if not, again, that's OK too.
Sorry it wasn't to your liking, as I said previously, hope you find one that does... but I am pretty happy with what I've accomplished and done and others seem to think so too, so I'm good. Thank you.
I actually had to loop Gautama up to see what you were referring to, @Thornhill , but after reading some of his account, I can certainly see the parallel!Honest to God, you know what Lynara, walking in the woods reminded me of ? When Gautama first went outside the Palace, and found out about Famine, Poverty, Disease, and Death. He lived such a sheltered life, that all these things were new to him, and he simply didn't knew what to do with them. Oh, and that "hidden bonus " , very 90's , nice ! Like taking up a sledgehammer, and bang the freagin' fourth wall to smitherines.
In that instance, I can certainly agree with you @rideroftheapocalypse though I've never really done it for visual novels, even the Japanese ones that I play a lot... I just usually save before every choice to be made and then backtrack through the choices to unlock everything... I get a bit anal sometimes in my gameplay.I have to admit that I like walkthroughs (in general), not because I want to be told what to do at each choice, but I want to know if I missed anything (and find it during second playthrough).
p.s. i think your (the developers) project is going well, you usually dont get his kind of interest (views), without suddenly introducing NTR![]()
Well, I am fortunate to have a wife who helps me stay warped enough to blend in with normal society, but not so much that I stay within the lines! LOLI look forward to a mindblowing story, warped minds are the best for these kind of stories.
?there is no way that I am going to go the Big Brother route...
Based upon numerous people that I talked to, and various forum wars I've seen, and from playing the game myself, the creator (talented as they are) decided to break away from the story that they originally conceived and created to changing the story mid-way into it to cater to a particular genre of fans... and in doing so, the storytelling of the game took a serious nose dive... in particular because the writer choose to alter all of their plans and original story and write from the 'cuff' sort of speak.?
What route is that? What significant delta do you see between this game and BB, that you wish to avoid?
Ah, I see. So no future Patreon polls for which content to develop, or which character to feature next, or which outfit, like BB, Summertime Saga, DMD, or Dreams of Desire?I don't change for anyone but myself.
I do that, I've done that and I've done it (if you checked my Patreon page) but if you want to make a point MAKE IT, because really... your baiting is getting tiring...Ah, I see. So no future Patreon polls for which content to develop, or which character to feature next, or which outfit, like BB, Summertime Saga, DMD, or Dreams of Desire?
Always been here. Your game is always on my watch list. Just finished Ch.1. Enjoyed the story and waiting for Ch.2.@Crusoe !! You found the new spot!! Welcome back!!![]()
Remind me to check the shanty or outhouse before I go thinking you got lost next time.Always been here. Your game is always on my watch list. Just finished Ch.1. Enjoyed the story and waiting for Ch.2.![]()
Pretty sure I've just given my honest feedback, and not just trolling.... your baiting is getting tiring...
Thank you for the clarification, @elmandor !! I tried to stick with it for a month or two after, but it just... it didn't work for me anymore and had to stop supporting it.Big Brother not a good example though . He was doing false advertisement. Game and what was advertised 180 degree opposite. People felt cheated. And its not like 4-5 people's whining. There is more then 1200 comment under his 0.4 update. Almost %70-80 percent negative. It was a revolt. He had a choice. He choose money. Honestly I felt bad for him but he deserved it.
Yes as a creator you are gonna make YOUR game. You can do whatever you like. But being honest to people who support you also important. As long as you do that you don't have much problems anyway.
Note; Liked your game. Keep it coming.
Sorry couldn't get back to reply to anything till the DNS of the site sorted itself back out...Pretty sure I've just given my honest feedback, and not just trolling.
I'm just saying that those like BB, DMD, DoD, etc... who solicit feedback, and incorporate it into their games make patrons happy, and your tone, that you are going to do you, damn the torpedoes, is fine, but may not be as successful.
For example, when Dark Cookie added the "panty-quest" I called it out as an unclued, un-fun, bug magnet, and now he's actually going to fix it.
If you take issue with my criticisms: that your text is overdone (I'd argue it's a visual medium, don't say it, show it), your renders have flaws (especially the lighting on close-ups with the mouths), your pathing is not so much fun to navigate, and your H-Scenes are disappointing (needs more flirting and CHOICES), then fine. I've just seen better from LewdLab, DarkSilver, Vren, TK800, MrDots, saddoggames, etc. All of whom I patron.
I will say your Ren'py and renders are far better than mine, and the game is bug-free than most, it does not lack for content even if it's not my bag.