
Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
Just to be "on track", your game looks pretty good with a transparent text box. Try the patch from my sig to try and maybe consider tweaking your game's default conf to something similar :winkytongue:
As for the transparent Text Box, I will have @Palanto Games look into it and test it, to see... thanks for pointing it out!!
Yep already thought about that one, but always threw the idea out of the window because it's easily possible for everyone to just hide ALL gui elements by pressing H or Middle Mouse Button in Ren'Py.
But if it's something the players want I'll get to it ;)
I'm also considering something else about the textbox, saw some interesting changes other people made (i.e. in Babysitter) where the textbox get's dynamically sized depending on the amount of text there is. Going to look into that one a bit more too then ;)

Dein Englisch ist besser denn mein Deusch. Never did master the genders of my nouns. All is forgiven, especially with fatigue added into the mix.
Well your german was nearly perfect except for: besser "als" mein Deu"t"sch. :D

Once the game / interactive story is completed, do you think there might be a chance for you to "re-master" certain sections with more information or better descriptions? As an author, and a professional one at that, you know readers are either given information or they have to contrive it from their own knowledge and experiences. Since this is partially based in a world of your design, certain information is not readily available to the reader so it has to be given to them. If for no other reason than to make the mental transitions more smooth which can lead to readers being more forgiving because they will "know" things will make sense at some point.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On a slightly different topic, if I found grammatical errors, who should I tag for them? Would it be yourself or @Palanto Games?
Well about your first point, we're already working on a little system that will help in this regard ;) At least there will be a lot more information in one place then ;) But I don't want to reveal too much yet since we don't know when we have the time to complete and implement it yet (ASLPro3D needs to create some special renders for that and I need to gather more information out of the game to fill that system, respectively ASLPro3D needs to give me some of those information because they aren't in the game yet ;) )

About the typos, you can tag me or us both in cases like that, because I need to fix them inside the code anyway :D

Andrew Rider

Jun 23, 2017
I have recently finished replaying Wicked Choices, this time without my old mindset of seeking the connection of a relationship with the characters, and found it an even more enjoyable experience than previously (thanks @ASLPro3D).
I can now fully reconcile with Claire (which might previously have been a hang up for me), if for no other reason than the promised revenge on her brother !

However, @ASLPro3D, with regard to the scene between Michelle and Charlie I think it is inaccurate to say it's the players' imaginations alone which have taken the sex beyond licking, or anything further was never even implied. The MC watches the licking, and as he walks away Syrina, who knows Michelle's darkest sexual secrets, says that he is "going to miss the best part" (implying another sexual act even better, from her perspective, than the licking). Later, in bed the MC says that Michelle is "fucking our dog". Now, if I were to say I fucked a girl I would not mean licking her out, or getting a blowjob, or anything else really except vaginal penetration, and I think it is safe to say that most people use the word in the same way. Obviously you wrote it, and your intention may not have been to imply full on sex, but I think if that is the case, then the scene is very, very open to misinterpretation (as has happened). To clarify, then, can I take your comments to mean that Michelle never, in fact, fucked their dog ?

Secondly, I was hoping to ask other members who frequent this thread if anyone has a current stance regarding taking sides in the coming war ? Frankly I would be very surprised, and interested to hear their reasons, if anyone is intending to support the Angelions (perpetual mass rape of prisoners of war does not paint a very sympathetic picture of a society, even, or especially, if they justify it as a means of gaining power/nourishment). Without further background information to go on, and with most of the humans we have seen being so flawed or unpleasant, my loyalties remain, at the moment, with the Demonothans (and Syrina only plays a very small part in this choice I'm sure !). Though I have complete faith that @ASLPro3D will write the coming chapters in such a way as to make the choice ambiguous again by the time it comes to the crunch.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
@ I also doubt that there will be any easy good choice to side with in this story.

I hope though that ASLPRO and team might give the MC the option to create a good side and choice by his own making if MC wishes to do so. Remember two sides are already directly related and the third is at least compatible and yeah if you look at our human history, we are not exactly perfect either. :biggrin: But it is ASLPRO's story and his to tell his story.:FeelsGoodMan:

Edit: We also know though that there are at least some rebels at Angelion side with Rihanna and Lynara. At this moment we know very little about the prophecy or the Demonathans besides little FAP and short visit with her delectable mother of the powerful kisses:p

Edit 2: Though somehow I have some strong doubts, considering the little we do know about the prophecy and the part about the Bible that concerns the Antichrist, that allying himself with the Angelions while their current Queen rules is an option at all. Especially since that would mean Queen Elmo the fiery
would have to accept the degenerate offspring of an inferior race they are meant to rule as an equal. :evilsmile:


Oct 4, 2017
However, as the Antichrist, you may need to try and keep tabs on the Demon Princess, as her antics could sometimes put you… and herself… in some very awkward situations!
When did selling a feature as a bug become part of advertising? I am locking forward to all the awkward situational naughtiness you can throw at me. Damn Alice Cooper, you just wrote her soundtrack, bro!.

Also thumbs up to optional fetish inclusion. I will probably try it, but things like that are more enjoyable with a proper trigger warning or at least optional dialog box. But then again i would have skipped the family 'threesome' in chapter one as well. To each his own in that regard. But some images are needed to convey a better narrative.


Oct 4, 2017
What were you thinking of as her soundtrack>? School's out or Poison?:angel:
I had the poison soundtrack ringing in my head but now i have to check some music history. I am not old enough to know all of coopers hits out of my hat. I am trying to remember the mtv clip and replace every chick with a WC character and Cooper with Syrina.

How much would it cost to commission that scene? Alternatively: have Alice Cooper cosplay as Syrina. Just to toughen up those sensibilities.^^


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Once the game / interactive story is completed, do you think there might be a chance for you to "re-master" certain sections with more information or better descriptions? As an author, and a professional one at that, you know readers are either given information or they have to contrive it from their own knowledge and experiences. Since this is partially based in a world of your design, certain information is not readily available to the reader so it has to be given to them. If for no other reason than to make the mental transitions more smooth which can lead to readers being more forgiving because they will "know" things will make sense at some point.
To be honest, I am not sure if I would or not.

I've never been a big fan of re-masters when it comes to games... for example, no matter how much I LOVED Final Fantasy VII (heck it was what inspired me to quit working in the comic book industry and pursue 3D) I won't be buying the re-master of it... I already have my memories of Cloud, Tifa, Barret and Yuffie... those wonderful memories could be altered or diminished with the re-master and I don't think it is worth it.

I'm not very keen on some of the porn creators going back and re-mastering their games... even before they are finished with their current version and is unfair to their Patrons... I can understand, maybe, the desire to try and make it look better, have better features... but it is a step backwards.

There are many things in this world that I wished I had never done or regretted doing... for example, originally marrying my now ex-wife... god, the wasted years I spent with her... but if I was to go back and change that, well, then the future I now know and enjoy wouldn't happen, I'd never have met my current wife with whom loves and supports me and even helps me with my game... all that would've be lost by going back and changing one thing.

Personally, I think rather than going backwards and redoing something I've already done, I'd rather keep my eyes forward, learn from the mistakes that I've made on this game and do better with my next one... making sure that I am not double charging people for something they've already paid for, or lose time and money focusing on something that I've already done.

If that makes sense...


Oct 4, 2017
Rebel_Yell said: ...
Along the Midnight Hour... even quotes become Meta. As i was just listening to exactly that track. Thanks you two, you made my day.

To be honest, I am not sure if I would or not.
Finish your game and leave it for everyone to marvel. Remasters are needed for material that is physically degrading. If there ever will be a time that human eyes can no longer watch your renders, then the 'artists that be' may consider such action. Do not bother yourself with mastering a finished product. Either it is a masterpiece or it is not.

Like, seriously just because Leonardo da Vinci did several Mona Lisas half way through, doesn't mean that's the way to success. He had patrons that ruled countries and had zero understanding of art.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I have recently finished replaying Wicked Choices, this time without my old mindset of seeking the connection of a relationship with the characters, and found it an even more enjoyable experience than previously (thanks @ASLPro3D).
I can now fully reconcile with Claire (which might previously have been a hang up for me), if for no other reason than the promised revenge on her brother !
Glad that helped and that you were able to enjoy it and see it in a different light, @Andrew Rider!

However, @ASLPro3D, with regard to the scene between Michelle and Charlie I think it is inaccurate to say it's the players' imaginations alone which have taken the sex beyond licking, or anything further was never even implied. The MC watches the licking, and as he walks away Syrina, who knows Michelle's darkest sexual secrets, says that he is "going to miss the best part" (implying another sexual act even better, from her perspective, than the licking). Later, in bed the MC says that Michelle is "fucking our dog". Now, if I were to say I fucked a girl I would not mean licking her out, or getting a blowjob, or anything else really except vaginal penetration, and I think it is safe to say that most people use the word in the same way. Obviously you wrote it, and your intention may not have been to imply full on sex, but I think if that is the case, then the scene is very, very open to misinterpretation (as has happened). To clarify, then, can I take your comments to mean that Michelle never, in fact, fucked their dog ?
Not true... first of all, while it is true that Syrina stated "You're going to miss the best part!", she never stated as to what that would be... for all we know, it could mean that Michelle would be jerking the dog off... or give it a blow job... or, yeah, could mean that she would let Charlie mount her... or, it could even be that Syrina was just fucking with a stunned MC's head... we don't know... it really is up to the reader as to what she meant, if she meant anything at all.

A subject of interpretation... nothing more.

As for the MC sitting on the bed and mumbling about his daughter "fucking the dog"... it is this way...

One it is far easier when shocked and stunned to sit there and say "my daughter is fucking the dog", than "my daughter was letting the dog munch on her pussy and eat her out"... a stunned or angry person is going to say the point as simply as possibly, rather than draw it out and be detailed.

Another example, let's say I walk into a room and see my babysitter performing oral sex on my daughter... after I've kicked his ass and probably kill him, when the police ask me what happened the first thing that would pop out of my mouth is: "I walked in on that bastard fucking my daughter!"

Sure, after I've calmed down and I am filling out the police statement, I'd be more clear on the fact of what occurred, but in my quick burst of anger, I'd dumb the whole thing down to a point...

Same with someone stunned... you are NOT going to get a clear picture or 100% accurate information from an individual who is stunned or shell shocked... it is going to be repeated mumbles of a quick (if inaccurate) fact.

This is what happened in the bedroom with the MC, exasperated, stunned and mumbling to himself about his daughter.

Sorry, but you can't make it more than what it was to be... if you and others have in your head she allowed the dog to mount her, that is on you... all I stated was that the dog licked her out, nothing more, nothing less. ;)


Oct 4, 2017
Not true... first of all, while it is true that Syrina stated "You're going to miss the best part!", she never stated as to what that would be...
I thought MC was the best part missing... In addition, that guy sure keeps his calm but then again after demon Magic in the living room, keeping that mental battle for later might be a good working order.

Sorry, but you can't make it more than what it was to be...
I would consider everything beyond the conveyed images TMI. So lets all enjoy not knowing what to enjoy.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I thought MC was the best part missing... In addition, that guy sure keeps his calm but then again after demon Magic in the living room, keeping that mental battle for later might be a good working order.
Yeah, the MC has had one hell of a night and it isn't going to get easier, let me tell you (you'll all see on Monday)... but this is probably the longest night of his life! LOL


Dec 28, 2017
awesome game very very different ty for the great art the story is also excellent , great imagination. this is the type of game I would like too see more developers make! very smooth bang right from start too strange too wow ty for this game you have a big fan here 9 out of 10 for this game keep it up !!!!!!! plz :D
be carful though lol might start a cult :eek:


Nov 23, 2017
awesome game very very different ty for the great art the story is also excellent , great imagination. this is the type of game I would like too see more developers make! very smooth bang right from start too strange too wow ty for this game you have a big fan here 9 out of 10 for this game keep it up !!!!!!! plz :D
be carful though lol might start a cult :eek:
Back to the olde ways... Syrina as the goddess of...

the FAPpians!

El bacca Del Chew

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2017
Also my German is not that good as well.:) Something shared by lots of people I suspect
Absolut !
But as a good french man i blame others, in that case the Germans, spent 5 years trying to learn their language and first time in Munich, they spoke to me with such a perfect English that i was pissed, hahaha. After few beers i was too drunk to understand my own language so, ich spreche nicht deutsch :)


Nov 23, 2017
Absolut !
But as a good french man i blame others, in that case the Germans, spent 5 years trying to learn their language and first time in Munich, they spoke to me with such a perfect English that i was pissed, hahaha. After few beers i was too drunk to understand my own language so, ich spreche nicht deutsch :)
I speak drunkenese infinitely better than I do english, and it is supposedly my native tongue. :p


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Drunkenness is your native language Wyrme? :p Well you might need another shot tomorrow after played the next installment. Cheers:biggrin: and yes a big hurray, bow and standing salute for the Goddess of the Fappians, all hail Syrina:angel:
4.30 star(s) 82 Votes